CHSE Odisha Class 11 English Writing a Paragraph

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Invitation to English 3 Solutions Writing a Paragraph Textbook Activity Questions and Answers.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class English Writing a Paragraph

A. Form And Function Of A Paragraph

A paragraph is a carefully and deliberately ordered arrangement of sentences built around a central theme or topic. Every paragraph should have a central theme either started in general terms in one sentence and reinforced by other sentences or implied when all the sentences are taken together. In short, a good paragraph comprises unity, order and organization.

The octopus is one of the strangest creatures in the world. The octopus has eight long arms or tentacles round its head. Each tentacle has two rows of suckers along its length. The tentacles of the common octopus are less than one metre long. The tentacles of the largest octopuses are as long as 4.5 metres. The five sentences in the paragraph above contain five pieces of information. These five pieces are related on some way; otherwise, they would not be in the same paragraph.

Secondly, they are put together for a particular purpose: to describe the strange creature called the ‘octopus’. The opening sentence states the central theme of the paragraph in general terms. This is followed by five particular statements, all of them in support of the general statement. We should notice, again, the order in which the sentences are arranged. If we try to rearrange the sentences in any other order, we shall find that they do not add up to a satisfactory paragraph. In short, we must remember the most important principle, “One point, one paragraph”.

Activity 1

Each group of sentences below belong to a paragraph, but they are not in the proper order. Rewrite them in their correct order to form a coherent paragraph.

Question 1.
(a) The day is not far off when there will be regular space-flights to these planets.
(b) He is now planning to travel to Venus and back.
(c) Man has already been to the moon.
Man has already been to the moon. He is now planning to travel to Venus and back. The day is not far off when there wil be regular space-flights to these planets.

Question 2.
(a) They can also act in indirect ways – by refusing to buy products made from rare animals, and by compelling law-makers to pass sound conservation legislation.
(b) People can help protect wildlife in simple, direct ways.
(c) They can join forces with other citizens in supporting organisations that are devoted to the cause of preserving nature and wildlife.
(d) They can maintain a bird feeding station, confine family dogs at night, or put a bell on the cat.
People can help protect wildlife in simple, direct ways. They can maintain bird feeding station, confine family dogs at night, or put a bell on the cat. They can also act in indirect ways – by refusing to buy products made from rare animals, and by compelling laW-makers to pass sound conservation legislation. They can join forces with other citizens in supporting organisations that are devoted to the cause of preserving nature and wild life.

Question 3.
(a) The third runs across the south of Europe and North Africa into the middle of Asia.
(b) There are several other much smaller fault lines, but these three are the main ones.
(c) The first runs along the east coast of the Asian continent down to the west coast of North America.
(d) There are three large regions in the world where earthquakes are most likely to happen.
(e) The second runs down the west coast of South America.
There are three large regions in the world where earthquakes are most likely to happen. The first runs along the east coast of the Asian continent down to the west coast of North America. The second runs down the west coast of South America. The third runs across the south of Europe and North Africa into the middle of Asia. There are several other much smaller fault lines, but these three are the main ones.

Question 4.
(a) But then it was discovered how paper could be prepared from wood-pulp.
(b) Paper was first made in AD 105 by a China man, Tsai Lun.
(c) Until the mid 1805 most paper was hand-made from rags or from grasses.
(d) He discovered that certain plant materials could be broken down into fibres and pressed into a sheet which made a good writing material.
Paper was first made in AD 105 by a China man, Tsai Lun. He discovered that certain plant materials could be broken down into fibres and pressed into a sheet which made a good writing material. Until the mid 1805 most paper was hand-made from rags or from grasses. But then it was discovered how paper could be prepared from wood-pulp.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 English Writing a Paragraph

Activity 2

You will find below, in (a), (b) and (c), some advertisements. The sentences in these advertisements have been jumbled up. Re-arrange them in the proper order.

Question (a)
(i) Silver sterilisation inhibits the growth of bacteria with its oligodynamic effect.
(ii) Yes, AMP is 100% safe, pure drinking water.
(iii) Acqua Minerale Pura (AMP) is purified water, passed through multiple filters and treated with the special Italian process of silver sterilisation.
Yes, AMP is 100% safe, pure drinking water. Acqua Minerale Pura (AMP) is purified water, passed through multiple filters and treated with the special Italian process of silver sterilisation. Yes, AMp is 100% safe, pure drinking water. Silver sterilisation inhibits the growth of bacteria with its oligodynamic effect.

Question (b)
(i) Your hair will stay healthy and beautiful.
(ii) Use, Neo-Karpin Hair Vitaliser regularly each morning one hour before your bath.
(iii) Use it also before going to bed.
Use, Neo-Karpin Hair Vitaliser regularly each morning one hour before your bath. Use it also before going to bed. Your hair will stay healthy and beautiful.

Question (c)
(i) It gently smooths away premature wrinkles and firms your skin.
(ii) Qadil Cucumber Face Pack gives your skin a youthful and firm look.
(iii) It also nourishes your skin with proteins and vitamins.
(iv) Finally, it leaves the skin soft to the touch.
Qadir Cucumber Face Pack gives your skin a youthful and firm look. It gently smooths away premature wrinkles and firms your skin. It also nourishes your skin with proteins and vitamins. Finally, it leaves the skin soft to the touch.

1.2 Topic Sentence

The sentence starting with the central theme of the paragraph is called a topic sentence.
Example :
The life cycle of a virus consists of two phases. The first is extracellular. This means that the virus lives outside the cell. The second is intracellular and this means that the virus lives inside the cell where it reproduces. Here the first sentence, “The life cycle of a virus consists of two phases” is the central theme of the paragraph and hence it is called the topic sentence. Within the paragraph, the topic sentence can be
(a) in the beginning
(b) at the end
(c) in the middle
(d) split and placed in two places
(e) implicit where the main idea is distributed over a number of sentences. Let us now see some paragraphs containing topic sentences at different places within them. When it comes towards the end, it usually serves as a climax.

Activity 3

Now, pick out the topic sentences in paragraphs II and III, and write their outlines.

Occasionally, the topic sentence can come in the middle of the paragraph. In such a case, the paragraph shows a contrast between two ideas. Read the following paragraph and its outlines.
1Traditionally we have tended to think of meat, dairy produce and eggs, as the normal protein supplements to our diet. 2Peas, beans, lentils and other grains and vegetables are regarded as cheaper alternatives. 3It may come as a surprise to many to learn that in fact, the humble beans and lentils in our diet are richer in protein content than the products in the first category (meat and dairy). 4For example, cheese contains about 25 per cent protein, beef and lamb about 14 per cent, and pork, chicken and eggs about 11 per cent. 5In comparison, grains contain 20 to 40 per cent, depending on the variety.

Sentence  1 : traditional belief meat, dairy products and eggs considered normal sources of protein.
Sentence  2 : traditional belief peas, beans, lentils, etc. considered cheaper alternatives (sources of protein)
Sentence  3 : a surprising fact beans, etc. are richer in proteins than meat etc. (Topic sentences)
Sentence  4 : supporting examples cheese has 25% (etc.)
Sentence  5 : further examples beans have 40%

Topic sentence :
Traditionally, we have tended to think of meat, dairy produce and eggs as the normal protein supplements to our diet.

1Primarily democracy is the conviction that there are extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people, and that if we throw wide the doors of opportunity so that all boys and girls can bring out the best that is in them, we will get amazing results from unlikely sources. 2Shakespeare was the son of a bankrupt butcher and a woman who could not write her name. 3Beethoven was the son of a consumptive mother, herself daughter of a cook and a drunken father. 4Schubert was the son of a peasant father and mother who had been in domestic service. 5Faraday, one of the greatest scientific experimenters of all time, was bom in a stable, his father an invalid blacksmith and his mother a common drudge. 6Such facts as these underlie democracy. 7That is why, with all its discouraging blunders, we must everlastingly believe in it.

Sentence 1 : Democracy defined + its primary benefits Topic sentence (first half)
Sentence 2 : Example Shakespeare
Sentence 3 : Example Beethoven
Sentence 4 : Example Schubert
Sentence 5 : Example Faraday
Sentence 6 : A transitional sentence preparing us for the conclusion
Sentence 7 : Writer’s conclusion Topic sentence (second half)

Topic sentence :
(i) Primarily democracy is the conviction that there are extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people, and that if we throw wide the doors of opportunity so that all boys and girls can bring out the best that is in them, we will get amazing results from unlikely sources.
(ii) That is why, with all its discouraging blunders, we must everlastingly believe in it.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 English Writing a Paragraph

Activity 4

Read the paragraph below and write its central idea.
It arrived at 5.00 a.m. after a sleepless night, spent thinking about questions I wanted to ask Guruji. He told me, to sit in the lotus posture and to look into his eyes without blinking. He put his hand on my chest and told me to concentrate there. As soon as he touched me, I felt as if an electrical current was passing through me. I lost consciousness. When I regained consciousness, I found that I had my head on the lap of Guruji and that he had kept his hand on my chest. Guruji told me to remember this experience but not to tell these things publicly anybody.
The central idea :
The disciple’s interaction with his Guruji, his extraordinary experience in response to the Guruji’s touch on his body and Guruji’s instruction to him to keep the fact a secret.

Activity 5

Find the topic sentences of the following paragraphs. Underline them. Then write on the margin the supporting details in single words or short phrases.

Question 1
1Friction creates many problems for the designers of automobile engines. 2First, friction wastes energy and reduces the power produced by the engine. 3Secondly, friction creates heat, which can lead to over-heating of the engine and jam up the moving parts. 4Thirdly, frictions lead to excessive wear and tear of the engine.
Topic sentence :
Friction creates many problems for the designers of automobile engines. It leads to wear and tear of the engines.

Question 2
1In Europe, in pre-historic times, people used to tame and keep wolves as hunting companions. 2The Ancient Babylonians tamed hyenas for the same purpose. 3The Egyptians considered cats to be sacred animals but used them to kill mice and rats in their granaries. 4People in the Middle Ages tamed falcons and other birds of prey and used them to hunt. 5The keeping of animals as pets has gone on since the earliest times.
Topic sentence :
The keeping of animals as pets has gone on since the earliest times.
This paragraph has the following points :

Sentence 1 : Pre-historic Europe Wolves used as hunting companions.
Sentence 2 : Ancient Babylon Hyenas used as hunting companions.
Sentence 3 : Egyptians Considered rats sacred but used them to kill mice and rats in granaries.
Sentence 4 : Middle Ages Used Falcons and other preying birds for hunting.
Sentence 5 : Animals kept as pets from earliest times.

Question 3
1Most people think of science merely as a servant which can make their lives easier. 2Science adds to the wealth of nations and creates better living conditions. 3This may be true. 4But science is more than that. 5The history of science shows that it does not simply better the old; it sometimes upsets the old. 6It does not merely add new truths to the old ones, but sometimes the new truths it discovers destroy some part of the old truths and thereby upsets the way of men’s thinking and living.
Main idea :
The historv of science shows that it does not simplv better the old : but it sometimes upsets the old.

Sentence 1 : Common idea about science It is a servant which makes people’s lives easier.
Sentence 2 : Supporting detail Science adds to the wealth of nations and creates better living conditions.
Sentence 3 : Confirming propositions of sentence 1 and 2 This may be true
Sentence 4 : Introducing another proposition But science is more than that.
Sentence 5 : Main idea introduced Science simply does not better the old; it sometimes upsets the old.
Sentence 6 : Elaboration of main idea Not only adds new truths but such new truths destroy parts of the old truths which upset men’s way of thinking and lilving.

Question 4.
The Youth Hostel movement has, during the last half-century, contributed to international understanding and racial equality. One of the principles embodied in the constitution of the International Youth Hostel Federation (IIHF) is that in the hostels ‘there shall be no distinctions of race, nationality, colour, religion, class or political opinion.’ In the 4363 Youth Hostels of the world, the young men and women of the world meet and make friends. Making no distinction between the rich and the poor, the white and the coloured, the conservative and the radical, young people from all parts of the world share their experiences in an atmosphere of informality and friendliness. In these hostels, equality and brotherhood are practised in a real sense, and mutual understanding and trust are fostered.
Topic Sentence :
The Youth Hostel movement has, during the last half-century, contributed to international understanding and racial equality.

Sentence 1 : One of the principles enshrined in its constitution No discriminations in the hostels, irrespective of race or nationality.
Sentence 2 : Fact        Meeting of the young men and women of the world and meeting friends in the 4364 youth hostels of the world takes place.
Sentence 3 : Details Young people from all over the world share their experiences in a coordial atmosphere. No distinction between the rich and the poor, the white and coloured, the conservative and radical is marked.
Sentence 4 : Hallmark of these hostels Practising equality and brotherhood in word and spirit and fostering mutual understanding and trust.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 English Writing a Paragraph

Question 5
Just after sunset, when all our work was over, I wanted to eat an apple. I went on deck, I got into the apple barrel, but all these apples had been finished. I sat down there in the dark and the motion of the Hispaniola (name of a ship) made me feel sleepy. I was closing my eyes in sleep when a heavy man sat down close by the apple barrel. I was about to jump up when the man began to speak. It was John Silver. Before I had heard a dozen words, I was trembling with fear. I prayed they would not discover me because Silver’s dozen words told me that all our lives were in danger. Only I knew it, the only I could warm them before it was too late.
Topic Sentence :
Just after sunset, when all our work was over. I wanted to eat an apple.

Sentence 2 : The narrator’s interest to fulfil his wish Entered the apple barel, but no apple.
Sentence 3 : Result Sitting there in the dark, felt sleepy, the presence of a heavy man by the apple barrel
Sentence 4 : Result The narrator’s readiness to jump; he heard the man speak
Sentence 5 : Identify that person John Silver.
Sentence 6 : John Silver’s utterance and impact on the narrator Became fear-stricken.
Sentence 7 : The narrator’s prayer and its reason Failure to discover me, Silver’s dozen words were indicative of their danger
Sentence 8 : Reason He alone knew it to warn them soon.

Question 6
There are many reasons why the Korowai people build their huts high up among the trees. If a rival clan attacks, the women, children and the old men can climb to safety while the warriors fight it out on the ground. The mosquitoes cannot fly so high and the air up there is cooler. Lastly from the verandahs of their huts the Korawais can shoot arrows at birds flying by and also keep watch on their plantations, where they grow many types of bananas and sweet potatoes.
Topic Sentence :
There are many reasons why the Korowai people build their huts high up among the trees.
1. Security to all in the face of rival attack
2. Free from mosquito-bite
3. Close watch on their plantations

Question 7
On my way home from work yesterday evening, I saw a small boy standing outside a door struggling to reach the door bell. “Here let me help you”, I said pressing the door bell for him. “Thanks, mister” said the small boy, starting to run away. “But do not stand there, you will get caught, “he added as he disappeared down the road.
Topic Sentence :
On my way home from work yesterday evening, I saw a small boy standing outside a door struggling to reach the door bell.
1. The narrator’s help
2. The boy’s delight
3. The latter’s caution to the former
4. The boy’s disappearance

Question 8
When the motor car was first introduced, it was a clumsy, noisy machine that laboured along the street at a pace no faster than that of a trotting horse. People looked at it with suspicion and fear. Since then, the motor car has come a long way and is today a combination of beauty, luxury and efficiency. The modem automobile, sleek and streamlined with its brilliant colours, is almost a work of art. You can travel in it in absolute comfort at an incredible speed, and yet feel no fatigue at the end of the journey. The engine is a masterpiece of mechanical ingenuity and seldom lets you down if you maintain it in good condition.
Topic Sentence :
The motor car is today a combination of beauty, luxury and efficience.

S.1 : when introduced it was a clumsy noisy machine and was only as fast as a horse.
S.2 : Its original image: viewed with suspicion and fear.
S.3 : Its modern image: a combination of beauty, luxury and efficiency.
S.4 : Its beauty (detail to support S: 3) considered a work of art.
S.5 : The luxury it provides: (detail to support S: 3) can travel in absolute comfort, incredible speed without feeling tired over long distances.
S.6 : Its efficiency: (detail to support s: 3) a masterpiece of mechanical ingenuity which never lets anyone down if properly maintained.

Question 9
Air pollution affects our health in many ways. Large quantities of smoke and other particles in the air can cause lung-diseases including cancer. Sulphur dioxide, in particular, causes serious damage to the respiratory system. Besides, other pollutants present in the air can cause skin infections as well as infections of the eyes.
Topic Sentence :
Air pollution affects our health in many ways.
Sentence 2 : Example 1 : Smoke and other particles cause lung diseases including cancer.
Sentence 3 : Example 2 : Sulphur dioxide causes serious respiratory problems.
Sentence 4 : Example 3 : Other pollutants cause skin as well as eye infections.

Question 10
‘In their natural habitat animals face different hazards, such as diseases, storms, fires and floods. 2They may also be hunted by men or attacked by predators. 3This results in their natural life span being cut short prematurely. 4If we want to find out about the longevity of animals, the best way is to study them in captivity, in zoos, protected animal parks, etc. ‘
Topic Sentence :
If we want to find out about the longevity of animals, the best way is to study them in captivity, in zoos, protected animal parts, etc.
Sentence 1 : Fact 1 : Animals face hazards like diseases, storms, fires and floods in their natural habitat.
Sentence 2 : Fact 2 : They may also be hunted or attacked by predators in their natural habitat.
Sentence 3 : Consequence : Their natural life span is thus cut short prematurely.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 English Writing a Paragraph

Activity 6

Use the following sentences as topic sentences in paragraphs of your own.
(a) We wear clothes for various reasons.
(b) Trees are our best friends.
(c) Smoking should be banned.
(d) Most of the traffic accidents can be prevented.
(e) English should be made optional in schools.
(a) People wear clothes for many reasons. The basic reason for wearing clothes arose from the need to cover up one’s nakedness. This first happened when God killed an animal and used its skin to cover up the nakedness of Adam and Eve. Since then man has used animal skin as clothes. Another fundamental reason arose from the need to keep oneself warm, to preserve one’s body-heat. Today, however clothes have become a necessity for one’s personality. More and more people are changing clothes in pace with the changing fashions, entirely forgetting the original intentions with which clothes were worn by people.

(b) Trees are our best friends. They provide us with shade, food and with wood for lighting fires and building houses. They also help in causing rain and prevent the top soil from being eroded by the wind. Through them we produce papers on which we write; chairs and tables which make and use as our furniture and even coffins to bury our dead in. Above all, they are the reason for which we continue to breathe oxygen and enjoy the beauty of the environment. Thus from birth to death trees stand by us thereby proving to be our best friends.

(c) Smoking is injurious to health. This warning is given on every cigarette pack and tells us how great a hazard it is. Yet numerous people smoke tobacco and endanger their lives. Even the fact that smoking causes such dangerous disease as cancer does not deter people. Victims of smoking do not only hurt themselves, they effect a chain reaction whereby others too are affected by it. Hospitals have to nurse them back to health and the expense towards this is borne by the government and the institution which the person works for.

Besides this it affects the smoker’s family. Sometimes it leaves them without a bread earner causing untold misery. Besides this, smokers are a greater danger to non-smokers. When a smoker breathes out smoke, it is a more potent poison since carbon-dioxide is added to it. Thus non-smokers are more often than not forced to become passive smokers and they too can fall into the pit that the smoker will eventually fall. Hence smoking should not only be banned in public, it should be totally banned because the social and economic price to be paid for allowing smoking is too high.

(d) The rapid rise of the number of vehicles on the roads are the cause of many accidents which can be prevented through several steps. First of all lane driving must be introduced so that heavy vehicles and light vehicles are driven in separate lanes. Secondly, traffic signals must be constructed at important points and crossroads in the city and these must be manned and monitored by traffic policemen. Thirdly, public awareness of traffic rules and regulation must be raised. Finally these rules and regulations must be strictly enforced by the police with exemplary punishment meted out to the offenders. Such steps can only prevent traffic accidents.

(e) When a student passes out from school and joins college, he seldom understands what his teacher is teaching because he is not proficient in English. In almost all the states of India, the medium of instruction in Higher Education is English. This is especially true of technical and professional courses. Moreover, most of the books, whether they belong to Science or Humanities, Medical or Engineering, Veterinary Science or Agriculture and Forestry or vocational course, are all written in English.

This makes it necessary for student to know English. In addition, as both Gandhi and Nehru point out, English is the language used in international commerce and diplomacy and that it contains some of the richest treasures of literature. All these are very good reasons why English should be made compulsory in schools so that when entering the portals of Higher Education they are competent in skills.

Activity 7

Question (a)
Imagine that you are on the beach at Puri, enjoying a view of the sea. Note down the things you see and write a descriptive paragraph, to form a part of a letter to be written to a friend who has never seen the sea. You can start either with distant things or the things nearest to you.

10 October, 20

Dear Prafulla,
I received your letter yesterday. It was really surprising to hear from you after such a long time. Your description of Ooty and the Nilgiris was fascinating. From your letter it is obvious that you greatly enjoyed your vacations there. We too had been on a holiday to Puri. Though Puri is not such an exotic place as Ooty, I had a good time there. All of us had put up at Panth Nivas right on the beach.

Early every morning, I and Reena used to run off to the beach to watch the sunrise. The beach is not crowded then and it is wonderful to smell and feel the fresh morning air. The beach is extremely clean now and for the most part untrodden by people. One can see everywhere waste matter brought onto the beach by the night tide. These all form a meandering line on the sand as left by the wave.

There are pieces of wood, rubber, plastic, a slipper, and all kinds of small shells. I even noticed a dead Jelly fish lying with all its entrails uncovered. Besides there are plenty of small crabs butting in an out of one-inch holes. They quickly disappear into the safety of their holes as one approaches them. The sea itself seems calm and quiet, with waves splashing on to the sand, murmuring softly as it were and spraying its foam into the air majestically.

It is really a beautiful sight. Moreover, just before sunrise, one can see fishermen, naked except for loin- clothes, skilfully pushing their catamaran across the waves and then boarding it to go out fishing in the deep. Far away there are boats with their sails up and the whole scene looks greatly picturesque. Further the sea seems to extend up to as far as the eye can see.

The further one tries to see the more does one’s eyes become misty and the sky seems to touch the water. Right at one corner, a ball of fire rises suddenly, resplendent in its beauty and casting a red shadow on the waters. It showly rises from the waters and rests in the sky, now shining, brightly and freshly.
I think I should stop here. Please write back.
With Love,

CHSE Odisha Class 11 English Writing a Paragraph

Question (b)
Write a recipe, in the form of step-by-step instructions, on how to cook a pot of rice.
Take the required amount of rice and clean it with water. Meanwhile take water which is double the volume of rice and boil it. When this water boils, add the cleaned rice to it. Cook over fire till the rice is cooked soft. After this drain the water from the pot till no water is left. One can also place the rice over a metal sieve so that the water is drained off and only dry rice is left behind. The rice is now ready for serving.

Question (c)
Write a paragraph to form a part of a letter to a friend telling him about a study tour of Orissa that you undertook last week with your classmates under the supervision of a teacher.
(i) Prepare a date-wise account of the places you visited and what you saw and did at each place.
(ii) Based on these notes, write a short paragraph to form a part of the letter.
(iii) You may begin your paragraph with the following sentence : Last week I took part in a study tour to
20.6.20 :
Arrived at Bhubaneswar by train. Lodged at Yatri Nivas
21.6.20 :
Started at 6.00 am for Konark temple. Saw temple. Left at 10.30 for Puri. Had lunch at Panth Nivas, Puri at 12.00 noon. Went to Jagannath Temple. Participated in puja. Brought sovenirs from shops in front of Temple. Went to the beach. Had coffee and snacks there. Bought conches. Returned to BBSR.
22.6.20 :
Started out for Khandagiri / Udayagiri caves by 9.00 a.m. Had a hill top view of BBSR from Udayagiri. Studied the habits of Buddhist monks. Left for Nandankanan at 11.00 a.m. Reached at 12.00 noon. Had lunch at OTDC restaurant. Went to the zoo. Went boating. Returned at 5.00 p.m. Boarded East Cost at 7.30 p.m.

30 June, 20

Dear Mitali,
Thanks a lot for writing to me. I am glad that you enjoyed your trip to Ooty. I knew the change of place would do you good and improve your spirits. Anyway, you must be eager to know what I did during the holidays. Well, you will be surprised. Last week I took part in a study tour to Orissa. Of course we did not visit all of Orissa but we visited what is called the “Golden Triangle” Puri, Konark and Bhubaneswar.

It was a hectic tour no doubt, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. On 19th we left for BBSR by Falaknamma arrived there on 20th and lodged at Yatri Nivas. Since the train was rather late; we did not go out anywhere that night. Instead we took the much needed rest. The following day, however we went straight to the Konark Temple.

What a beauty it was ! statues of dancers, devadasis depicting intercourse decorated the temple walls. But the wheels were marvellous. They had unimaginably skilled intricate work. We took a number of snaps and then travelled to Puri where we had lunch at the Panth Nivas and then visited the Jagannath Temple. There I and others of our group participated in Puja, ate prasad and sought the blessing of the Lord. After this, I bought some brass sovenirs in shops in front of the temple. Then we went off to the beach, had coffee and snacks at a restaurant and sat on the sand, building castles and occasionally running off to wet our legs in the sea.

We returned to Bhubaneswar at 10.00 The following day on 22.06.20 , we visited the Khandagiri and Udayagiri caves. We tried to delve back into history thinking of the past when Buddhist monks sat in meditation here. After this we visited Nandankanan. Everything seemed in disarray there in the aftermath of the cyclone. All animals looked diseased. However, we enjoyed our boating. By 5.00 we came back to Yatri Nivas where we washed and refreshed ourselves. That night we boarded the East Coast for Hyderabad once more. The tour was greatly enjoyed by everyone. I hope you had accompanied us.
Do write back.
With Love,

Activity 8

Study the following paragraph and replace the appropriate noun phrases by pronouns so as to make the paragraph a coherent one. The first one has been answered as an example. There are seven more. Human beings are destroying their environment. It is ironic how people pollute people’s (their) surroundings and then go to great pains to clean up the messes that people have made. A cheap method of getting rid of industrial wastes is to dump the wastes into rivers or lakes. The result of such intrusion into nature is the death of many forms of life in and around the waters. Only when the pollution reaches the people’s reservoirs, however, do people figure that the time has come to clean up the people’s environment. Then people create a series of expensive projects to restore the water to the water’s original purity. Of course, the cheapest and most effective way to get clean water is not to pollute the water in the first place.
Human beings are destroying their environment. It is ironic how people pollute people’s (their) surroundings and then go to great pains to clean up the messes that they have made. A cheap method of getting rid of industrial wastes is to dump them into rivers or lakes. The result of such intrusion into nature is the death of many forms of life in and around the waters. Only when the pollution reaches the peopled reservoirs, however, do they figure that the time has come to clean up the their environment. Then they create a series of expensive projects to restore the water to its original purity. Of course, the cheapest and most effective way to get clean water is not to pollute it in the first place.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 English Writing a Paragraph

Activity 9

Complete the following paragraph by filling in each blank with the right connective from the list.
(and, but, because, on the other hand, which)
(1)     (2)      (3)           (4)                         (5)
In the recent craze about the seven wonders of the world, we looked at buildings made of stone and clay. __________ there are seven other wonders, those of the inner world, _____________ are present in all human beings. They are the seven vices : lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego, jealousy and laziness. These are wonders _____________ they take us away from our.original virtuous self. They lead us into an unreal world of short living pleasure _____________ take us away from Truth. ___________ , if these are conquered, the earth becomes a wonderful place to live in. Life becomes a wonderful gift.
In the recent craze about the seven wonders of the world, we looked at buildings made of stone and clay. But there are seven other wonders, those of the inner world, which are present in all human beings. They are the seven vices : lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego, jealousy and laziness. These are wonders because they take us away from our original virtuous self. They lead us into an unreal world of short living pleasure and take us away from Truth. On the other hand, if these are conquered, the earth becomes a wonderful place to live in. Life becomes a wonderful gift.

Activity 10

Read the following text carefully. In the first paragraph, back reference has been indicated by means of a box and an arrow. Other linking devices in the same paragraph have been boxed. Mark the rest of the text in the same way. SmokingTlwhich 1 may be a pleasure for some people, is a source of serious discomfort for their fellow. [Further,] medical authorities express [their j concern about the effect of smoking on the health not only of those who] smoke but also those who must involuntarily inhale the contribution of smokers to the atmosphere. As you are doubtlessly aware, a considerable number of our students have joined together in an effort to persuade the University to ban smoking in the classrooms. I believe they are entirely right in their aim. However, I would hope that it is possible to achieve this by an appeal to reason and to concern for others rather than by regulation. Smoking is prohibited by city by-laws in theatres and halls used for showing films as well as laboratories where there may be a fire hazard. Elsewhere, it is upto your own good sense. I am therefore asking you to maintain “No Smoking” in the auditorium, classrooms and seminar rooms where you teach. This proof of your interest for their health and well-being is very important to a large number of students.
Smoking which may be a pleasure for some people, is a source of serious discomfort for their fellows. Further, medical authorities express their concern about the effect of smoking on the health not only of those who smoke but also those who must involuntarily inhale the contribution of smokers to the atmosphere. As you are doubtlessly aware a considerable number of our students have joined together in an effort to persuade the University to ban smoking in the classrooms.

I believe they are entirely right in their aim. However, I would hope that it is possible to achieve this by an appeal to reason and to concern for others rather than by regulation. Smoking is prohibited by city by-laws in theatres and in halls used for showing films as well as laboratories where there may be a fire hazard. Else where, it is upto your own good sense. I am therefore asking you to maintain “No Smoking” in the auditorium, classrooms and seminar rooms where you teach. This proof of your interest for their health and well-being is very important to a large number of students.

Activity 11

Dear Harish,
Remember that I told you I was trying to get a job at ICTL?
(1) __________, I finally managed to get one! Of course, I haven’t been working there long, (2) ____________ I can already tell that it’s a wonderful place to
work. All the staff, (3) ___________ the directors, are very friendly with everybody, and (4) ___________, they have marvellous facilities for the employees. (5) _________, there’s a bar and a gym, and lots of other things. I’m called the Safety Equipment Officer. It may sound like an impressive title, but it’s not a very accurate description of what I do. My main job is to provide protective clothing, (6) ___________ overalls, helmets, and so on. I estimate what the different departments will need, and (7) ____________ I order it from the suppliers. (8) __________ I make sure that the various departments have everything they want. (9) ____________, stationery is also my responsibility. (10) ____________, I have to supply all the offices with paper, envelopes, and so on. I find the job very interesting (11) _____________ I get a chance to go all over the factory and to meet everybody. (12) ___________ the pay is a lot better than in my old job.
(13) _____________ that’s my news. What about yours? Drop me a line when you have time. Regards to your family, and best wishes to you.
Yours truly,

(a) (b) (c)
1. Then Well And
2. but because so
3. until and even
4. so what’s more on the other hand
5. For instance However Even
6. however in fact such as
7. then after so
8. By the way Anyway In this way
9. Indeed Moreover But
10. Secondly In other words Also
11. why because then
12. Besides But On the other hand
13. At the end Anyway After all

(1) Well, (2) but, (3) even, (4) what’s more, (5) For instance, (6) such as, (7) then, (8) In this way, (9) Moreover, (10) In other words, (11) because, (12) Besides, (13) Anyway.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 English Writing a Paragraph

Activity 12

Each of the following sentences has a blank where there should be a linking word or phrase. Put an appropriate linking device in each blank so that the relation between the two statements is made clear.
(i) The pay and conditions are very good. ____________ , it’s only five minutes’ walk from where I live.
(ii) I didn’t apply for the job ____________ I didn’t think I had much chance of getting it.
(iii) A lot of professional groups, ________________ doctors and lawyers, have strong associations that protect their members’ rights.
(iv) The hours are short, the pay’s excellent, and the people I work with are very nice. ____________, it’s a great job.
(v) You may think it’s boring, ___________ it’s really very interesting.
(vi) All my relatives were at the wedding, ___________ my cousins from Australia.
(vii) At first I didn’t feel happy with so much responsibility. ____________ , now I feel quite confident that I can manage.
(viii) There are several things that make it a nice place to live in. ____________ , there’s a park right across the road.
(i) The pay and conditions are very good. Besides, it’s only five minutes’ walk from where I live.
(ii) I didn’t apply for the job anyway I didn’t think I had much chance of getting it.
(iii) A lot of professional groups, such as. doctors and lawyers, have strong associations that protect their members’ rights.
(iv) The hours are short, the pay’s excellent, and the people I work with are very nice. In other words, it’s a great job.
(v) You may think it’s boring, but it’s really very interesting.
(vi) All my relatives were at the wedding, even my cousins from Australia.
(vii) At first I didn’t feel happy with so much responsibility. But, now I feel quite confident that I can manage.
(viii) There are several things that make it a nice place to live in. What’s more, there’s a park right across the road.

Activity 13

What is wrong in the following paragraphs ?
Machines have turned human society from an agrarian one into an I industrial one. Today in countries like the USA, the UK and Japan, only a small section of the population is engaged in agriculture, industry forms the basis of the life and progress of these nations. Machines have also changed the life of the individual in many ways. Life at home has been made more comfortable, and the drudgery of household work has been removed. People travel to schools and offices in buses or trains, and spend their evenings in – amusements made possible by machine civilization.
The first paragraph is actually two paragraphs combined into one.
(i) Machines have turned human society from an agrarian one into an industrial one. Today in countries like the USA, the UK and Japan, only a small section of the population is engaged in agriculture. Industry forms the basis of the life and progress of these nations.
(ii) Machines have also changed the life of the individual in many ways. Life at home has been made more comfortable, and the drudgery of household work has been removed. People travel to schools and offices in buses or trains, and spend their evenings in amusements made possible by machine civilization. The twentieth century is the age of machines. From the time the . Industrial Revolution began in Europe, man’s life has been changing in many ways. At first the change was slow. But in the second half of the nineteenth century there was an increase in the rate of mechanization and as a result, life began to change more quickly. During the last fifty years, machines of all kinds have become part of our daily life and have transformed it in the most incredible manner.
This passage is also two passages combined into one. There is no justification to have two paragraphs because it speaks of the same thing of machines.

Activity 14

Find out the reasons for the lack of unity in the following paragraphs, and rewrite each paragraph so that it has unity.

Question 1
In their eating habits goats are often very destructive. The famous Swiss scientist, Karl Vogt, says that the goat does more harm to the forests than any other animal. Goat’s milk is highly valued in many places and is often used to make cheese. It is inadvisable, therefore, to let goats run at large where valuable green things are growing. They will eat even the barks of trees.
In their eating habits goats are often very destructive. They will eat even the barks of trees. The famous Swiss scientist, Karl Vogt, says that the goat does more harm to the forests than any other animal. It is inadvisable, therefore, to let goats run at large where valuable green things are growing. Here the sentence, “Goat’s milk is highly valued in many places and is often used to make cheese.” is irrelevant in the context of the topic. Hence this passage lack unity.

Question 2
In most vertebrates, limbs that have been lost will not grow again. If large masses of tissues are destroyed, new tissues will not take their place. Some new tissues will, of course, appear on the site of the injury, but they serve rather as a protection to the remaining tissues than as a replacement. But plants are superior to animals in this regard : they can repair their damaged tissues very efficiently and can often replace lost parts.
(i) In most vertebrates, limbs that have been lost will not grow again. But plants are superior to animals in this regard : they can repair their damaged tissues very efficiently and can often replace lost parts.
(ii) If large masses of tissues are destroyed, new tissues will not take their place. Some new tissues will, of course, appear on the site of the injury, but they serve rather as a protection to the remaining tissues than as a replacement. Thus the paragraph is actually two paragraphs combined into one.

Question 3
The most memorable day in my life is the day the President of India shook my hand and handed me the Young Scientist of 1987 Award. There was loud applause from the packed hall. Many cameras including the TV cameras clicked and I was in a pool of light. I felt that the long hours I spent in my little laboratory in the midst of grumblings from my family who wanted me to help them with housework have been rewarded. I could not withhold my tears when I saw my father, husband and sisters, sitting in the front row, wiping their tears of joy. I am a scientist.
The most memorable day in my life is the day the President of India shook my hand and handed me the Young Scientist of 1987 Award. There was loud applause from the packed hall. Many cameras including the TV cameras clicked and I was in a pool of light. I felt that the long hours I spent in my little laboratory in the midst of grumblings from my family who wanted me to help them with housework have been rewarded. I could not withhold my tears when I saw my father, husband and sisters, sitting in the front row, wiping their tears of joy. If the paragraph begins with the sentence No. 6 “I am a scientist.” it has definitely a unity.

Question 4
‘It is important to keep our forests from being destroyed for cultivation and wood. 2Forests may be of different kinds. 3Forests are essential for maintaining the rate of rainfall and temperature. 4Forests prevent soil erosion and the growth of deserts. 5Forests house a variety of wild animals and birds which will all perish if forests are destroyed. 6The losses – immediate as well long-term-following the destruction of forests are far greater than the paltry financial gain from cultivation and wood.
It is important to keep our forests from being destroyed for cultivation and wood. Forests are essential for maintaining the rate of rainfall and temperature. Forests prevent soil erosion and the growth of deserts. Forests house a variety of wild animals and birds which will all perish if forests are destroyed. The losses – immediate as well long-term-following the destruction of forests are far greater than the paltry financial gain from cultivation and wood. Here the passage loses its unity, because the sentence “Forests may be of different kinds.” does not fit into its main idea.

Question 5
What makes a job perfect at one time and undesirable at another is simply change. The change may be in yourself, in the position or in the job market. A job could be perfect for you at this time of your life. But you may some day become totally dissatisfied with the very same job for the simple reason that you have changed. Some jobs are rather easy. You may not consider a high salary as important now as you did a few years ago. You may not be able to travel as much as you used to. A job which you were keen on getting a few years ago may not interest you now simply because you have become older and your system of values has changed. Some young people like jobs that involves a lot of travelling.
This paragraph is actually two paragraphs combined into one.
(i) What makes a job perfect at one time and undesirable at another is simply change. The change may be in yourself, in the position or in the job market. A job could be perfect for you at this time of your life. But you may some day become totally dissatisfied with the very same job for the simple reason that you have changed. Some jobs are rather easy.
(ii) You may not consider a high salary as important now as you did a few years ago. You may not be able to travel as much as you used to. A job which you were keen on getting a few years ago may not interest you now simply because you have become older and your system of values has changed. Some young people like jobs that involves a lot of travelling. The passage mentions the same idea – A man’s changing attitude towards a job.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 English Writing a Paragraph

Question 6
Baba, Khaire’s first leopard cub, was brought to his foster father when he was only 15 days old: He had been found in a cattle-shed, deserted by his mother. After Baba had refused milk, prawns, minced meat and fish for two days, Khaire started his ward on Farex and the orphaned cat grew up to be a bonny baby. Leopards are affectionate animals with a remarkable memory and so far they have not been observed to have in them the instinct to kill. They never attack until provoked. Within a year, Baba measured seven feet from nose to tail, and when he attained a body weight of 70 kilos, he had to be tearfully sent off to the zoo. Baba had a passion for cars. He used to love being taken for a drive in a Maruti car.
There are two sentences in this paragraph which are not related to the main idea and distract our attention away from the main idea. Can you spot them ?
The two distinct sentences are-
(i) “Leopards are affectionate animals with a remarkable memory and so far they have not been observed to have in them the instinct to kill.”
(ii) They never attack until provoked.

Question 7
Bears are generally good-natured animals, yet there are times when they attack human beings. My aunt hates bears; she says they look ugly. Getting between a mother bear and her cubs is certain to provoke an attack. Some people wear bear skin caps. “They look cute. Acts of cruelty and ill treatment by unthinking persons have often provoked bears in captivity to attack. There are half a dozen brown bears in our zoo. Bears in the wild state are very unpredictable; they may suddenly lose their usual good nature and attack human beings for no apparent reason.
In this paragraph there are few irrelevant details. Let us, first, look at the main idea – that bears, through good natured, may attack human beings. Let us now see what each sentence says about this idea. Sentence 2 is about ‘my aunt’ who thinks bears are ugly; it says nothing about the main point. Sentence 3 does give an example of what provokes an attack by a bear, but sentence 4 is about people who wear bear-skin to look pretty – nothing to contribute to the main idea.

Sentence 5 provides an example of what bears in captivity (e.g. in a zoo) may be forced to do, and the last sentence makes a point about wild bears – they are unpredictable. Thus only sentences 3, 5 and 6 belong to the paragraph : the other two add nothing to it and distract the readers’ attention from the main point.

Hence the correct paragraph is :
Bears are generally good-natured animals, yet there are times when they attack human beings. Getting between a mother bear and her cubs is certain to provoke an attack. They look cute. Acts of cruelty and ill treatment by unthinking persons have often provoked bears in captivity to attack.

Question 8
China assured itself of a place in the final six of the men’s basketball tournament today with a 104-48 win over Iraq. After leading 57-36 at half-time it completely shut out Iraquis for most of the second half. In a period of six minutes, China scored 20 points while conceding only two. At no stage did China relax the pressure, though the tallest player, Mu Tich-Chu, played no part in the match. Outstanding for China was Chang Weipink, who was top scorer with 45 points. The Iraquis, though talented, lacked the discipline of their opponents. Their game crumbled in frustration.
The paragraph is actually three paragraphs combined into one.
Para – 1:
China assured itself of a place in the final six of the men’s basketball tournament today with a 104-48 win over Iraq.
Para – 2:
After leading 57-36 at half time it completely shut out Iraquis for most of the second half. In one period of six minutes China scored 20 points while conceding only two. At no stage did China relax the pressure, though the tallest player, Mu Tich-Chu, played no part in the match. Outstanding for China was Chang Wei-pink who was top scorer with 45 points.
Para – 3:
The Iraquis though talented, lacked the discipline of their opponents. Their game crumbled in frustration. 9 Once upon a time there was a tree in the forest which had thin, pointed, leaves. It felt sad when it saw the large, green leaves of the other trees swaying and rustling in the wind. The forest was big and there were more than a million trees in it. “How unlucky lam!” it moaned. “If only God gave me leaves of gold, I could stand proud among my neighbours and shine with dazzling brilliance in the Sun.” The next morning the tree stood transformed. It had leaves of gold. It looked around at the other trees and saw how envious they were. But when night fell, a greedy man crept close to the tree and plucked all the golden leaves, put them into a sack and stole away. “Oh, how unlucky I am,” the tree lamented again. “But perhaps I can have leaves made of glass. They will shine brighter than gold and no one will steal them.” ‘°The next morning the tree was again transformed. “When the rays of the sun fell on the tree, they were reflected in all directions. The tree felt proud of its leaves, but that night there was thunder and lightning, and the wind blew violently and shook the tree. A11 its glass leaves were broken. ,4“Bad luck, again,” sighed the tree. “Let me have beautiful green leaves like the other trees, but let me perfumed.” This wish was granted, too, and the next day the whole forest was filled with the sweet smell of its leaves. God was kind to all other trees. But within a few hours, goats from all around the forest gathered, drawn by the pleasant smell, nibbled at the leaves until not a trace of green was left on the tree. How foolish I have been,” said the tree sadly. “My own leaves are best for me, not any other, I’ve learnt my lesson.” The next day the tree stood covered once again with thin, pointed leaves. 20It felt as proud of its own leaves as the other trees felt of theirs.
This paragraph is in reality five paragraphs combined into one.
Para – 1:
Once upon a time there was a tree in the forest which had thin, pointed leaves. It felt sad when it saw the large green leaves of the other trees swaying and rustling in the blind. ‘‘How unlucky I am !” it moaned. ‘‘If only God gave me leaves of gold, I could stand proud among my neighbours and shine with dazzling brilliance in the sun.”
Para – 2:
The next morning the tree stood transformed. It had leaves of gold. It looked around at other trees and saw how envious they were. But when night fell, a greedy man kept close to the tree and plucked all the golden leaves, put them into a sack and stole away. “Oh, how unlucky I am,” the tree lamented again. “But perhaps I can have leaves made of glass. They will shine brighter than gold and no one will steal them.”
Para – 3:
The next morning the tree was again transformed. When the rays of the sun fell on the tree, they were reflected in all directions. The tree felt proud of its leaves. But that night there was thunder and lightning, and the wind blew violently and shook the tree. All its glass leaves were broken. “Bad luck, again” sighed the tree. “Let me have beautiful green leaves like other trees, but let them be perfumed.”
Para – 4:
This wish was granted, too, and the next day the whole forest was filled with the sweet smell of its leaves. But within a few hours, goats from all round the forest gathered, drawn by the pleasant smell, and nibbled at the leaves until not a trace of green was left on the tree. “How foolish I have been,” said the tree sadly, “My own leaves are best for me, not any other, I’ve learnt my lesson.”
Para – 5:
The next day the tree stood covered once again with thin, pointed leaves. It felt as proud of its own leaves as the other trees felt of theirs.

Activity 15

Rearrange the sentences in each of the following paragrahs so as to make it meaningful. Indicate the sequence of sentence by their numbers.

Question 1
Then they left the dead body indoors and went out and wandered through the city, with their breasts bare and beating themselves as they walked. A11 the female relatives would join them and do the same. When these ceremonies were over, the body would be carried away to be embalmed. The men, too, would plaster themselves with mud and beat their breasts. As soon as an important personality died, the women of the family plastered their heads with mud. The following is the way in which ancient Egyptians conducted their mourning.
6. The following is the way in which ancient Egyptians conducted their mourning.
5. As soon as an important personality died, the women of the family plastered their heads with mud.
4. The men, too, would plaster themselves with mud and beat their breasts.
3. When these ceremonies were over, the body would be carried away to be embalmed.
1. Then they left the dead body indoors and went out and wandered through the city, with their breasts bare and beating themselves as they walked.
2. All the female relatives would join them and do the same.

Question 2
‘Even if we increase the speed of our spacecraft to 200 miles a second (12000 miles per minute) we will need more than 4000 years. 2If we travel at the speed of 20 miles a second (1200 miles a minute) after getting out of the gravitational pull of the earth and the sun, it will take us 4000 years. 3How long will it take us to get to our nearest star?
3. How long will it take us to get to our nearest star?
2. If we travel at the speed of 20 miles a second (1200 miles a minute) after getting out of the gravitational pull of the earth and the sun, it will take us 4000 years.
1. Even if we increase the speed of our spacecraft to 200 miles a second (12000 miles per minute) we will need more than 4000 years.

Question 3
When it was found, a French General claimed it as his personal property. Champollion’s work on the Rosetta stone meant that the writing on many ancient Egyptian manuscripts and monuments could be read, and our knowledge of the old civilisation of Egypt was greatly increased. This was done, and the Rosetta stone was taken to England and put in the British Museum, where it still is. The history of the stone is also interesting because it shows the attitude of people and governments to ancient objects in those days. But the British were at war with the French at that time, and when they beat them, they demanded the Rosetta stone and other valuable antiquities should be handed over to them.
2. Champollion’s work on the Rosetta stone meant that the writing on many ancient Egyptian manuscripts and monuments could be read, and our knowledge of the old civilisation of Egypt was greatly increased.
4. The history of the stone is also interesting because it shows the attitude of people and governments to ancient objects in those days.
1. When it was found, a French General claimed it as his personal property.
5. But the British were at war with the French at that time, and when they beat them, they demanded the Rosetta stone and other valuable antiquities should be handed over to them.
3. This was done, arid the Rosetta stone was taken to England and put in the British Museum, where it still is.

Study the following paragraph. What type of arrangement does it follow ? Can you rewrite the paragrah by reversing the arrangement ?
The earlitest calendars invented by man were lunar ones,based on the motion of the moon. The Babylonians, for example, had a year of 12 lunar months, which were alternately 29 and 30 days long. Their year was about 11 days short, so they added on extra month every 3 years. This calendar was not accurate over long periods. The Ancient Egyptians established a solar calendar, based on the sun. They split their year of 365 days into 12 months of 30 days, adding 5 days at the end of the year. Next came the early Roman calendar, which was based on the Ancient Egyptian pattern. It altered the number of days in the months to eliminate the extra 5 days.
The paragraph follows a time arrangement. Paragraph in reverse order. The earliest calendars were invented by the Romans. Egyptians and the Babylonians. Each of their calendars had a distinct feature. For example, the early Roman calendar changed the number of days in the months to wipe out the extra 5 days; the Egyptians who established solar calendar added 5 days at the end of the year and the Babylonians’ Calendars had 12 lunar months and their year was short of 11 days, and as a result, they added an extra month every 3 years.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 English Writing a Paragraph

Activity 16

Some of these patterns of arrangement can be found in the following paragraphs. Study each of them, underline the topic sentences, and write the principle of arrangement of ideas on the margin.

Question 1
Insecticides are substances toxic* to insects and are used to control them but in some situations they can cause harm to men, domestic animals, or crops. There are three main kinds of insecticides : stomach insecticides which are eaten by the insects along with food, contact insecticides which get into blood through the skin, and fumigant insecticides which the insects breathe in. While all insecticides are harmful, the stomach insecticides are the most harmful, and should be used very carefully. [*toxic = poisonous]
Topic Sentence :
Insecticides are substances toxic to insects and are used to control them but in some situations they can cause harm to men, domestic animals, or crops.
Sentence 2 :
classification and Exemplification – stomach insecticide eaten by insects, contact insecticides that penetrate blood through skin and fumigant insecticides insects breathe in
Sentence 3 :
Consequence and precaution – stomach insecticides most harmful and need careful use

Question 2.
All the great orators have had a gift for remembering words like that of a musician for remembering music. When Daniel Webster, a famous American orator and dictionary maker was a boy, his teacher held up, one Saturday morning, a shiny new jack-knife and promised it to the boy who would commit the most Bible verses to memory by Monday. Daniel came back on Monday and rattled off seventy verses before the astonished teacher handed him the jack-knife – must to Daniel’s disgust, for he still had several chapters to go.
Topic Sentence :
All the great orators have had a gift for remembering words like that of a musician for remembering music.
Sentence 2 :
Time and process – the teacher asked the boy to commit the most Bible verses to memory by Monday and promised him the jack-knife
Sentence 3 :
Cause and effect – Daniel rattled off seventy verses before the teacher gave him the jack-knife, but the former was disgusted for not committing several chapters to memory.

Question 3.
If you drink plenty of sea water you will soon be as thirsty and dehydrated as a man in a desert who has nothing to drink at all. This is because sea water cotains about 3.5 per cent minerals, about 1 per cent more than the kidneys can excrete normally with its own resources. Thus, if you drink one litre sea water, the kidneys will need 1.75 litres of water to dilute the minerals in the sea water before they can be excreted. This additional 0.75 litre water is taken from the body cells, and this results in dehydration.
Topic Sentence :
1f you drink plenty of seawater you will soon be as thirsty and dehydrated as a man in a desert who has nothing to drink at all.
Sentence 2 :
Effect – seawater contains 3.5% minerals, 1% more than kidneys can excrete normally of their own
Sentence 3 :
Exemplification – drinking one-litre sea water kidney needs 1.75 litres of water to dilute the minerals in the sea water before their excretion
Sentence 4 :
Cause and effect – extracting an additional 0.75 litre from body cells resulting in dehydration

Question 4.
Tapioca tubers which form part of the breakfast of a larger number of farmers in Kerala, are like sweet potatoes. The topioca tubers are peeled, boiled and eaten like sweet potatoes. There are, of course, many important differences between them. While sweet potatoes rarely grow more than ten centimetres, long tapioca tubers can grow thirty centimetres. Sweet potatoes have a thin, pink or white skin whereas tapioca tubers have a thin brown skin and under it a thicker, whitish skin.
Topic Sentence :
Tapioca tubers which form part of the breakfast of a larger number of farmers in Kerala, are like sweet potatoes.
Sentence 2 :
Process – tapioca tubers – peeled, boiled and eaten like sweet potatoes
Sentences 3 & 4 :
Important differences between the two – sweet potatoes – short tapioca – long
Sentence :
Comparison – sweet potatoes – a thin, pink or white skin tapioca tubers thin brown skin, a thicker, whitish skin under it

Question 5.
Economics is the social science that studies how limited resources are distributed for unlimited and competing uses. It tries to find out what men and societies do to satisfy their material needs and desires, when the means they have are not enough to fulfil all their material desires.
Topic Sentence and Definition :
Economics is the social science that studies how limited resources are distributed for unlimited and competing uses.
Sentence 2 :
Exemplication – a social science that deals with unlimited wants and limited resources of man It studies human behaviour in this respect

Question 6.
Building a good compfire involves a routine which the serious camper learns very early. Before trying to start a fire, the camper prepares a site. He clears an area with a radius of about ten feet to ensure that the fire will not spread. He then gathers the following materials : dry twigs, and some pine and spruce wood. In laying the fire, the camper first makes a small pile of grass in the centre of the fire site. He then stacks twigs in a pyramidal or I tepee shape around the grass. He usually starts the fire with matches, though the experienced camper can also start it by rubbing two sticks together if necessary. As the fire progresses, he adds small sticks of dry pine wood and then larger pieces as the fire spreads out and becomes hotter. When the fire is very hot and is thoroughly established, he adds spruce wood or another ^ long-burning wood if such is available. He takes care to add new wood to the fire stick by stick, for too many pieces assed at one time may put the I fire out or cause a lot of smoke. By following these steps, almost anyone can build a campfire successfully.
Topic Sentence :
Building a good compfire involves a routine which the serious camper learns very early. Before trying to start a fire, the camper prepares a site.
Sentences 2-7:
He clears … smoke clearing the area, gathering I dry tags, and so on
Sentence 8 :
Result Following these steps makes anyone build a successfl campfire

Question 7 .
Man has existed for about a million years. He has possessed writing for about 6000 years, agriculture some what longer, but perhaps not much longer. Science, as a dominant factor in determining the beliefs of educated men, has existed for about 300 years; as source of economic technique, for about 150 years. In this brief period it has proved itself an incredibly powerful revolutionary force. When we consider how recently it has risen to power, we find ourselves forced to believe that we are at the very beginning of its work in transforming human life. What its future effects will be is a matter of conjecture, but possibly a study of its effects hitherto may make the conjecture a little less hazardous.
Topic Sentence :
Science, as a dominant factor in determining the beliefs of educated men, has existed for about 300 years; as source of economic technique, for about 150 years.
Now let us look at the order in which the facts are presented in the paragraphs.
(a) when man appeared on earth : 10,00,000 years ago
(b) when he learnt to write : 600 years ago
(c) when modem science began : 300 years ago
(d) when science began to provide technique : 150 years ago
(e) the future of science
The statements are placed in order of time. This arrangement can be used in explaining a process or in narrative writing.

Question 8
She led me into a cold dark room, rough and very gloomy, although with two candles burning. I took little heed of the things in it, though I marked that the window was open. That which I heeded was an old man, very stem, with death upon his countenance; yet not lying in his bed, but set upright in a chair, with .a loose red cloak thrown over him. Upon this his white hair fell and his pale fingers lay in a ghastly fashion, without a sign of life or movement, or of the power that kept him up; all rigid, calm, relentless. Only in his great black eyes, fixed upon me solemnly, all the poser of his body dwelt, all the life of his soul was burning.
Topic Sentence :
She led me into a cold dark room, rough and very gloomy, although with two candles burning.
Let us look at the order in which the facts are presented in the paragraph.
(a) The author’s eye falls upon the ‘cold, dark room’, ‘the candles’, ‘the windows’.
(b) Next he notices the man, his posture (‘stem’, ‘solemnly’, ‘death upon his countenance’), and his dress (loose and cloak)
(c) Then he notices his features : his hair (white) and his fingers (pale).
(d) Finally his most striking eyes in which ‘his soul was burning’. Here the writer follows a spatial arrangement.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 English Writing a Paragraph

Activity 17

Now, using each of the above paragraphs as a model, write a similar paragraph, (the question for each paragraph is meant go guide you in writing a similar paragraph.)

Question 1.
How many types of insecticides does the writer mention ?
The writer mentions three types of insecticides.
Task : Now write a similar paragraph based on these hints.
Mineral rock that bums – five kinds
(i) anthracite – hardest and blackest – cleanest – greatest heat
(ii) cannel – less hard, dull black, clean bright flame
(iii) bituminous – less hard, bums easily but lot of dust and smoke
(iv) lignite – brown and moist, not difficult to bum and smoke
(v) peat – brown, : good heat once dried and burned
There are five kinds of mineral rocks that bum. The first is anthracite which is the hardest, blackest and cleanest of all. The heat that it gives is the greatest. The second of its kind is cannel which is less hard and its colour is dull black. This burning mineral rock gives clean bright flame. Then there is bituminous which is equally less hard. It bums without any problem, but gives off lot of dust and smoke. The fourth kind of burning mineral rock is ignite which is brown and moist. It is easy to bum and smoke. The last of all is peat which is brown in colour. This mineral once dried and burned gives us good heat.

Question 2.
Why has the writer mentioned the incident from Daniel Webster’s life ? Now write a similar paragraph.
The writer has mentioned the incident from Daniel Webster’s life to bring home his talent as an orator. Rames is a musician, but he is endowed with a gift of remembering words like great orators. When he was a boy, his teacher held up, one Monday afternoon a beautiful guitar and promised it to him who would give a lilting tune to his song within three hours. He rose to the occasion and his teacher’s astonishment knew no bounds. He handed the boy the guitar, but the latter was not vexed, for he would have given still a sweeter music to his teacher’s song.

Question 3.
What is the effect of drinking sea water ?
Drinking sea water will make a person thirsty and dehydrated at once.
Task : Your cricket team lost the first match of a tournament. As the captain you have to give a report on your failure to the manager. Your paragraph should include lack of discipline, disobedience, lack of cooperation, lack of fitness, injury, lack of good food and proper accommodation as reasons for your losing the match.
Unfortunately, Eleven Gun team has lost its first match of the tournament against Cuttack Cricket Club. The captain of the team apprises his manager of the cause of his team’s dismal failure. He attributes lack of discipline, disobedience, lack of co¬operation among players. Besides other factors, such as, lack of players’ fitness, lack of good food and proper accommodation contribute to the team’s debacle.

Question 4.
How is tapioca similar to sweet potatoes ?
Tapioca is similar to sweet potatoes in terms of peeling, boiling and eating.
Task : Khaitan fans look similar to Orient fans – 3 blades – instant pick-up – but differences – angle of blades – pushes more air out – uses less power – double ball bearings – smooth and noiseless.
Khaitan fans look similar to Orient fans with three blades and instant pick¬up. But there are glancing differences between the two. They have dissimilar angle of blades. Khaitan fan pushes more air out, uses less power. It has double ball bearings. Above all, it is smoother and natural. People understandably prefer Khaitan fans to Orient ones.

Question 5.
What is Economics ?
Economics, a social science, deals with how limited resources are distributed for unlimited and competing uses.
Task : Lie detector doesn’t detect lies – detects emotional changes, catches in breath,blood pressure, pulse rate etc. – suspect’s connection with wife – answer questions – some innocent questions – some important questions at unexpected moments.
Lie detector doesn’t detect lies. Instead, it detects a person’s emotional changes. It catches in his breath. Not only does it know his blood pressure and pulse rate, but also it studies his body language to the core. It finds the person in a very unpleasant mood by asking him some unexpected and unnatural questions, such as his relation with other women, etc. At times, a lie detector asks him some innocent questions such as the rationale behind his childish simplicity and so on. It also wants to detect his dreams, hopes and aspirations at a time when he is not ready to answer them because of some unavoidable circumstances.

Question 6.
What should a camper do to make a camp-fire ?
A camper should prepare a site before starting a camp fire and then follows several steps beginning from gathering twigs to adding new wood to the fire stick by stick for the purpose.
Task : Write a paragraph on how to make a paper plane or a paper boat.
Making a paper boat involves some steps. At first, we take a piece of paper. It should be of a standard size. Then we fold it in a manner that resembles a boat. We never cut the piece of paper. While folding the paper we see that its bottom becomes hollow, the middle portion is elevated a little and two sides look like those of a boat.

Question 7.
What are the first and last sentences of the paragraph ? What do the middle sentences say ?
First sentence : Man has existed for about a million years.
Last sentence : What its future effects will be is a matter of conjecture, but possibly a study of its effects hitherto may take the conjecture a little less hazards. The middle sentences throw light on the dominance of science, though it has existed for about 300 years.
Task : A handful of important inventions have changed the course of the world – fire – copper – iron – steam – petrol – electricity. Write a paragraph on these important inventions.
A handful of important inventions such as, fire, copper, iron, steam, petrol and electricity have changed the course of the world. Before the advent of fire, man didn’t how to cook food. With its emergence, he cooked his food. Other inventions have led to the industrial revolution. It resulted in machine civilisation. Electricity was the most important invention. Thanks to it, the age of machine started. Iron is instrumental in the construction of houses. Numerous necessary materials are made from it. These inventions made the world small and enhanced the people’s standard of life.

Question 8.
What does the writer see first ? What does he observe next ?
The writer first sees ‘the cold, dark room’, ‘the candles’, ‘the windows’. Next he observes an old man, his posture and dress.
Task : Describe your classroom.
My classroom is 35′ x 32′ in size. It has two doors on the same side. One door is at the beginning of the room and the other one is at the end of the room. Just opposite to the wall of doors there are four windows, each at a distance of 8′. Our classroom is on the first floor. We have double desks in the classroom. There is one rolling blackboard quite big and black.

There is a huge table called the teacher’s table and well-cushioned chair for the teacher. The classroom is decorated with charts and maps. It is kept clean and nothing is left on the floor. There are three electric fans each at a distance of eleven feet from the other. There are three shelves in our classroom. Last though not the least, it always looks beautiful.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 English Writing a Paragraph

Additional Question On Paragraph With Answers

Question 1.
Each group of sentences below belong to a paragraph, but they are not in proper order. Rewrite them in their correct order to form a coherent paragraph. On fullmoon day people flock to Agra to feast their eyes on this exquisite building which presents to their eyes a blend of beauty and poetry. They remember Shah Jahan, wo erected this monument to love and dedicated it to the memory of his queen, Mumtaz. Tourists who return from India carry indelible memories of their visit to Agra, the city of the Taj Mahal. They remember the glory of the Moghul Empire. Taj Mahal by moonlight is one of the most beautiful sights in the world.
Tourists who return from India carry indelible memories of their visit to Agra, the city of the Taj Mahal. Taj Mahal by moonlight is one of the most beautiful sights in the world. On fullmoon day people flock to Agra to feast their eyes on this exquisite building which presents to their eyes a blend of beauty and poetry. They remember the glory of the Moghul Empire. They remember Shah Jahan, wo erected this monument to love and dedicated it to the memory of his queen, Mumtaz.

Question 2.
Write the following paragraph and point out its topic sentence. Making ropes is one of the oldest trades in the world we know that people made ropes more than 5,000 years ago because we have found pieces of rope in very old Egyptian tombs. They made some of these from the hair of camels. They have made others from twisted glass. People use them for tying animals for getting water from deep wells and for pulling large stones which they used in buildings. We have found too, ropes were made of thin copper wire in the city of Pompeii, which a volcano destroyed a little less than 2,000 years ago.
Topic sentence:
Making ropes is one of the oldest trades in the world.

Question 3.
Complete the following paragraph by filling in each blank with the right connectives from the list. In addition, for instance, probably, or, because ___________ the most terrible example of superstitions is the belief in witchcraft. In Western Europe, during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, three-quarters of a million people were killed, mostly after being tortured, ___________ they were found guilty of witchcraft something for which today we can find no scientific evidence. When people give reasons for persecuting others, we ought to be very sure that their reasons are not merely superstitions, ___________ based on false principles __________ even the civilised nations today, many actions take place and laws are made on the basis of principles which are just as much unproved assumptions as we many of these of the philosophies of the middle ages. ____________ by nature, it is often held as a principle that white people are superior to people of other colours.
probably, because, or, in addition, for instance.

Question 4.
What is wrong in the following paragraph?
It is a matter of surprise, a very great surprise indeed, that when we are about to enter the twenty-first century, some of us still believe in superstitions and in the superiority of one set of people over another. For example, some of the whites of South Africa firmly believe that as a race, they are infinite to the block or the Broncos. Mahatma Gandhi fought all through his life for the unity of Hindus and Muslims.
The above paragraph is wrong because the last sentence does not match its context.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 English Writing a Paragraph

Question 5.
Re-arrange the sentences in the following paragraph so as to make them meaningful. Indicate the sequences of sentences by their numbers.
1. The rocky material carried by a river is called its load.
2. A river carries its load by rolling the rocks and large stones along its bed, while the finer rock pieces are carried by the water.
3. The river wears away the surface of the land over which it flows.
4. As it is pulled along, the load is slowly broken up into smaller and smaller pieces.
5. The load which a river carries rubs against the sides and the bed or the floor of the river and wears them away.
3, 1, 5, 4, 2.

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