Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 12 Approaches to English Book 1 Solutions Unit 1 Text B: Typing your own Blood Textbook Activity Questions and Answers.
Class 12th Alternative English Chapter 2 Typing your own Blood Question Answers CHSE Odisha
Typing your own Blood Class 12 Questions and Answers
Activity – 8
Question 1.
What does typing someone’s blood mean?
Typing someone’s blood means determining the exact type of blood a person usually has. It was make one know one’s blood – group whether ‘A’ or ‘B’ or ‘O’.
Question 2.
What materials are necessary to type one’s blood? Which paragraphs tell you about these materials?
Alcohol – soaked cotton balls, sterile lancet, a small test tube containing 1ml. of saline solution, anti-A anti- B and anti- Rhserum with individual eye droppers, two microscope slides, a grease pencil, a posture pipette, three applicator sticks and a warm fluorescent light or other low-heat sources are used on typing one’s blood.
Question 3.
What are the three stages of experimental process described in this text? Name them.
First label one slide Rh with a grease pencil and place it under the low-heat source. Divide the cool slide into two equal portions labeling one side A and B and a drop of anti- Rh to warm the Rh slide. In the second stage, use an alcohol-soaked cotton ball to swab your middle or ring finger opening the sterile lancet prick the sterile finger once. Collect several drop of blood in the tube containing saline solution. In the third stage, using the porture pipette, transfer one drop of saline solution containing blood to each of the anti- A, anti- B and anti-Rh serums using a separate applicator stick. Two or three minutes after clumping should have appeared in one or three of the areas. This clumping determines what kind of blood a person has. The stages can be named as preparatory stage, experimental stage and conclusive stage.
Activity – 9
Remedial Grammar:
Like your Rh- slide experiment, you have only two tense forms of most of the English verbs, e.g. “go” and “went”. “Gone” is not a tense form. In association with the other auxiliary verbs, it gives a sense of completion of an activity“has gone”ora passive sense “is done”. Hence like Rh+ or Rh-. English verbs can be either in past tense or non-past tense.
Similarly like your blood grouping. A, B, AB or O, we can have the aspects of perfect (have + V + en), progressive (be + V + ing), perfect progressive (both combined or simple neither, perfect, nor progressive). These four aspects of either past or non-past give us the 8 types of verb groups. In addition to these two tenses and four aspects we can find do operations or model auxiliaries as elements ofa very group.
In the first sentences of the text, the verb is……used. You can see that it is be + v + en structure in simple non-past tense form. Hence, is a simple non-past passive structure. Similarly, find out the aspect, tense and voice of the following verb groups: Illustrates has finished is doing had been completed was being conducted.
Tense | Aspects | Voice |
(i) Past | (a) simple | (i) Active |
(b)perfect | ||
(ii) Non-past | (c) progressive | (ii) Passive |
(d)Perfect Progressive |
Verb groups | Tense | Aspects | Voice |
Illustrate | Non-past | Simple | Active |
has finished | Non-past | Perfective | Active |
is doing | Non-past | Progressive | Active |
had been completed | Past | Perfective | Passive |
was being conducted | Past | Progressive | Passive |
Activity -10
In the passage you have step-by-step instructions on how to test and categorize your blood. Write instructions to carry out one of the following tasks.
(a) Teaching your friend how to make tea/cake/an omelette.
(b) Instructing a new friend how to reach your home.
(c) How to fix a fuse wire on your main switch.
(a) How to make tea:
Ingredients: water, sugar, tea dust, boiled milk.
Instruments: stove, fry pan, a flat metal piece, spoon, a seive.
(i) Fire the stove.
(ii) Pour required cups of water.
(iii) Mix spoons of sugar as required.
(iv) Add one/two spoons of tea or as required.
(v) Serve the hot solution.
(vi) Add boiled milk to it.
(vii) Serve it in cups.
Extra Activity – 10(A)
B.(i) Derive adjectives from the following words in the text:
words – adjectives
thank – thankful
prepare – preparatory
talk – talkative
servility- servile
compel – compulsory
wisdom – wise
pleasure – pleasant
value- valuable
importance- important
success- successful
luck- lucky
proportion- proportional
enthusiasm- enthusiastic
completion- complete
reproach- reproachful
satisfy- satisfactory
reluctantly- reluctant
pleasure- pleasant
hastiness- haste
trouble- troublesome
persuade- persuasive
purpose- perposefiil
anger- angry
thought- thoughtful
child- children
despise- despicable
triviality- trivial
poverty- poor
necessity- necessary
deceive- deceptive/deceitful
sympathy- sympathetic
passion- passionate
clarity- clear
day- diurnal
night- nocturnal
truth- true
regularity- regular
respect- respectful
forget- forgetful
exhaust- exhaustive
fool- foolish
contempt- contemptuous
falsity- false
money- monetary
anxiety- anxious
continually- continual
pretend – pretentious
superiority- superior
misery- miserable
(ii) Derive adverbs from the following:
Words – Adverbs
thoughtful- thoughtfully
pleasant- pleasantly
reproachful- reproachfully
complete- completely
gradual- gradually
real- realty
excellent- excellently
passionate- passionately
filth- filthily
deep- deeply
full- folly
attract- attractively
possible- possibly
hunger- hungrily
exhaust- exhaustively
hesitate- hesitatingly
watch- watchfully
sharp- sharply
transitory- transitorily
rich- richly
strange- strangely
ordinary- ordinarily
desire- desirety
force- forcefully
strength- strongly
empty- emptity
foolish- foolishly
continual- continually
eternal- eternally
wonder- wonderfully
compel- compulsorily
respect- respectfully
necessary- necessarily
despicable- despicably
regular- regularly
contempt- contemptuously
anxiety- anxiously
misery- miserable
(iii) Say which words of the following in the text are nouns and which are adjectives:
happiness- Noun
good- Adjective
long- Adjective
flight- Noun
excess- Adjective
horrible- Adjective
ugly- Adjective
praise- Noun
bitter- Adjective
sleep- Noun
transitory- Adjective
happy- Adjective
mild- Noun
appearance- Noun
water- Noun
river- Noun
empty- Adjective
foolish- Adjective
years- Noun
folly- Noun
knowledge- Noun
Mortification- Noun
arrogance- Noun
intellectual- Adjective
penitence- Noun
voice- Noun
inward- Adjective
salvation- Adjective
power- Adjective
priest- Noun
madness- Noun
futile- Adjective
special- Adjective
crystal- Noun
depth- Noun
grateful- Adjective
new- Adjective
guest- Noun
hut- Noun
clothes – Noun
current- Noun
affection- Noun
secure- Adjective
bread- Noun
enjoyment- Noun
origin- Noun
despair- Noun
night- Noun
studies- Noun
(iv) Write antonyms of the following:
greatest- smallest
long- short
successful- unsuccessful
everywhere- nowhere
mature- immature
old- new
reality- appearance
real- unreal
presence- absence
true- false
agree- disagree
begin- end
wise- foolish
quickly- slowly
reach- depart
join- separate
remember- forget
small- big /great
back- front
conscious- unconscious
pallid- bright
obtain- lose
compare- contrast
fresh- stale
straighten- bend
hope- hopelessness/despair
win-lose /defeat
injustice- justice
take- give
sorrow- pleasure
much- less
stronger- weaker
completely- incompletely
remember- forget
compared- contrasted
difference- similarity
disappeared- appeared
secure- insecure
knowledge- ignorance
inward- outward
despair- hope
Section – C
Between men and women, who are the stronger? Who are more intelligent? Who are biologically superior? Why do you think so?
Discuss these questions in small groups and write down your most important arguments. Now read the following title on the differences between men and women.
Typing your own Blood Summary in English
Even if you do not wish to learn your blood type, the exercise is useful, because it familiarises you with some simple laboratory techniques, illustrates the use of basic equipment and prepare you to follow the stages of an orderly scientific procedure. In order to type your own blood, you need alcohol-soaked, soaked cotton balls, a sterile lancet, a small test tube containing 1 ml. of saline solution; anti – A, anti – B and anti – Rh serums with individual eye droppers, two microscope slides; a greased pencil; a pasture pipette, three applicator sticks and a warm fluorescent light or other low heat sources. One can make a typing of one’s own blood with these terms.
Analytical Outlines
- Of course, we don’t wish to learn about our blood type.
- Exercise is useful to us.
- It familiarises us with some sample laboratory techniques.
- It illustrates the use of basic equipment.
- It prepares us to follow the stages of an orderly scientific procedure.
- We can type our own blood.
- We need some equipment to do this.
- We require alcohol-soaked cotton balls.
- We require sterile lancet.
- We need a small test tube containing 1 ml of saline solution.
- We require anti-A
- We need anti-B
- We require anti-Rh serums with individual eye droppers.
- We require two microscope slides.
- We need a grease pencil.
- We require a Pasteur pipette.
- We need three applicator sticks.
- We also require a warm fluorescent light.
- We also need other low-heat sources.
- We require label one slide Rh with grease pencil.
- We have to place this slide under the low heat source.
- We have to divide the cool slide into two equal portion.
- We have to label one side as A and the other side B.
- We have to apply one drop of anti-A – A serum to slide – A.
- We have to apply one drop anti-B serum to slide – B.
- We have to apply one drop of anti – Rh serum to work Rh slide.
- We have to use an alcohol-soaked cotton ball to swab the middle or ring finger.
- We have to allow the excess alcohol to evaporate.
- After opening the sterile lancet, prick the sterile finger once.
- Now we have to collect several drops of blood in the test tube.
- The test tube also contains the saline solution.
- Now, we have to mix the solution.
- Again, we have to hold another sterile cotton ball over the cut.
- We have to allow the blood to clot.
- We have to transfer a drop of saline solution.
- It contains blood.
- It is transferred to anti-A.
- One drop is transferred to anti-B.
- Another drop is transferred to anti – Rh
- It is mixed using a separate applicator stick.
- It is allowed two or three minutes.
- Now, clumping should have appeared in A and B.
- Clumping denotes O blood.
- Rh – clumping means the blood is Rh- positive.
- The absence of Rh- clumping indicates it is Rh – negative
Meaning Of Difficult Words:
blood type – blood group
familiarise – intimate, make well-known
techniques – principles processes
illustrate – to explain, exemplify, show
I basic – fundamental, main, original
equipment – necessary instruments
procedure – principles, techniques
alcohol – pure spirit
soaked – absorbed
sterile – completely free from the seeds of disease
contain – comprise
saline – pertaining to salt
serum- liquid from of blood.
microscope – a magnifying instrument
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