Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 12 Sociology Solutions Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Short Answer Questions.
CHSE Odisha 12th Class Sociology Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Short Answer Questions
Short Type Questions With Answers
Question 1.
What do you mean by National Integration?
National integration is the process that aims at building a nation-state. Unity in diversity is the other name of national integration.
Question 2.
What are the main obstacles to national integration?
National integration is one danger in the face of fissiparous forces like communalism, terrorism, casteism and regionalism.
Question 3.
Define communalism?
Prabha Dikhit writes “Communalism is a political doctrine which makes use of religious – cultural differences to achieve political ends”.
Question 4.
Give any two important characteristics of communalism?
- It is based on prejudice
- It is dreadful and undesirable.
Question 5.
Mention any two important causes of communalism?
- Colonial past
- Economic factors
Question 6.
Write down Bipin Chandra’s views on Communalism in India?
Bipin Chandra explains communalism as an ideology with three basic elements. First, communal ideology is common among people who follow the same religion. They have not only religious beliefs but also common political, social and cultural interests. The second element is the belief that the secular interests (economic .social, political and cultural).
the followers of one religion are different from the secular interests of the followers of another religion. The third element is the belief that the secular interests of different communities are not only different but are hostile to each other.
Question 7.
Suggest any two remedies for the eradication of communalism?
Prevention of destruction of idols and violation of customs observed by others. The formation ofAkata committed at the local level to check the growth of anti-social elements and to maintain a healthy atmosphere.
Question 8.
What is casteism?
Casteism is a grave menace to national integration an abnormal feature of the caste system when the consideration of superiority between the castes and the tendency to consider the interest of one’s own caste as opposed to other castes are added to the caste. It is turned into casteism. Casteism creates a particular one- side- loyalty to fellow caste men. It generates inter-caste tensions.
Question 9.
Define Casteism?
K.M. Panikkar interprets casteism as loyalty to one’s caste. In this way it is only because of casteism that the smiths not to benefit only the smiths while the Joneses want to come to the addition of the other Jones. lt matters like of the other castes are irreparably harmed of it does not cause any concern to the Smiths and Joneses.
Question 10.
Mention any two characteristics of casteism?
Casteism refers to the blind caste or sub-caste loyalty. It does not care for the interests of other castes. For a casteist my caste men and my caste only, right or wrong is the principle.
Question 11.
Mention any two causes of casteism?
- Sense of caste prestige
- Discrimination
Question 12.
Suggest any two remedies for the eradication of casteism?
- No use of the caste title
- Economic development and realization of a welfare state.
Question 13.
What is regionalism?
Regionalism is another obstacle that stand in the way of nation-building. By regionalism, we mean giving preference to a region over the state or the nation. The region constitutes the core of regionalism.
Question 14.
Define regionalism?
According to Iqbal Narain “Regionalism has both a positive and negative dimension. Speaking on positive terms it embodies a Quest for self-fulfillment on the part of the people of an area. Negatively speaking regionalism reflects a psyche of relative deprivation resulting from specific grievance”.
Question 15.
Mention any two expressions of regionalism?
It is expressed in the ideas like the development of one’s own region even at the cost of other regions, and enjoyment of all benefits from the development by the people of the same region alone. It is a love and loyalty shown to the region in preference to the state or nation.
Question 16.
Write any two causes of regionalism?
- Geographical factor
- Historical factor
Question 17.
Suggest any two remedies for eradicating regionalism?
Greater priority should be given to the economic development of the backward regions. Cultural integration between the regions should be promoted in a large scale.
Question 18.
Suggest any two remedies for bringing national integration?
- Development of backward regions.
- A balanced distribution of developmental gains.
Question 19.
Define communalism and discuss its characteristics?
“Harbans Mukhia defines communalism as the phenomenon of religious differences between groups often leading to tension and even rioting between them”.
- Communalism is an ideology
- It is based on economic, political, and social interests.
- It is an instrument on the hands of the higher class or elite people.
- It is based on prejudice.
Question 20.
Briefly state the factors of communalism?
Communalism is a multi-dimensional social phenomenon. Any struggle cause cannot, therefore, give a full explanation of communalism. Following are some of the factors of communalism:
- Colonial past.
- Growth of militant Nationalists.
- Political factor.
- Economic factor.
Question 21.
Write in brief the measures for the abolition of communalism?
We have explained some of the causes promoting communalism. The task is to offer some suggestions to eradicate communalism. The Committee on National Integration has given some valuable suggestions. Briefly stated they are as follows. Celebration of community festivals jointly. Cultivating respect for the religious beliefs and practices of the neighbors. Prevention of restriction of idols and violation of customs observed by others.
Question 22.
What are the causes of casteism in India?
Multiple factors are responsible for the growth and spread of casteism. Some of the important factors are:
- Sense of caste prestige
- Endogamy
- Discrimination
- Urbanization
Question 23.
What measures can be suggested for the abolition of casteism in India?
Casteism has become pervasive. It not has gone deep into Indian soils. It cannot be uprotted overnight. It requires a lot of beatings before it is done away with. However, apparently, scholars have made different suggestions for its eradication. Casteism can be removed encouraging inter-caste marriages. Co-education will give an opportunity for the boys and girls to come together and inter-marry. Creation of economic and cultural equality between castes as a means to do away with casteism.
Question 24.
Mention different expressions of regionalism?
Regionalism is another major challenge to nation-building. It does not mean a mere attachment to one’s region but has come up to mean deriding the nation or state. Before understanding regionalism let us know what the term region implies. A region refers to an area marked by certain physical and cultural characteristics which are different from those of neighboring areas. Love for a particular region in preference to the country and in certain cases in preference to the state of which the region is a point is called regionalism.”
Question 25.
Describe the factors responsible for regionalism in India?
Regionalism is a complex social process. Its causes are many and varied. Some of the important factors promoting regionalism are:
- Geographical factor.
- Cultural factor.
- Historical factor.
- Linguistic factor.
- Economical factor
Question 26.
What measures do you like to suggest to fight out regionalism?
Greater priority should be given to the economic development of the backward regions. Cultural interaction between the regions should be promoted in a large scale. A balanced distribution of national resources should be made for all the regions.