BSE Odisha 6th Class English Solutions Follow-Up Lesson 6 Mahagiri – The Kind Elephant

Odisha State Board BSE Odisha 6th Class English Solutions Follow-Up Lesson 6 Mahagiri – The Kind Elephant Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

BSE Odisha Class 6 English Solutions Follow-Up Lesson 6 Mahagiri – The Kind Elephant

BSE Odisha 6th Class English Follow-Up Lesson 6 Mahagiri – The Kind Elephant Text Book Questions and Answers

Session – 1

I. Pre-Reading

□ Teacher will plan the activity.
( ଶିକ୍ଷକ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟାବଳୀ ଯୋଜନା କରିବେ ।)

II. While-Reading


Read paragraph – 1 silently and answer the questions that follow.
(ଅନୁଚ୍ଛେଦ – ୧ କୁ ନୀରବରେ ପଢ଼ ଏବଂ ପରବର୍ତ୍ତୀ ପ୍ରଶ୍ନଗୁଡ଼ିକର ଉତ୍ତର ଦିଅ ।)

Read paragraph - 1 silently and answer the questions that follow.
1. Mahagiri was a big elephant. He was trained at a special school. He was bought by a merchant. The merchant made a lot of money by putting Mahagiri to work. The elephant was often sent to the forest to carry heavy logs of wood. Sometimes, he carried people from one place to another. Once, he even carried a bridegroom to the bride’s house ! At times he was sent to a famous temple in a village nearby to lead the festival procession.

ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଅନୁବାଦ :
୧. ମହାଗିରି ଗୋଟିଏ ବଡ଼ ହାତୀ ଥିଲା । ସେ ଏକ ସ୍ବତନ୍ତ୍ର ବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟରେ ତାଲିମ ପାଇଥିଲା । ତାକୁ ଜଣେ ବଣିକ (ବ୍ୟବସାୟୀ) କିଣି ନେଇଥିଲେ । ବଣିକ ଜଣକ ମହାଗିରିକୁ କାମରେ ଲଗାଇ ପ୍ରଚୁର ଟଙ୍କା ରୋଜଗାର କଲେ । ହାତୀଟିକୁ ଅଧିକାଂଶ ସମୟରେ ଓଜନିଆ କାଠ ଗଡ଼ଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ବୋହିବାକୁ ଜଙ୍ଗଲକୁ ପଠାଯାଉଥିଲା । ବେଳେବେଳେ ସେ ଲୋକମାନଙ୍କୁ ଗୋଟିଏ ସ୍ଥାନରୁ ଅନ୍ୟସ୍ଥାନକୁ ବୋହି ନେଉଥିଲା । ଏପରିକି ଥରେ ସେ ଜଣେ ବରପାତ୍ର (ଜ୍ୱାଇଁ)କୁ କନ୍ୟା (ବୋହୂ) ଘରକୁ ବହନ କରି ନେଇଥିଲା ! ବହୁ ସମୟରେ ତାକୁ ନିକଟସ୍ଥ ଗ୍ରାମରେ ଥିବା ଏକ ପ୍ରସିଦ୍ଧ ମନ୍ଦିରକୁ ଉତ୍ସବ ଶୋଭଯାତ୍ରାକୁ ଆଗେଇ ନେବାପାଇଁ ପଠାଯାଉଥିଲା ।

BSE Odisha 6th Class English Solutions Follow-Up Lesson 6 Mahagiri – The Kind Elephant

Comprehension Questions

Question 1.
What is this paragraph about?
(ଏହି ଅନୁଚ୍ଛେଦଟି କାହା ବିଷୟରେ ?)
This paragraph is about an elephant named Mahagiri and his work for his owner the merchant.

Question 2.
Where was Mahagiri trained?
(ମହାଗିରି କେଉଁଠାରେ ତାଲିମ ପାଇଥିଲା ?)
Mahagiri was trained at a special school.

Question 3.
Who bought it?
(କିଏ ଏହାକୁ କିଣିଥିଲା ?)
A merchant bought it.

Question 4.
How did the merchant make a lot of money?
(କିପରି ବଣିକଟି ପ୍ରଚୁର ଟଙ୍କା ରୋଜଗାର କଲା ?)
The merchant made a lot of money by putting Mahagiri to work.

Question 5.
Mahagiri did four kinds of work. They are :
(i) ———- (ii) ———–
(iii) ———- (iv) ———-
(i) He was often sent to the forest to carry heavy logs of wood.
(ii) Sometimes he carried people from one place to another.
(iii) Once, he even carried a bridegroom to the bride’s house.
(iv) At times, he was sent to a famous temple in a village nearby to lead the festival procession.

BSE Odisha 6th Class English Solutions Follow-Up Lesson 6 Mahagiri – The Kind Elephant

Read paragraphs – 2 silently and answer the questions that follow.
(ଅନୁଚ୍ଛେଦ – ୨ କୁ ନୀରବରେ ପଢ଼ ଏବଂ ପରବର୍ତ୍ତୀ ପ୍ରଶ୍ନଗୁଡ଼ିକର ଉତ୍ତର ଦିଅ ।)

Read paragraph - 2 silently and answer the questions that follow.

2. Once the people of the village wanted to celebrate their temple festival. The festival could not start till the temple flag was put up. The temple had the flag, but no flagpole. So the villagers went to the forest and made a fine flagpole out of a tall tree. The flagpole was too heavy for the villagers to carry. And so Mahagiri brought it to the temple. The villagers also wanted the elephant’s help to fix the flagpole in the ground. They had already dug a hole in front of the temple.

ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଅନୁବାଦ :
୨. ଥରେ ଗାଁର ଲୋକମାନେ ସେମାନଙ୍କର ମନ୍ଦିର ଉତ୍ସବଟିକୁ ପାଳନ କରିବାକୁ ଚାହିଁଲେ । ମନ୍ଦିର ପତାକା ବନ୍ଧା ନ ହେଲା ପର୍ଯ୍ୟନ୍ତ ଉତ୍ସବ ଆରମ୍ଭ ହୋଇପାରୁ ନ ଥିଲା । ମନ୍ଦିରର ପତାକା ଥିଲା, କିନ୍ତୁ ପତାକା ଖୁଣ୍ଟ ନଥିଲା । ତେଣୁ ଗାଁ ଲୋକମାନେ ଜଙ୍ଗଲକୁ ଗଲେ ଏବଂ ଗୋଟିଏ ଡେଙ୍ଗା ଗଛରୁ ଗୋଟିଏ ସୁନ୍ଦର ପତାକା ଖୁଣ୍ଟ ତିଆରି କଲେ । ପତାକା ଖୁଣ୍ଟଟି ଗ୍ରାମବାସୀମାନଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ବୋହିନେବାକୁ ବହୁତ ଓଜନିଆ ଥିଲା । ତେଣୁ ମହାଗିରି ଏହାକୁ ମନ୍ଦିରକୁ ଆଣିଲା । ଗ୍ରାମବାସୀମାନେ ମଧ୍ୟ ପତାକା ଖୁଣ୍ଟଟିକୁ ଭୂମିରେ ପୋତିବାକୁ ହାତୀଟିର ସାହାଯ୍ୟ ଚାହିଁଲେ । ସେମାନେ ମନ୍ଦିର ସମ୍ମୁଖରେ ଗୋଟିଏ ଗାତ ଖୋଳି ସାରିଥିଲେ ।

BSE Odisha 6th Class English Solutions Follow-Up Lesson 6 Mahagiri – The Kind Elephant

Comprehension Questions

Question 1.
What are these paragraphs about?
(ଏହି ଅନୁଚ୍ଛେଦ କେଉଁ ବିଷୟରେ ଲେଖାଯାଇଛି ?)
This paragraph is about the celebration of the temple festival and making flagpole and bringing it to the temple.

Question 2.
What did the villagers want to do?
(ଗ୍ରାମବାସୀମାନେ କ’ଣ କରିବାକୁ ଚାହିଁଲେ ?)
The villagers wanted to celebrate their temple festival.

Question 3.
What did they have but what did not have?
(ସେମାନଙ୍କର କ’ଣ ଥିଲା କିନ୍ତୁ ସେମାନଙ୍କର କ’ଣ ନଥିଲା ?)
They had the flag for the temple, but they did not have the flagpole.

Question 4.
Who carried the flagpole?
(ପତାକା ଖୁଣ୍ଟକୁ କିଏ ବୋହି ଆଣିଥିଲା ?)
Mahagiri carried the flagpole.

Question 5.
What did they want Mahagiri to do next?
(ତା’ପରେ ମହାଗିରି କ’ଣ ସେମାନେ ଚାହିଁଲେ କରିବାକୁ ?)
Next, the villagers also wanted Mahagiri’s help to fix the flagpole in the ground in front of the temple.

BSE Odisha 6th Class English Solutions Follow-Up Lesson 6 Mahagiri – The Kind Elephant

Session – 2

Read paragraphs 3-4 silently and answer the questions that follow
(ଅନୁଚ୍ଛେଦ ୩ – ୪ କୁ ନୀରବରେ ପଢ଼ି ପରବର୍ତ୍ତୀ ପ୍ରଶ୍ନଗୁଡ଼ିକର ଉତ୍ତର ଦିଅ ।)

3. Now, Mahagiri carried the flagpole up to the hole. But suddenly he stopped and turned back. The mahout, who was sitting on him, ordered him to put the flagpole in the hole, but Mahagiri would not move. The mahout shouted and screamed at him but still he did not move. The villagers were angry and they shouted at the mahout. Mahagiri could not stand the noise any longer. He threw away the flagpole. And the mahout was also thrown off. The people became so frightened that they ran away for their lives.
4. Mahagiri was now alone. He moved to the hole and went down on his forelegs. He put his long trunk into the hole and gently picked up a kitten ! The little cat had been hiding in the hole. The people had been watching all this. They now knew why the elephant had not obeyed the mahout’s orders. He did not like to kill the kitten. Mahagiri then placed the flagpole into the hole and held it straight with his trunk. Everyone at the temple gave sweets and fruits to the elephant. From that day Mahagiri became the villagers’ favourite elephant and the children’s best friend.

ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଅନୁବାଦ :
୩. ବର୍ତ୍ତମାନ ମହାଗିରି ପତାକା ଖୁଣ୍ଟକୁ ଗାତ ନିକଟକୁ ବୋହିନେଲା । କିନ୍ତୁ ହଠାତ୍‌ ସେ ଅଟକିଗଲା ଓ ପଛକୁ ଫେରିଆସିଲା । ତା’ଉପରେ ବସିଥିବା ମାହୁନ୍ତ ଜଣକ ତାକୁ ଆଦେଶ ଦେଲା ଖୁଣ୍ଟକୁ ଗାତରେ ପକାଇବାକୁ, କିନ୍ତୁ ମହାଗିରି ଆଦୌ ଘୁଞ୍ଚିଲା ନାହିଁ । ମାହୁନ୍ତ ତା’ଆଡ଼କୁ ଅନାଇ ବଡ଼ପାଟିରେ ଚିତ୍କାର କଲା । କିନ୍ତୁ ତଥାପି ସେ ଆଦୌ ଘୁଞ୍ଚିଲା ନାହିଁ । ଗ୍ରାମବାସୀମାନେ ବହୁତ ରାଗିଗଲେ ଏବଂ ମାହୁନ୍ତ ଆଡ଼କୁ ଅନାଇ ବଡ଼ପାଟିରେ ଚିତ୍କାର କଲେ । ମହାଗିରି ଅଧ‌ିକ ସମୟପାଇଁ କୋଳାହଳକୁ ସହ୍ୟ କରିପାରିଲା ନାହିଁ । ସେ ପତାକା ଖୁଣ୍ଟକୁ ଫୋପାଡ଼ି ଦେଲା ଏବଂ ମାହୁନ୍ତକୁ ମଧ୍ଯ ଫୋପାଡ଼ି ଦେଲା ।
୪. ମହାଗିରି ବର୍ତ୍ତମାନ ଏକୁଟିଆ ରହିଲା । ସେ ଗାତ ନିକଟକୁ ଗଲା ଏବଂ ତା’ ଆଗଗୋଡ଼ରେ ତଳକୁ ଗଲା । ସେ ତା’ର ଲମ୍ବା ଶୁଣ୍ଢଟିକୁ ଗାତ ଭିତରକୁ ପୂରାଇଲା ଏବଂ ଅତି କୋମଳ ଭାବରେ ଗୋଟିଏ ବିଲେଇ ଛୁଆକୁ ଗାତ ଭିତରୁ ବାହାରକୁ ଉଠାଇ ଆଣିଲା । ଛୋଟ ବିରାଡ଼ି ଛୁଆଟି ଗାତ ଭିତରେ ଲୁଚି ରହିଥିଲା । ଗାଁର ଲୋକମାନେ ଏସବୁ ଲକ୍ଷ୍ୟ କରୁଥିଲେ । ବର୍ତ୍ତମାନ ସେମାନେ ଜାଣିପାରିଲେ କାହିଁକି ହାତୀଟି ମାହୁନ୍ତର ଆଦେଶକୁ ମାନି ନଥିଲା । ସେ ଚାହୁଁ ନଥୁଲା ବିରାଡ଼ି ଛୁଆଟିକୁ ମାରିଦେବାକୁ । ତା’ପରେ ମହାଗିରି ପତାକା ଖୁଣ୍ଟକୁ ଗାତ ଭିତରକୁ ପୂରାଇ ଦେଲା ଏବଂ ତା’ର ଶୁଣ୍ଢ ସାହାଯ୍ୟରେ ଏହାକୁ ସିଧାକରି ଧରିଲା । ମନ୍ଦିର ନିକଟରେ ଥ‌ିବା ପ୍ରତ୍ୟେକ ଲୋକ ହାତୀକୁ ମିଠା ଓ ଫଳସବୁ ଅର୍ପଣ କଲେ । ସେଦିନଠାରୁ ମହାଗିରି ଗ୍ରାମବାସୀମାନଙ୍କର ପ୍ରିୟ ହାତୀ ଏବଂ ପିଲାମାନଙ୍କର ସବୁଠାରୁ ଉତ୍ତମ ବନ୍ଧ ହୋଇଗଲା ।

BSE Odisha 6th Class English Solutions Follow-Up Lesson 6 Mahagiri – The Kind Elephant

Comprehension Questions

Question 1.
Did Mahagiri fix the pole?
(ମହାଗିରି ଖୁଣ୍ଟଟିକୁ ପୋତିଥିଲା କି ?)
Yes, Mahagiri fixed the pole himself at last.

Question 2.
Why were the villagers angry?
(କାହିଁକି ଗ୍ରାମବାସୀମାନେ ରାଗିଗଲେ ?)
The villagers were angry because Mahagiri would not move at though (3) the mahout shouted and screamed at him.

Question 3.
What did they do?
(ସେମାନେ କ’ଣ କଲେ ?)
They shouted at the mahout.

Question 4.
What did Mahagiri bring out?
(ମହାଗିରି କ’ଣ ବାହାରକୁ ଆଣିଲା ?)
Mahagiri gently picked up a kitten out of the hole.

Question 5.
What did the villagers realize?
( ଗ୍ରାମବାସୀମାନେ କ’ଣ ହୃଦୟଙ୍ଗମ କଲେ ?)
The villagers realized why the elephant had not obeyed the mahouts orders.

Question 6.
What did they give to Mahagiri?
(ସେମାନେ ମହାଗିରିକୁ କ’ଣ ଦେଲେ ?)
They gave Mahagiri sweets and fruits.

BSE Odisha 6th Class English Solutions Follow-Up Lesson 6 Mahagiri – The Kind Elephant

Session – 3

III. Post-Reading

1. Writing:
(a) Write answers to the following questions.
(ନିମ୍ନଲିଖତ ପ୍ରଶ୍ନଗୁଡ଼ିକର ଉତ୍ତର ଦିଅ ।)

Question (i)
Who is Mahagiri?
(ମହାଗିରି କିଏ ? )
Mahagiri is a big elephant.

Question (ii)
Who carried the flagpole for the villagers?
(ଗ୍ରାମବାସୀଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ପତାକା ଖୁଣ୍ଟ କିଏ ବୋହି ଆଣିଲା ?)
Mahagiri carried the flagpole to the temple for the villagers.

Question (iii)
Why did Mahagiri not fix the pole first time?
(କାହିଁକି ମହାଗିରି ପ୍ରଥମ ଥର ଖୁଣ୍ଟଟି ପୋତିଲା ନାହିଁ ?)
_________________________ Because there was a _____________________________.
Mahagiri did not fix the pole first time. Because the little cat (kitten) had been hiding in the hole. So he picked up the kitten gently first. (Or) Mahagiri did not fix the pole first time because there was a kitten hidden in the hole. He did not like to kill it.

Question (iv)
How did Mahagiri pick up the kitten?
(କିପରି ମହାଗିରି ବିଲେଇ ଛୁଆକୁ ବାହାର କଲା ?)
_____________________________ He Went ________________________.
Mahagiri moved to the hole. He went down on his forelegs. He put his . long trunk into the hole and gently picked up the kitten.

BSE Odisha 6th Class English Solutions Follow-Up Lesson 6 Mahagiri – The Kind Elephant

(b) One villager narrates the incident to a man from another village. Read and fill in the gaps. (Question with Answer)
(ଜଣେ ଗ୍ରାମବାସୀ ଘଟଣାଟିକୁ ଅନ୍ୟ ଗୋଟିଏ ଗାଁର ଜଣେ ଲୋକ ଆଗରେ ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା କରୁଛନ୍ତି । ପଢ଼ ଏବଂ ଶୂନ୍ୟସ୍ଥାନଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ପୂରଣ କର ।)

One villager narrates the incident to a man from another village. Read and fill in the gaps

To celebrate our festival, we wanted to fix the flagpole. We wanted Mahagiri to do this. But he did not do that first time. The mahout forced him to do. But he would not move. The villagers were angry. They shouted at the mahout. Mahagiri was angry. He threw off the flagpole. He also threw off the mahout. They all ran away out of fear. Do you know what Mahagiri did next ? He pulled out a kitten from the hole. What a kind elephant !

Word Note

(The words / phrases have been defined mostly on contextual meanings.)
(ଶବ୍ଦ । ଖଣ୍ଡବାକ୍ୟଗୁଡ଼ିକ ଅଧିକାଂଶତଃ ପ୍ରସଙ୍ଗଗତ ଅର୍ଥ ଉପରେ ନିର୍ଭର କରି ବ୍ୟାଖ୍ୟା କରାଯାଇଛି)
state – ରାଜ୍ୟ
mountain range – ପର୍ବତମାଳା
valleys – ଉପତ୍ୟକା
rivers – ନଦୀଗୁଡ଼ିକ
flow – ପ୍ରବାହ
feet – ପାଦ
plain land – ସମଭୂମି
all around – ଚାରିଆଡ଼େ
thick forest – ଘନ ଜଙ୍ଗଲ
across – ଆରପାରିରେ
special – ସ୍ୱତନ୍ତ୍ର
Guess – | କଳ୍ପନା କରିବା
trainers – ପ୍ରଶିକ୍ଷକ
Timetable – ସମୟ ନିର୍ଘଣ୍ଟ ବା
according to – ଅନୁଯାୟୀ
naughty – ଦୁଷ୍ଟ
baby elephants – ହାତୀ ଛୁଆମାନେ
Learn – ଶିଖନ୍ତୁ |
Example – ଉଦାହରଣ |
out of – ବାହାରକ
salute – ବା ସଲାମ ମାରିବା
Perform – ସମ୍ପାଦନ କରିବା
ring – ବାଜାଲବା
bell – ଘଣ୍ଟି
Offer – ଅର୍ପଣ କରିବା
flowers – ଫୁଲ
God – ଈଶ୍ଵର ବା ଠାକୁର
instructions – ନିର୍ଦ୍ଦେଶାବଳୀ
mainly – ମୁଖ୍ୟତଃ
through – ମଧ୍ୟଦେଇ
praises – ପ୍ରଶଂସା କରିବା
Punishment – ଦଣ୍ଡ ବା ମାଡ଼
food – ଖାଦ୍ୟ
fond of – ପ୍ରିୟ
banana – କଦଳୀ
Sugarcane – ଆଖୁ
Raise – ଟେକି ଧରିବା |
a piece of – ଖଣ୍ଡେ
over – ଉପରକୁ
many a time – ଅନେକ ଥର
in this way – ଏହି ମାର
without giving – ଦାନ ନକରି
act – କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ କରିବା
trained – ତାଲିମପ୍ରାପ୍ତ
demand – ଚାହିଦା |
great – ବହୁତ
shows – ଖୋଲ
Ride – ଚଢ଼ିବା
music – ସଙ୍ଗୀତ
need – ଦରକାର କରିବା
popular – ଜନପ୍ରିୟ
all the more – ପୁନଶ୍ଚ ବା ଅଧୂକନ୍ତୁ
bridegroom – ବରପାତ୍ର
Celebrate – ଉତ୍ସବ ପାଳନ କରିବା
Flagpole – ପତାକା ଦଣ୍ଡ ବା
frightened – ଭୟଭୀତ
instructions – ନିର୍ଦ୍ଦେଶାବଳୀ
mahout – ମହୂତ
Obey – ଆଦେଶ ମାନିବା
shouted and screamed – ବଡ଼ ପାଟି କରୁଥିଲେ ବା ଚିଲେଉଥିଲେ ।

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