CHSE Odisha Class 12 Psychology Unit 3 Objective & Short Answer Type Questions

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 12 Psychology Solutions Unit 3 Objective & Short Answer Type Questions.

CHSE Odisha 12th Class Psychology Unit 1 Objective & Short Answer Type Questions

Multiple Choice Questions With Answers

Question 1.
Tuckman suggested that groups pass through the developmental sequences. These are:
(a) forming, storming
(b) norming, performing, and adjourning
(c) only (a)
(d) both (a) and (b)
(d) both (a) and (b)

Question 2.
The excitement and apprehension state is called the _____ stage.
(a) storming stage
(b) norming stage
(c) forming state
(d) none of the above
(c) forming state

Question 3.
The storming state is followed by another stage known as ______.
(a) norming
(b) storming
(c) forming
(d) none of the above
(a) norming

Question 4.
Major types of groups are:
(a) primary/secondary groups
(b) formal and informal groups
(c) ingroup and outgroup
(d) all the above
(d) all the above

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Psychology Unit 3 Objective & Short Answer Type Questions

Question 5.
The pre-existing formations whereas usually given to individuals that group called
(a) secondary
(b) primary
(c) only (a)
(d) none of the above
(b) primary

Question 6.
Political party is an example of _____ group.
(a) secondary
(b) formal
(c) primary
(d) informal
(a) secondary

Question 7.
Kalman distinguished three forms of social influence these are:
(a) compliance
(b) identification
(c) internalisation
(d) all the above
(d) all the above

Question 8.
When Kolo observed that the technique line “minimal encourager” may not be used if the counselor had not listened attentively.
(a) 1997
(b) 1995
(c) 1996
(d) 1992
(a) 1997

Question 9.
Four stages of the dynamic process:
(a) initial
(b) transition
(c) working
(d) all the above
(d) all the above

Question 10.
In the year-1982 who observed that the skill of listening may surface as the only strategy needed in a helping relationship.
(a) Kolo
(b) Tuckman
(c) Okun
(d) none of the above
(c) Okun

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Psychology Unit 3 Objective & Short Answer Type Questions

True/False Questions

Question 1.
Teams are special kinds of groups.

Question 2.
Groups not reduce insecurity.

Question 3.
The excitement as well as apprehension. This state is called the forming state.

Question 4.
Intragroup conflict is called forming stage.

Question 5.
The storming stage is followed by another stage known as norming.

Question 6.
Status not refers to the relative social position given to group members by other.

Question 7.
Cohesiveness refers to togetherness.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Psychology Unit 3 Objective & Short Answer Type Questions

Question 8.
Secondary groups is individual joins by choice.

Question 9.
Tuckman distinguished the 3 forms of social influence.

Question 10.
Compliance is also called external/plastic conformity.

Question 11.
Psychologists believe that whether people will cooperate will depend on the reward structure.

Very Short Answer Questions

Question 1.
What is a Group?
The preceding introduction illustrates the importance of groups in our lives. One question that comes to mind is: “How are groups (e.g., your family, class, and the group with which you play different from other collections of people ?” For example, people who have assembled to watch a cricket match or your school function are at one place but are not interdependent on each other.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Psychology Unit 3 Objective & Short Answer Type Questions

Question 2.
Define the characteristics of the group.
A social unit consisting of two or more individuals who perceive themselves as belonging to the group. This characteristic of the group helps in distinguishing one group from the other and gives the group its unique identity. A collection of individuals who have common motives and goals. Groups function either working towards a given goal or away from certain threats facing the group.

Question 3.
What is Teams?
Teams are special kinds of groups. Members of teams often have complementary skills and are committed to a common goal or purpose. Members are mutually accountable for their activities. In teams, there is a positive synergy attained through the coordinated efforts of the members

Question 4.
What is Proximity?
Just think about your group of friends. Would you have been friends if you were not living in the same colony, going to the same School, or maybe playing in the same playground? Probably your answer would be ‘No’. Repeated interactions with the same set of individuals give us a chance to know them, and their interests and attitudes. Common interests, attitudes, and backgrounds are important determinants of your liking for your group members.

Question 5.
What is The Autokinetic Effect?
Sherif conducted a series of experiments to demonstrate how groups form their norms and members make their judgments according to these norms. Participants were seated in a dark room and asked to concentrate on a point of light. After watching this point of light, each person was asked to estimate the distance through which the point had moved. This kind of judgment had to be made over a number of trials. After each trial, the group was given information about the average distance judged by the members.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Psychology Unit 3 Objective & Short Answer Type Questions

Question 6.
The deadline technique :
In this technique, the last date is announced until which a particular product or ‘an offer will be available. The aim is to make people ‘hurry’ and make the purchase before they miss the rare opportunity. It is more likely that people will buy a product under this deadline condition than if there is no such deadline.

Question 7.
Developing Effective Relationships
For most people who seek help from a counselor, effective or satisfying relationships are almost non-existent or infrequent. Since the change in behavior is often created and supported by a network of social support, it is essential for clients to start developing more positive relationships with other persons. The counseling relationship is the initial vehicle through which this begins. Like all of us, counselors to are not perfect, but they are trained in developing more healthy and helpful relationships than others.

Question 8.
Your image or perception of yourself makes up your “I”. The self-perceived “I” is revealed through ideas, words, actions, clothing, and lifestyle. All of these communicate your “I” to others. Those who come into close contact with you also build their own image of you for themselves.

Question 9.
This skill has already been discussed in the section on communication earlier. You will recall that this involves the ability of a counselor to reflect on what the client says and feels using different words.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Psychology Unit 3 Objective & Short Answer Type Questions

Short Answer Questions

Question 1.
Working Stage/Phase:
This is the second stage/phase of the counseling process. As the title suggests, it is the stage where the counselor fully engages the client in a discussion about what to do and how it will be done concerning the problem of the client. If the client has not disclosed his/her mission in the first stage, the counselor now asks the client. He uses questioning techniques to make the client open up.

Questions such as; Are you okay? Can I help you? What is the matter? What has brought you to my office? The client now responds. The counselor having listened to the client will suggest different techniques depending on the nature of the problem presented on how the problem can be handled. The counselor uses techniques such as responding, exploring, restatement, interpretation, confrontation, unconditional positive regard, empathy, silence, and catharsis to diagnose the problem.

Also, it is during this stage that the goals for counseling are set by the client and counselor. The counselor here tells the client that counseling aids such as cassettes, radio, video, and tape recorders may be used and the purpose for using them will be explained to the client.

Question 2.
What is The Autokinetic Effect?
Sherif conducted a series of experiments to demonstrate how groups form their norms and members make their judgments according to these norms. Participants were seated in a dark room and asked to concentrate on a point of light. After watching this point of light, each person was asked to estimate the distance through which the point had moved. This kind of judgment had to be made over a number .of trials.

After each trial, the group was given information about the average distance judged by the members. It was observed that in subsequent trials, subjects modified their judgments in a way that made them more similar to the group average. The interesting aspect of this experiment was that the point of light actually did not move at all.

The light was only seen as moving by the participant (therefore, the effect has been called the ‘autokinetic effect’). Yet in response to instructions from the experimenter, the participants not only judged the distance the light moved but also created a norm for this distance. Note that the participants were not given any information regarding the nature of change, if any, in their judgments over trials.

Question 3.
The foot-in-the-door technique.
The person begins by making a small request that the other person is not likely to refuse. Once the other person carries out the request, a bigger request is made. Simply because the other person has already complied with the smaller request, he or she may feel uncomfortable refusing the second request. For example, someone may come to us on behalf of a group and give us a gift (something free), saying that it is for promotion. Soon afterward, another member of the same group may come to us again, and ask us to buy a product made by the group.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Psychology Unit 3 Objective & Short Answer Type Questions

Question 4.
Ethics of Counselling.
In recent years, counselors have taken important steps to develop their professional identity. A critical criterion for any professional group is the development and implementation of appropriate ethical standards. Social workers, marriage counselors, family therapists, and psychologists — all have their ethical codes. Awareness of ethical standards and codes is extremely important because counseling is a part of the service sector.

Not following ethical standards may have legal implications. While learning about the competencies of a counselor, it is important for you to relationship is built on ethical practice. The American Psychological Association (APA) has developed a code of ethical conduct for behavior and decision-making in actual clinical settings. The practical knowledge of these ethical domains can guide the practice of counseling in achieving its desired purpose.

Some of the APA practice guidelines are:
Knowledge of ethical/professional codes, standards, and guidelines, and knowledge of statutes, rules, regulations, and case law relevant to the practice of psychology. Recognize and analyze ethical and legal issues across the range of professional activities in the clinical setting. Recognize and understand the ethical dimensions/features of her/his own attitudes and practice in the clinical setting.

Question 5.
Group Dynamic Process.
This process starts with giving the members certain rules that will guide their participation in the group. It could be verbal or written. Each member has to be committed to this guide as it serves as the guiding rule.

  • Members are to avoid any drugs during or before the meeting.
  • Members are expected to be punctual and regular to meetings.
  • Members should not engage in any illicit sexual relationship with the opposite sex in the group.
  • Members must avoid smoking during sessions.
  • Confidentiality must be maintained by all members.
  • Physical violence must be guided and verbally abusive language should be avoided.
  • Members are given a list of their rights and responsibilities and what is expected of them before they join the group.
  • Children and adolescents must produce written consent from their parents and guardians.
  • Before anyone drops out of the group, he should notify the leader and discuss in the group before leaving.
    The next step in group process dynamics is the stages involved in the process. Four stages are identified here.

Question 6.
What is Authenticity?
Your image or perception of yourself makes up your “I”. The self-perceived “I” is revealed through ideas, words, actions, clothing, and lifestyle. All of these communicate your “I” to others. Those who come into close contact with you also build their own image of you for themselves and they also sometimes communicate this image to you.

For example, friends tell you what they like and dislike about you. Your teachers and parents praise and/ or criticize you. You are also evaluated by persons you respect. These collective judgments by people you respect, also called significant others’, develop into a ‘me’. This other perceived ‘me’ is the person that others perceive you to be.

This perception may be the same as or different from your own self-perception of T. The degree to which you are aware of these perceptions of others as well as of your own perception of yourself indicates that you are self-aware. Authenticity means that your behavioral expressions are consistent with what you value and the way you feel and relate to your inner self-image.

Question 7.
What is Compliance?
It was stated earlier that compliance refers simply to behave in response to a request from another person or group even in the absence of a norm. A good example of compliance is the kind of behavior shown when a salesperson comes to our door. Very often, this person comes with some goods that we really do not wish to buy.

Yet, sometimes to our own surprise, we find that the salesperson has spoken to us for a few minutes and the conversation has ended with a purchase of what he or she wished to sell. So why do people comply? In many situations, this happens because it is an easy way out of the situation. It is more polite and the other party is pleased. In other situations, there could be other factors at work. The following techniques have been found to work when someone wants another person to comply.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Psychology Unit 3 Objective & Short Answer Type Questions

Question 8.
Define Ingroup and Outgroup.
Just as individuals compare themselves with others in terms of similarities and differences with respect to what they have and what others have, individuals also compare ‘ the group they belong to with groups of which they are not a member. The term ‘ingroup’ refers to one’s own group and ‘outgroup’ refers to another group.

For ingroup members, we use the word ‘we’ while for outgroup members, the word ‘they’ is used. By using the words they had, one is categorizing people as similar or different. It has been found that persons in the ingroup are generally supposed to be similar, are viewed favorably, and have desirable traits. Members of the outgroup are viewed differently and are often perceived negatively in comparison to the ingroup members.

Perceptions of ingroup and outgroup affect our social lives. These differences can be easily understood by studying Taj fee’s experiments given in Box 7.2. Although it is common to make these categorizations, it should be appreciated that these categories are not real and are created by us. In some cultures, plurality is celebrated as has been the case in India. We have a unique composite culture that is reflected not only in the lives we live but also in our art, architecture, and music.

Question 9.
What is Social Loafing?
Social facilitation research suggests that the presence of others leads to arousal and can motivate individuals to enhance their performance if they are already good at solving something. This enhancement occurs when a person’s efforts are individually evaluated. What would happen if the efforts of an individual in a group are pooled so that you look at the performance of the group as a whole? Do you know what often happens?

It has been found that individuals work less hard in a group than they do when performing alone. This points to a phenomenon referred to as ‘social loafing’. Social loafing is a reduction in individual effort when working on a collective task, i.e. one in which outputs are pooled with those of other group members. An example of such a task is the game of tug-of-war. It is not possible for you to identify how much force each member of the team has been exerting.

Such situations give opportunities to group members to relax and become a free riders. This phenomenon has been demonstrated in many experiments by Latane and his associates who asked a group of male students to clap or cheer as loudly as possible as they (experimenters) were interested in knowing how much noise people make in social settings.

Question 10.
Group Polarisation
We all know that important decisions are taken by groups and not by individuals Kelman distinguished three forms of social influence, viz. compliance, identification, and internalization. In compliance, there are external conditions that force the individual to accept the influence of the significant other. Compliance also refers to behaving in a particular way in response to a request made by someone.

Thus, in the example described above, you may sign the letter with the thought that you were accepting the request, not because you agree with other students, but because you have been requested to do so by a significant member. This would be a case of compliance also called ‘external/public conformity ’. Compliance could take place even without a norm. For example, a member of a community group for a ‘clean environment’ requests you to put a sticker on your bike that reads, ‘ Say No to Plastic Bags’.

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