CHSE Odisha Class 12 Sociology Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Long Answer Questions

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 12 Sociology Solutions Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Long Answer Questions.

CHSE Odisha 12th Class Sociology Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Long Answer Questions

Long Questions With Answers

Question 1.
Define national integration and discuss various factors disintegrating the Indian nation.
Anation is a mosaic of cultures. It has many elements, many textures, and many colors. The Indian nation is such a rich mosaic of people, dress, diet, languages, and religious faiths. Diversity is mixed with unity. Neither do they oppose each other nor do they grow at each other’s cost. They support and sustain each other India sets a fine example of unity in diversity. Unfortunately, today’s country’s unity is seriously challenged.

The separatist forces have raised their head in different parts of the country. The forces of fundamentalism are at work. Besides the regional and casteist forces are out to divide the people into narrow lines. Looking at these unhealthy trends serious-minded people have started asking is the republic breaking up, Therefore, an understanding of the nature and problems of national integration is necessary.

Ordinarily by national integration, we mean the sentiment which blinds the people of a country together. If connotes a sense of oneness brotherhood and we-feeling. It creates a social bond which French sociologist Durkheim calls organic solidarity. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan says “integration is a thought which must go into the minds of the people. It is the consciousness which must awaken the people at large”.

According to Akin Benjamin, national integration means the assimilation of the entire people of a country to a common identity”. In the word Rasheeudin Khan term, National Integration means cohesion but not fashion, unity but not uniformity, and reconciliation but not the assimilation of the discrete segment of people constituting a political community or a state.

H. A. Gani writers, National integration is the socio-psychological and educational process through which a feeling of unity solidarity, and cohesion develops in the hearts of the people and a sense of common citizenship. Thus are define national integration as a sense of belongingness, a feeling of togetherness, and of unity. Some of the salient features of national integration are the following.

Firstly, national integration is a process in which people of a nation are made to know, feel and act as one people. Secondly, it means the composition of differences but not their complete disappearance. It does not require that the people of India should have one loyalty and that should be to India. A person can have a set of loyalties such as loyalty to the state he lives into his caste, religion, language, etc.

but at the same time, he is required to remain loyal to the nation. National loyalty is primary and should come first when it is in conflict with other loyalties. Thirdly, it stands for mental tolerance. It calls for the elimination of anti-national forces. Fourthly, it is a comprehensive process it includes political, social, cultural, and even emotional integration of people. Lastly, national integration requires secularism and democracy.

Dis- integrating factors:
Many disintegrating factors are coming up in the way of nation-building and have sorted out some major factors such as communalism, casteism, linguism, and regionalism.

Communalism means one’s loyalty to one’s community. This in itself is not bad but rather national. But when blind love of communal feelings turns one’s own community and religion it becomes a concern. Moreover, the interlinking of religion with politics makes the matter worse. Communalism has changed its scope. It is more confined to religion. It has spread to caste, class, ethnic groups, etc.

It is not only seen in urban areas but also found on rural areas. Communalism is the number one national enemy. It is very powerful and wide- spread. Religious sentiment is the most cherished and sacred sentiment of the common man. Communalists try to strive for the religious sentiments of a community through lies and disinformation. The distant history. They present facts that are half true and half lie.

They spread rumors against the rival communities which may be total lies. The irresponsible and dangerous game played by communal forces ends in riots causing mass disorder, rape, loot, etc. Poor of all the communities become poorer Business, industry, education, public utility services close, and health and sanitation all come to stand still. Thus, riots threaten the safety of the whole nation.

It also lowers the image of the country outside Enemies inside and outside the country take the upper hand. Recent happenings of communal violence on several parts of the country in general and the violence of Ayodhya and the destruction of Babri Masjid, in particular, prove this sufficiently.

Casteism is a grave menace to national integration. It is an abnormal feature of one caste system. When the consideration of superiority between he interest of one’s own caste as opposed to their castes are added to the caste. It is turned in to casteism. Casteism creates political or – side loyalty to fellow caste men, it generates inter- caste tensions Gandhiji compared casteism with that of the appendix in the human body.

As long as it continues to enjoy health it serves its purpose but when it becomes diseased it affects the whole system. So the sooner it is removed better for the health, indeed casteism has spread its roots and branches into various walks of socio-economic and political life. It has become a social evil.

Regionalism is another major challenge to nation-building. It does not mean a attachment to one’s region but has come up to mean loyalty to the nation but has come up to mean loyalty to the nation or state. Before understanding regionalism let us know what the term region implies. A region refers to an area marked by certain physical and cultural characteristics which are different from those neighboring areas.

Love for a particular region in preference to the country and in certain cases in preference to the state of which the region is part is called regionalism. Regionalism is also understood as a consciousness of loyalty to a distinct area within a country, usually characterized by a common culture and language or historical or social background.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Sociology Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Long Answer Questions

Question 2.
What do you mean by communalism? What are its causes? Suggest some remedial measures to abolish Communalism in India?
Communalism is the number one national enemy. It is very powerful and widespread. Religious sentiment is the most cherished and sacred sentiment of the common man. Communalists try to the religious sentiments of a community through lies disinformation. they distort history. They present facts that are half true and half lie. They spread rumors against the rival communities which may be a total lie.

The irresponsible and dangerous game played by communal forces ends in riots causing mass murder, rape, loot, etc poor of all the communities become poorer. Business, industry, education, and public utility services like health and sanitation) all come to stand still. Thus riots weaken the safety of the whole nation. It also lowers the image of the country outside. Enemies inside and outside the country take the upper hand.

Recent happenings of communal violence in several points of the country in general and the violence of Ayodhya and the desecration of Babri Masjid, in particular, prove this sufficiently. Communalism means one’s loyalty to one’s community. This in our self is not bad but rather natural. But when blind love of communal feelings turns into one’s own community and religion it becomes cancerous.

Moreover, the interlinking of religion with politics makes the matter worse. Communalism has chaged its scope. It is no more confined to religion. It has spread to caste, class, ethnic groups, etc. It is not only seen in urban areas but also found in rural areas. Humayun Kabir, the former Minister for Education in the government of India has described communalism as a phenomenon by virtue.

persons belonging to a certain community are either discriminated against or shown favor to regardless of their merits or demerits just on the basis of their community. Harbans Mukhia defines communalism as the phenomenon of religious differences between groups often leading to tension and even rioting between them.

Briefly stated the characteristics of communalism are:

  • Communalism is an ideology
  • It is based on economic, political, and social interests.
  • It is an instrument in the hands of the higher class or elite people.
  • It is based on prejudice.
  • It drives the masses toward violence
  • It is dreadful and undesirable.
  • It is opposed to secularism and national integration.

Causes of Communalism:
Communalism is a multi-dimensional social phenomenon. Any single cause cannot, therefore, give a full explanation of communalism. Following are some of the causes of communalism.

Colonial past:
Many scholars have said that communalism is the consequence of the colonial past. The Britishers adopted the divide-and-rule policy. The communal award separates electorates etc are examples of this policy. The ultimate result of this policy was the partition of India into Pakistan and Hindustan.

Growth of Militant Nationalists during Indian Nationalism:
Indian nationalism gave birth to militant nationalists like Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Lala Lajpat Rai, etc. These leaders took Shivaji and Rana Pratap as their heroes. Tilak started the Ganapati festival and Shivaji festival to mobilize the masses against colonial rule. Of course, these great leaders were above communalism and gave a broader interpretation to the revival of this festival.

while infusing respect for tradition through these festivals. Hindus also hammered on respect for other- religions. But the fanatic Hindus took up only aspect of their gesture propagated Hindu communalism just as fanatic Muslims suspected those well-meaning. Hindu nationalists and fanned secret hatred for them among Muslims.

Political factor:
Communalism is essentially political in origin. The high-class people skillfully manipulate the religious sentiments of the community for their political gain. Some politicians have also linked with the anti-socials who create communal violence, Religion has come to stay in politics. Political parties use it as a tool to aim at the election. They connect the communal blocks to the vote banks.

Besides the religious teachers or priests viz. some Shankaracharyas, Shahi Imam of Jama Masjid in Delhi, etc. are also playing political roles. Over the years there is an increase in the number of visits to religious shrines by Hindu political leaders to pacify the Muslim fundamentalists India’s government changed the Supreme Court’s decision on the Shah Banu case through legislation.

Economic factors:
Bipin Chandra says that distorted capitalist development in India is responsible for the growth of communalism in two ways First the capitalist economy has failed to solve the basic problems of poverty unemployment and inequality. Asa result there is unhealthy competition to grab adequate economic and social opportunities.

Second capitalist development in agriculture and industry besides creating higher income has created a new social class. For example, green revolution has given birth to a new middle class. The development process in the past years have also widened the gap between the rich and the poor. Such a situation provides the basis for the growth of Communalism.

Psychological Factors:
Just like wars are born in the born in minds of the people, so also communalism is born in the mind of the people of India. Communal violence breaks out when mutual hatred and distrust between the Communities reach its height. Besides these communities have some communal stereotypes of fixed irrational beliefs towards one another.

for example, the Hindus believe that all Muslims are fundamentalists and fanatical by nature. They are unpatriotic and have a secret love for Islamic countries. On the other hand, Muslims hate Hindus as idolaters and thus Muslims also find that they are treated in India as Second rate citizens.

Demonstrative religiosity:
This means a deep emotional involvement with a ritualistic aspect of religion. It arouses a spirit of competition for the celebration of religious festivals among the members of different religious groups. Hindus beat drums and play music near mosques while taking processions and provoke Muslims giving rise to riots.

But Just as Hindus are not going to lose anything religion- else or they stop playing music in the procession near the mosque so also a true Muslim offering Namaj can be disturbed by music played on the road. It is only the human ego and demonstrative religion which is at the root of Communalism.

Misrepresentation of History:
The deserted view of Indian history is a major factor of the Communalism Falsification of India History was started by the Britishers. They tried to show that India had always been ruled by the tyrant Muslim rules. The Britishers had made the Hindus free from Muslim oppression. The Muslims and the Hindus had always been two rival camps, Indian History was divided into different periods such as the British period.

It has intentionally or unintentionally focussed the attention of the students separateness and rivalries among communities in N.C. Saxena writes the major ideology behind the writings of Indian history is communal, History, as it is taught in the schools, is either myths or half-truths.

Minorities’ tendency to remain aloof:
Another cause of communalism in India is the tendency of minority groups to remain away from the national mainstream. Most Muslims do not take part in the secular politics of the country. They organize themselves to maintain separate identities and sometimes give blackout to one who promises benefit for them as a community. Thus sometimes they choose to remain second-class citizens.

Encouragement from the outside countries:
Communalism gets encouragement from some other countries like Pakistan other big foreign powers also interfere in our internal politics and play one community against the other through their secret services of other countries like C.I.A. of the U.S.A has been suspected behind some large-scale communal riots.

Social factors:
The social practices, customs, traditions, laws ways of thinking, acting, and behaving of the Hindu and the Muslim Communities have marked differences. This creates a gap between them. The practice of polygamy and avoidance to adopt family planning by the Muslims create suspicion among the Hindus. Of course, such a feeling is baseless. Because very few Muslims practice polygamy. Among polygamous Muslims, the number of wives rarely exceeds two. This is not rare among Hindus either.

The Role of Mass – Media:
The press and other mass- media sometimes contribute to Communal tension in their own way. Many a time news items published are based on hearsay, rumours wrong interpretation of facts. Such news adds fuel to the fire of communalism.

Indian Constitution:
Kashyap in his book communalism and Constitution states that our constitution is in no way less Responsible for the growth of communalism absence and the presence of certain provisions in the Indian constitution contribute to the growth of communalism.

Suggestions to fight out communalism:
We have explained some of the courses promoting communalism. The task is to offer some suggestions to eradicate communalism. The committee on National Integration has given some valuable suggestions. Briefly stated they are as follows.

  • Celebration of community festivals jointly.
  • Cultivating respect for the religious beliefs and practices of the neighbors.
  • Prevention of destruction of idols and violation of customs observed by others.
  • The formation of Ekata Committees at the local level to cheek the growth of antisocial elements and to maintain a healthy atmosphere.

In addition to the above suggestions, we should like to add a few more. People should be educated so as to feed that their primary loyalty is to their country and considerations are secondary. Communal activities should be treated as offenses under the law. Religion should be separated from politics.

The communal political parties should be banned Indian History should be rewritten on the model of national integration. The intellectual, political and religious leaders, media, voluntary organizations, trade unions, Kishan Sabhas should be tagged the task of de-communalizing people at all levels.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Sociology Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Long Answer Questions

Question 3.
What is Casteism? What are its causes, Suggest some remedial measures to abolish Casteism?
Casteism is a grave menace to national integration. It is an abnormal feature of the caste system. When the consideration of superiority between the castes and the tendency to consider the interest of one’s own caste as opposed to other castes are added to the caste it is turned into Casteism. Casteism creates political or side loyalty to the fellow cautioned.

It generates inter-caste tensions. Gandhiji compared casteism with that of the appendix in the human body. As long as it continues to enjoy health it serves its surprise but when it becomes diseased it affects the whole system. So some it is removed better for the health. Indeed casteism has spread its roots and branches into various walks of socio-economic and political life. It has become a social evil.

According to Kaka Kalekar Casteism is an over-riding blind and supreme group loyalty that ignores the healthy social standards of justice, fair play, equality, and universal brotherhood K.M. Panikkar interprets casteism as loyalty to one’s sub-caste. In this way, it is only because of casteism that the smiths want to benefit only the smiths while the Joneses want to come to the aid of the other Joneses. It matters if the members of the other castes are irreparably harmed if it does not course any concern to the smiths and Joneses.

According to D.N. Prasad, casteism is a loyalty to the caste translated into politics. In this way, caste has beat dragged into the political areas in the form of casteism such as Brahminavada and Kayasthavada. We may define casteism as a phenomenon by virtue of which persons belonging to a certain caste group are either discriminated against or shown favor to regardless of their merits and demands, just on the basis of their caste.

Characteristics of casteism:
On the basis of the foregoing definitions, the following characteristics of casteism can be outlined.

  • Casteism refers to the blind caste or sub-caste loyalty. It does not care for the interests of other castes.
  • For a casteist my caste men and any caste only, right or wrong is the principle.
  • It submits one’s sense of justice fair play, and humanity to the interest of his own caste.
  • It is anti-democratic
  • It defines the constitution by discriminating on the basis of caste.
  • It is a barrier to national integration.

Casteism is very much active in the politics and administration in modem India The political leaders use caste links at the time of election. The candidates are put up in the constituencies on the basis of the number of castes formed on the area. Elections panchayats parliament are fought using caste as a mean village-level leaders are cultivating ministers for their privileges and favors ministers in return need the help of the village leaders to win in the election.

Many of the ministers at the national level, as well as provincial level, are the leaders of their caste groups, M.N. Srinivas writes regarding the state of affairs in Mysore not only the ministers even the secretaries are chosen on a caste basis. Caste seems to be the most important consideration on the selection of candidates to posts in their promotion certain percentages of seats in schools and colleges are reserved on the basis of caste. In this way, casteism has gone deep into our society.

Causes of Casteism:
Multiple factors are responsible for the growth and spread of casteism. Some of the important factors are:
Sense of Caste Prestige:
Caste prestige is considered to be one of the most important factors of casteism. In a caste society, an individual thinks that his status is linked with caste status. He does all sorts things fair of foul to improve the prestige of his caste. He may close his eyes to the interest of other caste people while doing something to increase caste prestige.

In a caste, society marriage are confined to one’s own caste.No one is allowed to marry outside the caste, People related by marriage develop a deep sense of belonging towards one another. This strengthens caste consciousness.

The discrimination against the backward castes in the matter of eating, drinking, marriage, and social interaction by the high castes makes them feel aggrieved. They are also aware that the economically, and politically powerful castes are hostile to their desire to move up. The high castes on the other hand, point to the discrimination practiced against admission to schools and colleges and in appointment to government posts. They say that merit is ignored in caste of caste. All in all inter- caste tension spreads. The after-effect of the execution of the Mandal Commission report is its burning sample.

Due to urbanization, people from rural areas to urban areas face an impersonal world to live in. They feel insecure which compels them to seek timely help from their own caste people. So they prefer to stay in a cluster formed on the basis of caste.

Remedial Measures:
Casteism has become pervasive. Its root has gone deep into Indian soils. It can be uprooted overnight. It requires “a lot of beating” before it’s done away with However, different scholars have made different suggestions for its eradication. Some of the important M.N. Srinivas has suggested two types of measures for the abolition of casteism namely, short-term and long-term on a short-term basis through wide spread industrialization habits of urban life, co-education, and making inter-caste marriage popular can reduce inter-caste hatred.

On a long-term basis adult franchise, the industrial revolution through five-year plans, the spread of literacy and higher education among the lower castes, the legal rights to Harijans the privileges given to backward castes, and the greater Sanskritization of the way of life of the lower castes would gradually remove casteism. GS. Ghurye’s suggestion is that casteism can be removed by encouraging inter-caste marriage. Co-education will give an opportunity for the boys and girls to come together and inter-marry.

Mrs. Karve suggests the creation of economic and cultural equality between castes as a means to do away with casteism. According to P.N.H. Prabhu casteism can be eliminated if new attitudes in the people are developed. The cinema and other media can do much towards the creation of these attitudes.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Sociology Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Long Answer Questions

Question 4.
What is regionalism? What are its causes? Suggest some remedial measures to abolish regionalism?
Regionalism is another major challenge to nation-building. It does not mean an attachment to one’s region but has come up to mean deciding loyalty to the nation or state. Before understanding regionalism let us know what the term region implies. A region refers to an area marked by certain physical and cultural characteristics which are different from those of neighboring areas.

Love for a particular region in preference to the country and in certain cases in preference to the state of which the region is a part is called regionalism. Regionalism is also understood as a consciousness of loyalty to a distinct area within a country, usually characterized by a common culture and language or social background. Seligman and Johnson have defined regionalism as a counter-movement to any exaggerated or oppressive form of centralization.

According to Iqbal Narain “Regionalism has both a positive and negative dimension speaking on positive terms it embodies a Guest for self-fulfillment on the part of the people of an area. Negatively speaking regionalism reflects a psyche of relative deprivation resulting from specific grievances. In the words of A.T. Philip and K.H. Shivaji Rao Regionalism refers to sub-nationalism demanding preference of the region, as against the country as a whole.

From the above definitions, we may note down the following characteristics of regionalism. Regionalism is a frame of mind. It is a live and loyalty shown to the region in preference to the state or nation. It is expressed on the ideas like the development of one’s own region even at the caste of other regions’ enjoyment of all benefits from the development by the people of the same regional one. It does not allow people from other regions to work and settle in the region.

Regionalism, today is expressed in the following ways:
The first is the demand for a separate state on the basis of language. The formation of Andhra Pradesh, the division of Punjab into three separate princes such as Punjab. Haryana and Himachal Pradesh the formation of a number of states in the North Eastern region outcomes of which demand.

The second is the slogan of the son of the soil. The essence of the demand is to secure preference for the local people-in matters of employment and protection of their trade and industries. The third is in the form of boundary disputes between the states. The fourth is in the form of the growth of militant regionalism in the name of various senses like Siva Sena in Maharasthra, Tamil Sena in Tamil Nadu, Hindu Sena in North India, etc.

The fifth expression of regionalism is in the form of demand for more state autonomy as is the demand by Assam Gana Parishad (A.GP.) or C.P.I.M. in West Bengal. Last out not least, the expression of regionalism is found in the inter-state water disputes. The conflict between Punjab and Haryana relating to the distribution of water from rivers like Ravi Beas and Sutlej and the fight between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu for the Cauvery Water, etc. can be cited as examples.

Causes of Regionalism
Regionalism is a complex social process. Its causes are many and varied. Some of the important factors promoting regionalism are discussed below:
Geographical factor:
India is a vast country. It has a number of distinct regions Each region has a number of distinct regions. Each region has a different kind of climate, topography, and settlement pattern. This Geographical difference gives people of a region a feeling that they are different from others.

Cultural factors:
Each region has its own customs, traditions, and culture. The people living in a region develop an identity with the culture. They develop a tendency to like at and treat the culture of other regions as alien.

Historical factors:
Many of the regions have their local history. Historical traditional and local heroes. The people of these regions get inspired by their regional history. If for any region the local personalities are ignored regionalism becomes pronounced.

Economic factor:
The economic factor is the root of regionalism, the uneven development of the country’s administration means of communication and education had affected the development of many regions during colonial rule. Even after independence regions have become more advanced economically, industrially, and agriculturally than others. Thus, the difference in economic development gives rise to the feeling of less developed regions have been relatively deprived. The recent movements for a separate LJttarkhand state, Jharkhand state, and Bodoland amply illustrate this.

Linguistic factor:
Language also strengthens the hand of regionalism. India is a country with many languages. People speaking the same language feel united. They develop an emotional attachment for the language and its literature. This at times turns into linguistic regionalism.

Political factors:
Political parties use regions to serve their political ends. They exploit regional sentiments as and when necessary. At the time of the election, they make regional problems an issue for campaigning. A good number of regional parties are also raising their heads. Some such parties are ADMK and AIDAMK in Tamilnadu, Akali Dal in Punjab, Jharkhand Party in Bihar, Assam Gana Parisad in Assam, etc.

Remedial measures:
The task before the nation is how to fight out regionalism. In this connection, the following remedial measures can be suggested.

  • Greater priority should be given to the economic development of the backward regions.
  • Cultural interaction between the regions should be promoted on a large scale.
  • A balanced distribution of national resources should be made for all the regions.
  • People should be educated to wipe out separatist feelings and develop patriotic feelings.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Sociology Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Short Answer Questions

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 12 Sociology Solutions Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Short Answer Questions.

CHSE Odisha 12th Class Sociology Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Short Answer Questions

Short Type Questions With Answers

Question 1.
What do you mean by National Integration?
National integration is the process that aims at building a nation-state. Unity in diversity is the other name of national integration.

Question 2.
What are the main obstacles to national integration?
National integration is one danger in the face of fissiparous forces like communalism, terrorism, casteism and regionalism.

Question 3.
Define communalism?
Prabha Dikhit writes “Communalism is a political doctrine which makes use of religious – cultural differences to achieve political ends”.

Question 4.
Give any two important characteristics of communalism?

  • It is based on prejudice
  • It is dreadful and undesirable.

Question 5.
Mention any two important causes of communalism?

  • Colonial past
  • Economic factors

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Sociology Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Short Answer Questions

Question 6.
Write down Bipin Chandra’s views on Communalism in India?
Bipin Chandra explains communalism as an ideology with three basic elements. First, communal ideology is common among people who follow the same religion. They have not only religious beliefs but also common political, social and cultural interests. The second element is the belief that the secular interests (economic .social, political and cultural).

the followers of one religion are different from the secular interests of the followers of another religion. The third element is the belief that the secular interests of different communities are not only different but are hostile to each other.

Question 7.
Suggest any two remedies for the eradication of communalism?
Prevention of destruction of idols and violation of customs observed by others. The formation ofAkata committed at the local level to check the growth of anti-social elements and to maintain a healthy atmosphere.

Question 8.
What is casteism?
Casteism is a grave menace to national integration an abnormal feature of the caste system when the consideration of superiority between the castes and the tendency to consider the interest of one’s own caste as opposed to other castes are added to the caste. It is turned into casteism. Casteism creates a particular one- side- loyalty to fellow caste men. It generates inter-caste tensions.

Question 9.
Define Casteism?
K.M. Panikkar interprets casteism as loyalty to one’s caste. In this way it is only because of casteism that the smiths not to benefit only the smiths while the Joneses want to come to the addition of the other Jones. lt matters like of the other castes are irreparably harmed of it does not cause any concern to the Smiths and Joneses.

Question 10.
Mention any two characteristics of casteism?
Casteism refers to the blind caste or sub-caste loyalty. It does not care for the interests of other castes. For a casteist my caste men and my caste only, right or wrong is the principle.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Sociology Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Short Answer Questions

Question 11.
Mention any two causes of casteism?

  • Sense of caste prestige
  • Discrimination

Question 12.
Suggest any two remedies for the eradication of casteism?

  • No use of the caste title
  • Economic development and realization of a welfare state.

Question 13.
What is regionalism?
Regionalism is another obstacle that stand in the way of nation-building. By regionalism, we mean giving preference to a region over the state or the nation. The region constitutes the core of regionalism.

Question 14.
Define regionalism?
According to Iqbal Narain “Regionalism has both a positive and negative dimension. Speaking on positive terms it embodies a Quest for self-fulfillment on the part of the people of an area. Negatively speaking regionalism reflects a psyche of relative deprivation resulting from specific grievance”.

Question 15.
Mention any two expressions of regionalism?
It is expressed in the ideas like the development of one’s own region even at the cost of other regions, and enjoyment of all benefits from the development by the people of the same region alone. It is a love and loyalty shown to the region in preference to the state or nation.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Sociology Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Short Answer Questions

Question 16.
Write any two causes of regionalism?

  • Geographical factor
  • Historical factor

Question 17.
Suggest any two remedies for eradicating regionalism?
Greater priority should be given to the economic development of the backward regions. Cultural integration between the regions should be promoted in a large scale.

Question 18.
Suggest any two remedies for bringing national integration?

  • Development of backward regions.
  • A balanced distribution of developmental gains.

Question 19.
Define communalism and discuss its characteristics?
“Harbans Mukhia defines communalism as the phenomenon of religious differences between groups often leading to tension and even rioting between them”.

  • Communalism is an ideology
  • It is based on economic, political, and social interests.
  • It is an instrument on the hands of the higher class or elite people.
  • It is based on prejudice.

Question 20.
Briefly state the factors of communalism?
Communalism is a multi-dimensional social phenomenon. Any struggle cause cannot, therefore, give a full explanation of communalism. Following are some of the factors of communalism:

  • Colonial past.
  • Growth of militant Nationalists.
  • Political factor.
  • Economic factor.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Sociology Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Short Answer Questions

Question 21.
Write in brief the measures for the abolition of communalism?
We have explained some of the causes promoting communalism. The task is to offer some suggestions to eradicate communalism. The Committee on National Integration has given some valuable suggestions. Briefly stated they are as follows. Celebration of community festivals jointly. Cultivating respect for the religious beliefs and practices of the neighbors. Prevention of restriction of idols and violation of customs observed by others.

Question 22.
What are the causes of casteism in India?
Multiple factors are responsible for the growth and spread of casteism. Some of the important factors are:

  • Sense of caste prestige
  • Endogamy
  • Discrimination
  • Urbanization

Question 23.
What measures can be suggested for the abolition of casteism in India?
Casteism has become pervasive. It not has gone deep into Indian soils. It cannot be uprotted overnight. It requires a lot of beatings before it is done away with. However, apparently, scholars have made different suggestions for its eradication. Casteism can be removed encouraging inter-caste marriages. Co-education will give an opportunity for the boys and girls to come together and inter-marry. Creation of economic and cultural equality between castes as a means to do away with casteism.

Question 24.
Mention different expressions of regionalism?
Regionalism is another major challenge to nation-building. It does not mean a mere attachment to one’s region but has come up to mean deriding the nation or state. Before understanding regionalism let us know what the term region implies. A region refers to an area marked by certain physical and cultural characteristics which are different from those of neighboring areas. Love for a particular region in preference to the country and in certain cases in preference to the state of which the region is a point is called regionalism.”

Question 25.
Describe the factors responsible for regionalism in India?
Regionalism is a complex social process. Its causes are many and varied. Some of the important factors promoting regionalism are:

  • Geographical factor.
  • Cultural factor.
  • Historical factor.
  • Linguistic factor.
  • Economical factor

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Sociology Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Short Answer Questions

Question 26.
What measures do you like to suggest to fight out regionalism?
Greater priority should be given to the economic development of the backward regions. Cultural interaction between the regions should be promoted in a large scale. A balanced distribution of national resources should be made for all the regions.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Sociology Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Objective Questions

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 12 Sociology Solutions Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Objective Questions and Answers.

CHSE Odisha 12th Class Sociology Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Objective Questions

Multiple Choice Questions With Answers

Question 1.
Who said that “Integration is a thought which must go into the minds of the people. It is the consciousness which must awaken the people at large”?
(a) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
(b) Akin Benjamin.
(c) Rasheeudin
(d) H.A.Gani
(a) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

Question 2.
Who said that “Integration means assimilation of the entire people of a country to a common identity”?
(a) Radhakrishnan
(b) A. Gani
(c) Akin Benjamin
(d) Rasheeudin
(c) Akin Benjamin

Question 3.
Who said that “National integration means cohesion but not fashion unity but not uniformity, reconciliation but not merger agglomeration but not the assimilation of the discrete segment, of people constituting a political community or a state”?
(a) Rasheeudin Khan
(b) Radhakrishna
(c) Akin Benjamin
(d) A. Gani
(a) Rasheeudin Khan

Question 4.
Who said this, “National integration is a socio-psychological and educational process through which a feeling of unity solidarity and cohesion develops in the hearts of the people and sense of common citizenship or feeling of loyalty to the nation is fostered”?
(a) H. A. Gani
(b) Rasheeudin Khan
(c) Radhakrishnan
(d) Akin Benjamin
(a) H.A. Gani

Question 5.
Who said this, “National integration is a strong feeling of brotherhood and nationhood that inspires a people on all spheres Of its thought and activity and helps it to sink and ignore all real differences individual, parochial, linguistic or religious?
(a) Report of the Committee on National Integration -1962.
(b) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
(c) H.A. Gani
(a) Report of the Committee on National Integration -1962.

Question 6.
Does social integration mean _______?
(a) Binds the people of the country
(b) Sentiment of the people
(c) Emotion and sentiment
(d) Above all
(d) Above all

Question 7.
Does national integration mean _______?
(a) Feelingoftogethemess
(b) Asenseofunity
(c) Senseofbelongingness.
(d) above all
(d) Above all

Question 8.
Who said this, “Communalism as a phenomenon by virtue of which persons belonging to a certain community are either discriminated against or shown favor to, regardless of their merits of demerits, just on the basis of their merits of demerits, just on the basis, of their community”?
(a) HumayunKabir
(b) Harbans Mukhia
(c) Bipin Chandra
(a) HumayunKabir

Question 9.
Who said that “Communalism as the phenomenon of religious differences between groups often leading to tension and even rioting between them”?
(a) Bipin Chandra
(b) Harbans Mukhia
(c) HumayunKabitr
(b) Harbans, Mukhia

Question 10.
Who said that “Communalism as an ideology with three basic elements for the communal idealism is song among the people who follow the same religion. They have not only religious beliefs but also common political social and cultural interests. The second element is the belief that the secular interests (economic, social, political, and cultural) of the followers of one religion are different from the secular interests of the belief that the secular interests of different communities are not only different but are hostile to each other”?
(a) HumayunKabir
(b) Bipin Chandra
(c) Harbans Mukhia
(b) Bipin Chandra

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Sociology Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Objective Questions

Question 11.
Who said this, “Communalism is a political doctrine which makes use of religious – cultural differences to adhere powerful ends”?
(a) PrabhaDikhit
(b) Ajgar Ali Engineer
(c) Bipin Chandra
(a) PrabhaDikhit

Question 12.
Who said this, “communalism as the art of skillfully manipulating the religious sentiments and cultural ethos of a people by to its political, economic and cultural arbitration by identifying these aspirations those of the entire community”?
(a) PrabhaDikshit
(b) Ajgar Ali Engineer
(c) Bipin Chandra
(d) Harbans Mukhia
(b) Ajgar Ali Engineer

Question 13.
Which of the following characteristics of communalism?
(a) Commynalism is an idealism
(b) Economic, political and social interests
(c) It is based on prejudice
(d) Above all of them
(d) Above all of them

Question 14.
Which of the following causes of communalism?
(a) Colonial past
(b) Economic factors
(c) Psychological Factors
(d) Above all of them
(d) Above all of them

Question 15.
Which of the following suggestions are essential to flight out communalism?
(a) Celebration of community festivals Jointly,
(b) Cultivating respect for religious beliefs
(c) Prevention of idolts.
(d) Above all of them
(d) Above all of them

Question 16.
“Casteism is an over-riding, blind and supreme group loyalty that ignores the healthy social standards of justice fair play, equality universal brotherhood”. Whose difference it is?
(a) KakaKalelkar
(b) K.M. Panik
(c) D. N. Prasad
(a) Kaka Kalelkar

Question 17.
Casteism is loyalty to one’s sub-caste. Thus on his words, “In this way, it is only because of casteism that the smiths want to benefit only the smiths while the joneses want to come to the aid of the other joneses. It matters little of the members of the other castes are irreparably harmed if it does not cause any concern to the smiths and joneses”. Whose definition it is?
(a) KakaKalelkar
(b) K.M. Panikkar
(c) M.N. Srinivas.
(b) K.M. Panikkar

Question 18.
Casteism is a loyalty to the caste translated into politics. In this way caste has been dragged into the political arena in the form of casteism such as Brahmanavada and Kayasthavada”. Whose difference it is?
D.N. Prasad.

Question 19.
Which of the following are the characteristic of casteism?
(a) Blind caste
(b) Sub-caste loyalty
(c) Itisantidomocratic
(d) Above all of them
(d) Above all of them

Question 20.
Which of the following are the causes of casteism?
(a) Endogamy
(b) Discrimination
(c) Urbanisation
(d) Sense of caste pressure.
(e) Above all of them
(e) Above all of them

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Sociology Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Objective Questions

Question 21.
“Casteism can be eliminated if new attitudes on the people are developed. The common and other media can do much towards the creation of these attitudes”. Whose definition it is?
(a) IravatiKarve
(b) P.N.H. Prabhu
(c) M.N. Srinivas
(d) G.S. churye

Question 22.
“Regionalism has both a positive and negative dimension. Speaking in positive terms it embodies a Question test for self- fulfillment on the part of the people of an area. Negative speaking, regionalism reflects a psyche of relative deprivation resulting from speaking grievance.” Whose definition it is?
(a) Iqbal Narain
(b) A.T. Philip and K.H. Shivaji Rao
(c) Seligman and Johnson
(a) Iqbal Narain

Question 23.
“Regionalism as a counter-movement to any exaggerated or oppressive form of centralization”. Whose definition it is?
(a) Seligman and Johnson
(b) IQuestion bal Naroism
(c) A.T. Philip and K.H. Shivaji
(a) Seligman and Johnson

Question 24.
“Regionalism refers to sub- nationalism demanding preference of the region as against the country as a whole”. Whose definition it is?
(a) A.T. Philip and K.H. Shivaji Rao
(b) Iqbal Narain
(c) Seligman and Johnson
(a) A.T. Philip and K.H. Shivaji Rao

Question 25.
Which of the following characteristics of regionalism?
(a) Frameofmind
(b) Loyalty is shown to the region
(c) Above all of them
(c) Above all of them

Question 26.
Which of the following are the causes of regionalism?
(a) Geographical factor
(b) Culture factor
(c) Historical factor
(d) Economic factor
(e) Above all of them
(e) Above all of them

Question 27.
The region also is expressed in the following ways?
(a) Demand a separate state on linguistic line
(b) The voice of the soil
(c) Demand for more state autonomy.
(d) Above all of them
(d) Above all of them

Question 28.
Regionalism can be brought under check if the following measures are taken up?
(a) development of backward regions
(b) a balanced distribution of developmental gains
(c) educating people to caste-separate tendencies.
(d) Above all of them
(d) Above all of them.

Question 29.
Some useful suggestions to root out casteism are?
(a) No use of the caste title
(b) Economic development and realization of a welfare state.
(c) Propaganda through various means of media against casteism
(d) Above all of them.
(d) Above all of them.

Question 30.
The remedial measure to word off communalism are as follows?
(a) Observance of self-control
(b) Cultivating mutual respect for cultural practices.
(c) Formation of Ekatacommitee.
(d) Above all of them
(d) Above all of them

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Sociology Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Objective Questions

One Word Answers

Question 1.
Give any one characteristic of communalism?
Communalism is art ideology

Question 2.
Mention any one problem of national integration?

Question 3.
Mention any one problem of national integration?
Colonial past

Question 4.
Mention any one feature of national integration?
Mutual tolerance

Question 5.
Mention any one suggestion to fight out communalism?
Prevention of destruction of idols and violation of customs

Question 6.
Give any one cause of custom?
Sense of caste prestige

Question 7.
Mention any one characteristic of regionalism?
Regionalism is a frame of mind.

Question 8.
Give any one cause of regionalism?

Question 9.
Mention any one remedial measures of casteism?
No use of the caste title

Question 10.
Give any one remedial measure of communalism?
A joint celebration of festivals.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Sociology Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Objective Questions

Correct Sentences

Question 1.
National integration of various people of a country together?
National integration binds the people of a country together.

Question 2.
National integration as a sense of belongingness?
National integration as a sense of belongingness.

Question 3.
National integration is a socio-psychological and educational process?
National integration is a socio-psychological and educational process.

Question 4.
National integration is social solidarity?
National integration is organic solidarity.

Question 5.
National integration is an assimilation of the entire people of a country?
National integration is the assimilation of the entire people of a country.

Question 6.
Communalism is the number one national friend?
Communalism is the number one national enemy.

Question 7.
Communalism means one’s loyalty to one’s Association?
Communalism means one’s loyalty to one’s communalism.

Question 8.
Communalism is an ethics?
Communalism is an ideology.

Question 9.
Communalism is a dimensional social phenomenon?
Communalism is a multi-dimensional social phenomenon.

Question 10.
Communalism is a grave menace to social integration?
Casteism is a grave menace to integration.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Sociology Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Objective Questions

Question 11.
Casteism refers to the truth of caste or sub-caste loyalty?
Casteism refers to the blind caste or sub-caste loyalty.

Question 12.
Casteism can be removed by encouraging inter- castes marriage?
Casteism can be removed by encouraging inter-caste marriage.

Question 13.
Regionalism is another major challenge to nation building?
Regionalism is another major challenge to nation-building.

Question 14.
Regionalism has both a direct and indirect dimension?
Regionalism has both positive and negative dimensions.

Question 15.
Regionalism is a soul of mind?
Regionalism is a frame of mind.

Question 16.
Regionalism is a simple social process?
Regionalism is a complex social process.

Question 17.
Social integration is the other name of national integration?
Units in diversity is the other name of national integration.

Question 18.
National integration is the process which aims at building a state?
National integration is the process which aims at building a nation-state.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Sociology Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Objective Questions

Fill In The Blanks

1. National integration is the process Which aims at building a _______ state.

2. ______ is the other name of a national integration.
Unity in diversity.

3. National integration is a danger in the race of fissiparous forces like ______, ______, and ______.
Communalism, regionalism, casteism

4. Castismis ______ loyalty to one’s caste group.

5. Casteism is propagated by a ______ of factors.

6. Regionalism is a ______ of mind.

7. Regionalism has both a _______ and _______ dimension.
positive, negative

8. Casteism is very much ______ in the politics and administration in modern India.

9. Casteism is a grave ______ to national integration.

10. Communalismisa ________ dimensional social phenomenon.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Sociology Unit 3 The Challenges of Cultural Diversity Objective Questions

11. Communalism is the number one ______ enemy.

12. Communalism means one’s _______ To one’s community.

13. Communalismisan _______.

14. National integration is a sense of ______ a feeling of ______ and of unity.
Belongingness, togetherness.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Unit 1 Contribution of Educators Short Answer Questions

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Solutions Unit 1 Contribution of Educators Short Answer Questions.

CHSE Odisha 12th Class Foundations of Education Unit 1 Contribution of Educators Short Answer Questions

Very Short-Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Mention the aims of Satyabadi System of Education.
Satyabadi system of education aims at:
i) To inclulcate nationalism and patriotism
i) To eradicate social evils.

Question 2.
What two similarities of the Philosophy of Education of Satyabadi System and Basic Education?
Basic Education and Satyabadi System of education are similar in respect their objectives and ideals in the sense that both of the system are experiments with the field of education for renaissance and plain living and high thinking was the ideals. Both emphasis on mother tongue as the medium of instruction.

Question 3.
Give three causes of the failure of Basic Education?
(i) The Basic Education was a mechanical education and so the concept was
not clear.
(ii) More emphasis on craft education and no creativity.
(iii) English less matriculation courses.

Question 4.
Explain the aims of Gandhian Education?
To Gandhi “Education means an all round drawing out of the best in child and man with body, mind and spirit which means the all round development for the innate powers of the child, moral and character building aim, the knowledge of truth in life.

Question 5.
What is about ‘Wardha Scheme’?
In 1937, All India National Education Conference was convened at Wardha on 22nd and 23rd October under the Chairmanship of Gandhi. A scheme called the Basic Education Scheme was drawn up which named as Wardha Scheme. Jakir Hussain, Committee prepared a curriculum for Basic Education. Such scheme of education is known as “Nai- Talim”.

Question 6:
Give the elements of Rousseau’s negative Education?
(i) Nothing against the interest of the child be taught.
(ii) Education should be based on natural tendencies.
(iii) Child should be protected from outside environment.
(iv) Emphasis on sense training and nature endowment.

Question 7:
Explain any three reasons for the defunctioning of Gopabandhu’s scheme of Vana Vidyalaya?
The main reason for the defunctioning of Gopabandhu’s scheme of Vana Vidyalaya are:

  • Satyabadi School was a classless society education which was strongly opposed by conservatives.
  • There was a lack of finance and no govt, grant was received.
  • Gopbandhu invested all time and energy in the freedom movement and school was neglected.
  • After Gopabandhu’s death the next generation failed to manage the school.

Question 8:
Give three main features of Basic Education?

  • Education should be free, compulsory up to the age of 14 years.
  • Mother tongue should be the medium of instruction up to matriculation.
  • Education should be craft centred.
  • 2/3 of the time was invested in craft work and other aspects of education were neglected.

Question 9:
Give the methods of teaching of Rousseau’s Education?

  • Activity and play way method to be follower with learning by doing.
  • Learning through natural objects.
  • Learning by self experiences.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Unit 1 Contribution of Educators Short Answer Questions

Question 10:
Explain: Rousseau’s curriculum?
The child should be educated through activities. Provision of providing physical education through gymnastics and exercises, training of senses, intellect is to be trained through teaching good physical senses, language, mathematics, manual work, music and drawing. To develop morality the adults to be given moral and religious education.

Question 11:
What is ‘Self Education’ to Rousseau?
By self education to Rousseau means –

  • Opposition ideals and morals into the mind of the child from outside.
  • Through physical exercises and self study is to be practised.
  • Special emphasis on physical development of the child.

Question 12:
12. Give the subjects of curriculum in Basic Education.
The curriculum of Basic Education laid much stress on the subjects like the craft, the mother tongue as the medium of instruction, mathematics, social sences, music and drawing. The medium of education was mother tongue for self-expression clarity of thought and develop nationalism patriotism.

Short-Answer Type Questions

Question 1:
Explain the main features of Basic Education?
The main measures of Basic Education are as follows:

  • Education should be free and compulsory upto the age of 14.
  • Education should be craft centred with crafts like spinning, weaving, tailoring, woodwork and earthen pot building etc.
  • Education should aim at developing moral values and character building.
  • Mother tongue should be the medium of instruction.
  • Labour centred education and self supporting education should be emphasized.
  • It should aimed at ideal citizenship.
  • Education should be child centred based on non-violence.

Question 2:
Why is Basic Education called Basic?
Basic Education called so because of the following:

  •  It attempts to give minimum of learning to be acquired by an average child.
  • It is linked with the Basic urges of human life.
  • It is corelated with the basic needs of the child like food, clothing, shelter, clean and healthy living etc.
  • The cultivation of aesthetic, cultural and social qualities are best fulfilled through the medium.
  • It makes use of the native potentialities of the child.
  • It is intimately related to the basic occupation of the community.

Question 3:
Mention the five reasons for the failure of Basic Education Scheme.
The causes of Basic Education Scheme are as follows:

  • The unclear concept – As it was a mechanical education the people were not clear up the new concept of the scheme of education.
  • Emphasis on idealistic approach was not accepted by the British and intellectuals. The educated people do not appreciate their children could do any manual labour. So they sent their children to English Medium Schools.
  • The scheme of education put emphasis on economic aspect craft centred education, learning by doing which was strongly opposed.
  • The Basic Schools opened in rural areas but not in town areas. The compact area approach helped in the failure.
  • There was no text books and craft training was emphasized.
  • Lack of qualified trained and skilled teachers the scheme failed to continue.
  • The equipments were costly. There was no funds to buy such equipments.
  • English was matriculation courses was opposed by the people.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Unit 1 Contribution of Educators Short Answer Questions

Question 4:
Briefly explain the Satyabadi System of Education.
Gopabandhu developed a new system of education which was named as Satyabadi System of Education or Open Air Schooling. He set up it at Sakhigopal in Puri district in 1909 with 19 students at first enrolment. The school was called Van Vidyalaya, in a dense grove of Chhuriana. It was a residential school grew in ancient Gurukula System. The students shared a common life, simple living and high thinking. It was a class less society education system where different communities and economic sections were admitted. The school hostel was having common dinner system Students fee were not collected. Ideal teachers were working as dedicated teachers. Besides the class room teaching the students were assigned to moral instructions, practices of good health and community senses.

Question 5:
Write down the educational philosophy of Sri Aurovindo.
The educational philosophy of Sri Aurobindo known as Kamayogin. The aim of education is to help the growing soul to drew out that in itself. Every new bom infant has some divine powers and education is the manifestation of such divine powers.
Sri Aurobindo recommended botany, astronomy, geology, technology, zoology and all other branches of humanities as curriculum He was in favour of moral and spiritual education. The method of teaching was the sensory training of sense organs as the gateway of knowledge. In such a learning centre the teacher is just like friend, guide and helper on the teaching learning process. The first duty ofthe teacher is to develop in the child the right use of the. six senses. The teacher is not an instructor taskmaster. He can train the pupil’s mind.

Question 6:
What do you mean by Basic Education? What are the merits?
Basic Education as conceived and explained by Mahatma Gandhi is essential for life and an education through life. It aims at creating a social order free from exploitation and violence. That is why productive, creative, and socially useful work in which all boys and girls may participate, irrespective of any distinction of caste, creed or class is placed at the very centre of basic education. It makes a powerful contribution to the development of personality and character and instils respect and love for all socially useful work.
The merits of basic education may be viewed as follows:

  • Basic education was in favour of free and compulsory education.
  • The medium of instruction of this scheme is mother tongue.
  • It is a child centred programme.
  • The children can develop the feeling of national integration.
  • The scheme has intimate relationship with practical situation to fulfil the basic needs and self employment.
  • The scheme is productivity and labour centred followed the principles of learning by doing.

Question 7:
Explain the Hostel Life in Satyabadi School System.
The life of Satyabadi School hostel begins with a prayer Assembly for making the pupils spiritual. In this school the pupils remain busy from morning till they go to their bed. The timetable is fixed and continues like the study hour dining time and the school provides the games and sports discussion hour and other co-curricular activities. During the leisure period a lesson of Brahmacharya was given to them. The boarders in the hostel learn many things, many human qualities through the programmes like debate, music evening indoor games, paper reading and cultural programmes etc. The hostel life is compared to the ancient Gurukul Ashram life.

Question 8:
Explain the Satyabadi System of Education. What was Gandhiji’s views on work education?
Gopabandhu developed a new system of education which was so named as Grove School. The school was called Vana Vidyalaya which was locate in a dense grove of Chhurianas. Vana Vidyalaya was developed as a residential school in which the students had shared common life. Simple living and high thinking was the ideal which all of them followed. It was a class less society education system. Students of different castes, communities and economic sections were admitted here and all of them lived together in school hostel and look their food with common men. As a secondary school, besides classroom teaching students were assigned to moral instructions, practices for good health.

According to Gandhiji’s work education, implies that work or craft should be the starting point of all other subjects. Stress was given on the principle of cooperative activity, planning, accuracy, initiative and individual responsibility in learning work was the centre of the entire teaching learning process. In other words, works life spinning, weaving and agriculture should be centres round of all educational activities in the school.

Question 9:
Explain Rousseau’s principles of education.
Rousseau followed a new principles in his education which are as follows:
(i) Learning by doing.
(ii) Learning through natural objects.
(iii) Learning by self experiences.
(iv) In learning by doing activity and play way method is adopted. The child should be allowed to play and explore the environment.
(v) The child should be given knowledge through natural objects rather than books.
(vi) He advocated complete freedom, left free to the environment the self-discipline is learnt in the process of experiences.

Question 10:
Explain Rousseau’s Negative Education.
Jean Jacques Rousseau proposed Negative Education. By this education he means not teaching truths or virtues to a child but shielding his heart from evils and mind from errors. The feature of his Negative Education are:
(i) Nothing against the interest of the child to be taught.
(ii) The education of a child should be based on his natural tendencies and nature of endowments.
(iii) Nature is the source of all. The child should be given full freedom and he should learn everything from nature. He should read the pages of nature one by one.
(iv) The child should not taught from books.
(v) Emphasis will be given on training of senses.
The child will derive pleasure by using his sense organs and by applying his strength. So the aim of education is to develop his various powers by helping him in his natural activities.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Unit 1 Contribution of Educators Short Answer Questions

Question 11:
What is Rousseau’s Self Education? Explain.
Rousseau emphasizes self education. The tenants of self-education are:

  • He opposes strongly to the imposition of ideals and morals into the mind of child from outside. Children should learn those things through activities. It is because the children are more interested in activities rather than sitting idle and hearing lecture. At this stage, helps enough power of to assimilate between construction and destruction It is only concern is to boring about charge will from through any acitivity.
  • Body can become strong through physical exercises and mind also becomes strong through self study. In self education the child can proceed further according to his own physical and mutual capacities.
  • Only that knowledge gets retained for a longer period of time which is leamt from self experiences we should accept the experiences of others only after using our own wisdom.
  • Blind fellowship is not accepted at all. A child should not learn a thing because he has been asked to do so but he should not leam only it in the process of his self study.
  • Special emphasis is to be given on physical development of the child.

Question 12:
Explain the Curriculum of Rousseau’s Education.
Rousseau was against the fixed curriculum. The child should be educated through activities and first-hand experiences. During infancy positive instructions to be imparted with good health training of senses and cultivation of natural habits.
At the stage of childhood provision of imparting physical education through a set of gymnastics and the exercise training of senses.
At the stage of boyhood the child’s intellect is to be trained through teaching of good physical sciences, languages, mathematics, manual works, social relations, music and drawing.

At the adolescence morality of the individual is to be trained through moral and religious education. Moral education is to be imparted though activity method and occupation. Moral education subjects are: history, religions, physical culture, and sek education etc. are included in the curriculum at Adolescence stage.

Question 13:
Discuss the main features of Groove School?
The main basic principles in which the groove school grew up includes:

Open Air Schooling without school building, and required furniture.

  • Free education in which the child should be free to give school fee. Full freedom is to be given.
  • Ideal teachers with ideal methods of teaching.
  • All round development of personality by providing social virtues of good citizenships.
  • Teaching craft skills.
  • New method of teaching.
  • Community dinner and cultural programme.
  • Emphasis on co-curricular activities.
  • Importance on mother tongue.

Question 14:
Explain curriculum of Basic Education.
Gandhiji criticised the existing system curriculum of the country, which is outdated, bookish and not related to life of the individual and needs and problems of the country. He recommended a good scheme of curriculum of the curricular programme for the all-round development of individual.
1) Mother tongue will be the medium of instruction.
2) Craft is the centre of education. Importance should be given to agricultures, gardening, carpentry, weaving and spinning.
3) Education as per the need of the child and the society and the country.
4) Mathematics to solve day today problems.
5) Social studies i. .e. History, Geography, Civics, Economics, Political Science and General Science including Astronomic.
6) Co-curricular activities like art, music, drawing for developing creative talent.
7) Domestic Science for girls to lead a good domestic life.

Question 15:
Explain John Dewey’s Curriculum.
Curriculum according to John Dewey should reflect the child’s social life and social activities. It should be flexible, and changeable and it should take into consideration the child’s interests and experiments. As for example, the curriculum in primary stages should be based in conservation and communication, interests in inquiry, interests in making things or construction and interest in artistic expression. Subjects like writing, counting, hand work and drawing etc. are to be included at this stage.

The curriculum at the higher stage of education must have provision for the enrichment of past experiences. It must stimulate the learner to acquire new experiences and new ideas to the learned one’s. John Dewey has put emphasis on correlation in by curriculum which means each subject looked with each other and each should also be related to the day-to-day life of the child.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Unit 1 Contribution of Educators Short Answer Questions

Question 16:
Explain – Rousseau and aims of Education.
Education should aim at the development of the child’s innate power and abilities. Education should make the child a man, education should enable the child to live his life. Rousseau has suggested that each stage of education has contain specific aims. The infancy period is a period of habit formation the child should be educated in an atmosphere of freedom. The infant is to be trained to have control over emotions. At this stage education should aim at the physical growth of the infant.

Education during boyhood (12 to 15 years of age) should aim at training the intellect of boy. At this stage, stress is to be laid on the acquisition of knowledge that comes from nature and is related to the natural desires of the individual. Education during later adolescence period, should aim at training the heart of the individual At this stage stress should be laid on the development of the morality of the individual

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Learning and Motivation Short Answer Questions

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Solutions Unit 2 Learning and Motivation Short Answer Questions.

CHSE Odisha 12th Class Foundations of Education Unit 2 Learning and Motivation Short Answer Questions

Very Short Type Questions With Answers

Question 1:
Give two factors that affect learning.
The factors that affect learning are :
a) Physiological factors – physical health, physical comfort, physical maturation.
b) Psychological factors – mental health, motivation and interest etc.

Question 2:
What is intrinsic motivation?
The type of motivation that is directly linked with the natural instincts urges and impulses of the organism is intrinsic motivation. The individual who is naturally motivated performs an act. Examples are – food, test, sleep etc.

Question 3:
What is extrinsic motivation?
In extrinsic motivation, the source of motivation is outside like external reward, praise, prizes or blame and punishment. When the child is externally motivated to perform a work by incentives.

Question 4:
Give the classification of motivation.
Motivations are classified into – physiological and psychological motivation. Physiological motivations are primary motivation and psychological motivations are the strong habits, emotions, values of objects, peace, happiness, recognition and power etc. Physiological motivations are primary motivation such as hunger, thirst, rest and sex. But psychological motivations are secondary motivations such as prizes, rewards, certificates, praises etc.

Question 5:
What is the environmental factors that affect learning?
The environmental factors like atmosphere, such as light, temperature, humidity and ventilation, noise, overcrowding, uncomfortable sitting arrangement etc.

Question 6:
What are the two factors that affect learning?
Physical and psychological factors always affect learning.
The physiological factors include physical health, nutrition, age, physical comfort, defects in senses, organs, and mal-functioning of glands that directly influence learning. Psychological factors like mental health, motivation interest, attention etc. influence learning.

Question 7:
Give the two classroom application of the law of exercise.

  • Oral exercise leads to learning.
  • Handwriting, pronunciation, and mathematical computation can be improved through the law of exercise.
  • Skills like music, typing etc. can be improved through the law of practice.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Learning and Motivation Short Answer Questions

Question 8:
Give two educational implications of the law of conditioning.

  • By the application of classical conditioning we can develop good habits like punctuality and cleanliness.
  • We can train animals by the principle of classical conditioning.
  • A child can develop a higher attitude towards a teacher or a thing.
  • Emotional fear can be reduced.

Question 9:
What is methodology of instruction that affects learning?
Learning can be facilitated by proper organisation and presentation of learning material learning by doing or experience and timely testing etc. affect learning.

Question 10:
What is law of effect?
The law of effect is the sub-law of the Trial and Error theory of learning. It means the effective result of an activity. The activity ends in pleasure and leads to success and is repeated. The law emphasizes the reward praises, prizes and punishments in the process of learning. Secondly, punishment may promote learning or creates an indifference attitude toward learning.

Question 11:
Give the nature of learning.
The nature of learning includes:

  • Learning affects the style of learning.
  • It modifies one’s behaviour, helps in reaching the goal.
  • It creates, and arouses, interest to know new things.
  • Learning experiences bring a difference in activities, because of learning to animals like tiger and monkey show tricks.
  • Learning creates individual differences.

Question 12:
Define learning.
Learning is the acquisition of knowledge, to Gates Teaming is the modification of behaviour with experience and training. A man or animal has some experiences because the environment puts some sensory information into one of its senses. The result guides him in his behaviour. It modifies this behaviour in light of his past experiences and responds correctly of the environment. So learning modifies one’s behaviour.

Short Type Questions With Answers

Question 1:
Write the educational implication of the law of Readiness.
The educational implication of the law of readiness are as follows :
i) Teaching methods are to be improved to meet the requirement of the pupils to the varying degree of readiness.
ii) The law enables the teacher to build up readiness to these pupils who are not disciplined in classroom learning situations.

Question 2:
Write the educational implication of the law of effect.
The law of effect has the following educational implications:

  • Classroom instructions should be pleasant and satisfactory which will enable the children to read more.
  • The classroom activities are to be arranged properly so that the pupils may develop confidence in learning.
  • Classroom learning provides novelty.
  • The school activities should be arranged orderly so that the children will progress in life.
  • Pleasure and encouragement to be provided so that they would develop a positive attitude towards learning.

Question 3:
What is conditioning learning ? Give its educational implications.
Evan Pavlov was the exponent of classical conditioning. For natural stimulus, there is a natural response. For example, food is a natural stimulus and fear is the natural response. But it has been found that, if another artificial stimulus is presented along with the natural stimulus a number of times artificial stimulus can elicit the natural response. So natural response is transferred to the artificial stimulus. When this is done the organism is said to be conditioned. So conditioning is the linking between the original response with a secondary stimulus.
Educational implications: Development of good habits removal of superstitions, love and hatred and attitude formation etc. Emotional fears of mental patients can be treated by the help of conditioning.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Learning and Motivation Short Answer Questions

Question 4:
Write down the educational implication of the learning by insight.
The educational implication of learning by insight is as follows:

  •  Proceeding from whole to part – We must always proceed from the whole to part, so as to give a complete insight into an object. While teaching geography, begin from the globe and then come to the country, state and then district.In science teaching, the teaching flower, the teacher should start with the whole flower, then the parts of the flower.
  • Creating motivation – In Kohler’s experiment, enough motivation was created by keeping the chimpanzee hungry. So the teacher should arouse motivation among the pupils by using aids while teaching.
  • Emphasis on understanding – Learning by insight involves understanding a situation and saves time and energy.

Question 5:
Mention the factors that influence learning.
There are a number of factors that influence learning as follows:
i) Physiological factors – Physical health, nutrition, age, physical comforts, defects in sense organs like eye and ear, and malfunctioning of glands, directly influence the learning of individuals.
ii) Psychological factors – Mental health, motivation, interest, attention, motives and drives etc. influence learning in varying degrees.
iii) Environmental factors include a conducive atmosphere, high temperature, over-crowding, location of the school, crowdy area, sanitary conditions etc. affect learning.
iv) Methods of instruction – Learning can be facilitated by proper organisation and presentation of learning materials, learning by doing etc.

Question 6:
Give the educational implication of classical conditioning.
The educational effects of classical conditioning are:

  •  Removal of superstitions.
  •  Development of good habits.
  •  Love and hatred.
  •  Attitude formation.
  •  Language learning.
  •  Rewards and punishments.
  •  Praises and blames.

Question 7:
What is learning by insight?
The theory of insight was developed by Gestalt. Psychologist Kohler, KofFaka, Weirthomer and Lewin. This theory is in opposition to the Trial and Error and conditioning theory of learning. Gestalt psychologists believed that Gestalt or the whole is more important than the parts. Learning takes place as a whole, not by parts. This is perceptual learning because the teacher perceives the situation as a whole.

German psychologist Kohler conducted a number of experiments on monkeys and came to the conclusion that learning takes place through insight but no by Trial and Error. Insight is a sudden perception which gives learning.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Learning and Motivation Short Answer Questions

Question 8:
Explain the nature of learning.
The nature of learning includes:

  • Learning is a continuous process.
  • Learning affects the modes of behaviour,
  • Learning is a change in behaviour.
  • Learning is a process, not a product.
  • Learning is purposive.
  • Learning is transferable.
  • Learning creative.
  • Learning is an adjustment to changing situations.
  • Learning is training.

Question 9:
Mention factors that influence learning.
The factors that affect and influence learning are as follows:
1) Physiological factors – Physical health, nutrition, age, physical comforts, defects in sense organs, like eyes and ears, malfunctioning of glands that directly influence the learning of the individuals.
2) Psychological factors – Mental health, nutrition, motivation, interest, attention, motives and drives, etc. influence learning in varying degrees.
3) Methods of instruction – Learning can be facilitated by proper organisation and presentation of learning materials, learning by doing, etc.
4) Environmental factors – Learning is also affected by environmental factors like hot, humidity, and unsanitary conditions. Industrially polluted areas and crowdy places. Lack of fresh air, ventilation, good light, and noise learning is greatly affected.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Learning and Motivation Long Answer Questions

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Solutions Unit 2 Learning and Motivation Long Answer Questions.

CHSE Odisha 12th Class Foundations of Education Unit 2 Learning and Motivation Long Answer Questions

Long Type Questions With Answers

Question 1:
What is learning? What is  learning process? Give the definition of learning and its nature.
Learning is not confined to the four walls of classroom. Learning as life long process continues till death. In broader sense learning is the modification of behaviour and as a result of experience learning is the process by which the individual responses to his environment. Learning is also adjustment.

According to Gates: ‘Learning is the modification of behaviour with experience and training’.
To Skinner: ‘Learning is the modification of behaviour adaptation’.
In the sense, learning is the modification of behaviour which involves some changes of behaviour in a desirable direction and the behaviour enables to adjust to the environment. So the process of change that takes place during learning is called learning process.Any situation that brings about desirable change in behaviour is called learning materials.

Definition of Learning
To Kingsley: “Learning is a process which an organism is motivated and adapts to the new situation to modify the behaviour to over come all the obstacles”.
To Gates: “Learning is the modification of behaviour of the individual interaction with its environment”.
To Murphy: “Learning is the change in behaviour and the way of perceiving”.
To Cronback: “Learning is the change in behaviour as a result of experience”.

Nature of Learning
Man tames and trains the animals. In a circus party wild animals like tiger, elephant, bear etc. act according to the direction of ring master and show tricks. Pigeon is trained to carry letter from place to place.
The trained dog can identify a thief and the Chimpanzee can be trained from boyhood and can live with human beings, clean the dress, polish and clean the furniture, clean the room and sharpen the pencil. By training the animals enable to dance and play with the man.Learning also affects one’s life style. It modifies one behaviour, helps in reaching a goal, creates interest to know new things, learning experiences us and brings differences in activities. From this discussion the nature of learning are as follows:

  • Learning is a continuous process.
  • Learning affects the modes of behaviour.
  • Learning is a change in behaviour.
  • Learning is active.
  • Learning is creative.
  • Learning is purposive or purposeful.
  • Learning is transferable.
  • Learning is training.
  • Learning is adjustment to changing situations.

Question 2:
Give the classification of learning. What are the main factors that influence learning? Explain.
Learning broadly classified into two categories such as :
i) Logical learning.
ii) Rote learning.

i) Logical Learning: Logical learning involves clear understanding. The individual is able to apply such learning in different situation meaningfully and correctly. Logical lean hug is more significant that rote learning. It is Hilly psychological because the learner enjoys this and gets satisfaction. There is discussion in the classroom and the use of aids. The subject matter is very clearly understandable and meaningful to the people.

ii) Rote Learning: Rote learning or cramming involves mechanical memorisation of the subject matter. The learner simply memorises or gets by heart the subject matter witho ut any understanding. The learning material is not clear to the pupils.One of the characteristics of Rote Learning of variation (to memorise word byword) of the material.

  • There is no discussion and use of aids in the classroom in such learning.
  • During examination, the learner particularly adopts rote learning.
  • Again learning can be classified into passive and active learning.

Passive learning: Passive learning is theoretical in nature. The learner simply receives the theoretical instructions given in the classroom He has nothing to participate in the learning process. So there is an element of boredom, fatigue and monotony in such learning. In such a learning process, both teacher and taught seem to be inactive. There is no use of aids, learning materials, no discussions are there. Today in many schools students go on such passive learning.

Active Learning: By active lemming, we mean learning by experience or learning by doing. There is full participation of pupils in such learning. Each pupil feels that he has some contribution to the lesson. When the child learns through discussions, demonstrations, experimentation and practical works assigned to him, develops his understanding. Learning becomes satisfying with the direct participation of the teacher and taught through discussions, the child-centred instructions promote logical learning among the learners.

Factors influence learning
The factors that influence learning of the learners are as follows:
i) Physiological factors: Physiological factors such as physical health, nutrition, age, physical comfort, defects in sense organs, prolonged illness, suffering from secret disease, defects in sense organs like eyes, and ears, and malfunctioning of glands directly affects the behaviour of the learners. If a person meets any accident he becomes work in both physically and mentally. James Ross, “A sound body creates sound mind and a sound mind”. So physically work person cannot progress in learning. Learning hampers.
ii) Psychological factors: The psychological factors include mental health, tension, conflicts, complexes, motivation, interest, attention, motives and drives etc. affect learning in varying degrees. Psychological factors are ‘mental factors and there is no learning in case the child is mentally handicapped. The person having mental disorder, half crack, mad etc.
iii) Environmental factors: The environmental factors that affect the learning are like atmosphere, atmospheric conditions like high temperature, lack of illumination, over-crowding, uncomfortable sitting arrangement etc. Further the location of school, its surroundings, affects of industries and pollution, crowdy area, unhealthy sanitary condition, impure air, lacking suitable accommodation are badly affect the learning. So learning is very much affected by environmental factors.
iv) Methodology of Instructions: Learning can be facilitated by proper organisation of and pressurisation of learning materials. Learning by doing or experiences and timely testing. Theoretical teachings should be replaced by demonstrations and discussions. The teacher should employ dynamic methods of teaching and use different audio-visual aids and learning materials in time by which learning is greatly affected and influenced.If such factors and undertaken and executed properly, the learning will be much effective and fruitful.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Learning and Motivation Long Answer Questions

Question 3:
Explain how learning and maturation are interrelated.
There is an interrelationship as well as difference in learning and maturation. Learning and maturation both are interrelated, two parts of a coin.Maturation is physical sense where as learning is in mental sense. Maturation is a stage where there is no further physical growth. But learning is a deliberate process which helps in the modification of human behaviour in different stages of growth. The active and activities are changed in time and situation.

Maturation and learning are closely related. Sometimes we fail to guess from which behaviour changes develop. For learning definite level of maturation is essential
Maturation is a mental process. It is growth which takes place within the individual. Learning on the other hand, is a change in living individuals which is not governed by this genetic inheritance. It is a process which takes place as a result of stimuli from without the changes in the behaviour, in the process of teaming are always produced through some activity, training or experience.

By maturation, we mean the physiological growth and development up to a particular level at Which the child will be able to team specifically. Learning without attaining adequate level of maturation, does not yield any good results. Maturation thus implies concept of readiness for an activity. Personality is the interaction between maturation and teaming. Maturation is growth from within but learning is an outward growth. The effect of training or teaming varies with maturation Training will be effective when it will coordinate with the level of maturation As an individual attains maturity his capacity to team enhances.

In case of behaviour sequence through a regular stage irrespective of intervening practice or training the behaviour is said to be developed through maturation and not through teaming. The learning procedure modifies the behaviour.Unless a child is mature, not attained physical maturity, he does not team to walk, to , talk, until he reaches a stage of maturation. For example, a four years child cannot ride a bicycle or handle a sewing machine. This is due to maturation.

Hence, the two processes, maturation and learning are very closely related like the two parts ofa coin. There is need of both physical and mental maturation for perfect learning. Maturation helps in the process of teaming and training. We can train a child, unless he got physical and mental maturation. So when a child reaches the stage of maturation, teaming takes place.

Question 4:
What is Trial and Error theory of leaming. Give its laws. What are the educational implications?
The ‘Trial and Error ’ theory of learning is also known as “Theory of Connectionism” the connection between stimulus and response. Such theory was developed by American Psychologist E.L.Thorndike. This theory is called Trial and Error because all teaming is the connection between stimulus and response. It helps in reaching goal. By regular trials, endeavours, exercise one can reach a goal.

CAT’s Experiment:

E.L.Thomdike to prove this theory, put a hungry cat inside a cage or puzzle box. The puzzle box is made in such a way that its door can be opened either lifting a hatch or by pulling a level. A piece of fish is kept outside the box so that hungry cat is sufficiently motivated to go into action. The cat starts blind, random movements, hit and miss methods of movement to go outside. Then out of sheer chance, it touches the lever mechanism and opens the door.

When the hungry cat goes out, it is allowed to take a little portion of fish and then it is put book in the box. After, a white, it again goes out of the box by touching the lever mechanism and again opens the door. When it goes out the Psychologist allowed it to take only a little portion of fish Mid then it is put back in the box. If the process continues and the number of trial increases the cat has less and less unnecessary random activity. A point corns when after being put inside the cage, the cat goes out of the cage straight and release the mechanism and handles it to go out. After a number of trials, the cat learns to use the release mechanism. Trial and error learning takes place.

The psychologist advocated the trial-and-error learning theory and successfully proved it.
Laws of Learning
From the above experiment, Thorndike deduced three theories of learning such as:

  • The law of readiness.
  • The law of exercise.
  • The law of effect.

i) The law of readiness: Readiness means the preparation for action. If the child is ready to learn, he has reached a definite age and experience, he learns more quickly and effecitvely. So the teacher should make attempt to motivate the students accordingly. For readiness, there is need of physical and mental maturation. If readiness is not there, there is no learning.

ii) The law of Exercise: The law of exercise is of two types as the law of use and the law of disuse. Any activity when it is repeated gets fix up practice makes perfect. By regular exercise, learning takes place. The teacher should make practice and drill of a difficult lesson.

iii) The Law of Effect: The law of effect means effective result of an activity. The activity which ends in pleasure and leads to success are repeated and this learnt but the activity which is unpleasant is left. This law emphasizes on the reward and punishment in the process of learning.

Educational implications:
Thorndike’s theory of trial and Error has contributed greatly of educational theory and practice. The most educational implications are as follows :

  1.  The teacher should motivate learners from the very beginning. Punishment should be avoided in learning. It brings indifferent attitude.
  2.  Such theory of learning is very beneficial for the acquisition of motor skills.
  3. The teacher must consider the psycho-biological readiness to lead to learning failures.
  4.  Learning situations should be made pleasant through praises, rewards, competitions, teaching aids and through teaching in a new technique like in dramas, word competitions teaching aids and through dictation of words.
  5. In the achievement of a number of subjects repetitions, exercise and drilling is needed. Attempts should not be random but with proper planning and understanding.
  6.  The teacher must wait till the learner is ready and give such experiences to help for readiness.

Question 5:
Explain learning by classical conditioning and its educational implications.
The classical conditioning theory was advocated by Russian physiologist Evan Patrovich Pavlov. It is supported by J.B. Watson. In the experimental works on dogs Pavlov discovered his theory of conditioning. To him learning is a linking of a response to a situation. To him fear is a natural response to a loud sound and salivation is a natural response to food.For a natural stimulus, there is a natural response. For example, food is a natural stimulus, and salivation is a natural response and loud sound is a natural stimulus and fear is a natural response.

If another artificial stimulus is presented along with the natural stimulus a number of times, the artificial stimulus can elicit the natural response. So here, artificial stimulus has acquired the quality of natural stimulus and has acquired the quality of natural responses. So, ‘when artificial stimulus acting upon the natural stimulus elicit natural response is known as conditioning”.

Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning Experiment

Dog’s Experiment – Evan Pavlov carried out an experiment on dog. He used toring a bell while giving food to the dog. This activity continued for a few days. When the food was placed before the dog, it was accustomed with it. The ringing ofbell would secrete saliva with the mouth of the dog. After a few days, it was seen that when only the bell was rang, but the food was not placed, but saliva start secreting. Pavlov named it as ‘Theory of Conditioned Reflex”. Here, the ringing ofthe bell secreted saliva from the dog in the absence of food.
Although the natural stimulus food was absent, the artificial stimulus bell was alone responsible for the natural response; the secretion of saliva from dog’s mouth.

Educational Implications

Learning is a matter of conditioning. The principle of classical conditioning can be used in the following areas of learning, known as implications.
i) Development of Good habits – Through conditioning, good habits can be developed in children like cleanliness, health habits respect for elders and punctuality.
ii) Removal of Superstitions – A child may develop superstitions. But it can be removed by conditioning. For example – the child develop a superstition that number ‘ 13 ’ is an inauspicious number to remove such superstition, he should be always assigned with no. 13.
iii) Attitude Formation – Children often form attitudes through conditioning. They
may develop positive or negative attitude. So the teacher should create situation, for positive attitude towards learning and the school.
Likewise, if a child dislikes the teacher, he can not appreciate his teaching, whatever fruitful teaching he provides.
iv) Love and Hatred – The child may develop love or hatred by for an object. If the object is associated continuity with object of love or hatred, a child may have a particular subject not because the subject is bad, but because he hates the subject.
v) Language Learning – The child learns alphabet and words by the process of conditioning. The child speaks out, ‘Parrot’ when the picture ofParrot is presented and the word is spelt by the teacher. Later on, if the picture is not presented, only the symbol is presented and child is associated with the symbol with the bird and with the sound of the bird.
vi) Rewards and Punishment – Reward and punishments is closely associated with conditioning. Rewards strengthen the bond and punishment weakens the bond. Hence, rewards and punishment both have positive and negative value.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Learning and Motivation Long Answer Questions

Question 6:
What is theory of ‘learning by insight’. Explain with examples and discuss the educational implications.
The theory of insight was developed by Gestalt, Psychologists Kohler, Koffaka, Weirthemer and Lenin.Kohler strongly propounded the theory ‘Insightful theory’. This theory as an opposition to the trial and error and conditioning theory of learning.

The Gestalt psychologist believed that gestalt or ‘whole’ is more important than the parts. Learning takes place as a whole but hot by parts. This is perceptual learning because the teacher perceives the situation as a whole.German psychologist Kohler conducted a number of experiments on monkeys and . came to conclusion that ‘learning takes place’ through ‘insight’ but not by trial and error. Insight is a sudden perception which gives learning.

Kohler’s Monkey’s Experiment
Kohler kept a monkey, Sultan by name and then shut him in a large cage or a chamber. A bunch ofbanana was kept hanged from the ceiling ofthe large cage roof. Three boxes were put on the floor of the cage. Sultan jumped to catch the banana but failed. Kohler observed that after a while Sultan put one box on the other and snatched the bananas. Here, Sultan used his insight to put two boxes one upon another, stand on these and reach the bananas.

Experiment – II
In another experiment, Kohler put three sticks long and short. The sticks were made in such a way that they can be fixed each other to make a long stick. A bunch of bananas were kept outside the cage. The monkey / Chimpanjee was kept inside the cage. The moment the monkey saw the ripe bananas, it made random movement inside the cage. But it was in vain.
It remained silent a while. All on a sudden he could catch the idea. He fitted the sticks together and got the bananas. Thus, here Sultan displayed insight by observing the total situation, the sticks, the bananas, and the distance. It performed the right task through understanding and insight. Here, whole situation arouses insight with the monkey. The German and Gestalt means whole or configuration. So whole learning is better than part learning.

Educational Implications:
Some of the major educational implications of learning by insight are as follows:

  • Proceeding from whole to part – The teacher must always proceed from the
    whole to part. The total concept should be given first, then it should be broken into number of sub-concepts begin from the globe (world) then come to the country, state, city and locality. The teacher should teach about the whole flower and then analyse the part.
  • Motivation – The teacher should arouse motivation in the pupils. The purpose for the goals should be clearly understood by the learner so that they will be motivated for further learning.
  • Organisation of Materials – Insight depends upon the arrangement of elements in the environment. If the subjects are well arranged by a teacher then the students can solve the problems easily. The integrated curriculum of the modem times recognizes the importance of insight.
  • Methodology- John Dewey’s project method of teaching is considered as the best method of teaching for insight. The Heuristic method of teaching recognizes the importance of insight.

Question 7:
Discuss the principles of learning.
The learning process is guided by certain fundamental principles or guidelines.
They are as follows:

  1. Learning as an active process – Learning is an active process in which both the teacher and taught are active. With the active interaction of teacher and taught, learning takes place. The principle states that passive receptivity of information by the students does not contribute to effective learning. The learner participates actively in the classroom situations through discussion learning becomes meaningful
  2. Learning should be individualised – Learners differ from each other with their abilities and interest. To expect the same type of learning, we can help the children to acquire competency when we can teach them individually. Different methods are there for individualised learning such as project method, programmed learning, and mastery learning etc.
  3. Learning should be satisfying – Learning should be satisfying to the learners. Satisfaction comes when the learner becomes able to understand the subject matter. Satisfaction motivates the learner to learn more and more.
  4.  Learning should be purposeful – Everything has a purpose. The learner must understand what he is doing and why he is doing. Each topic should have some set objectives. The purpose of learning is not to pass in the examination but adjustment to different situations. –
  5. Learning should be interesting – Interest is an emotional factor. There are some teachers who make dull thing interesting. Similarly, some other teacher make interesting things dull. For this a teacher should be a resourceful teacher who can create and evoke interest among the pupil’s satisfaction and fulfil of aspirations can create new interest to anything.
  6. Learning should be unified-All learning are helpful to our life. Learning always purposive. So nothing can be learned isolated. So the subjects like history, geography, language of literature should be learned as separate subjects. All subjects are interrelated and so an integrated study of pupils.

Question 8:
What is motivation in learning? Give its classification. Explain the different methods/ techniques of motivation.
Motivation is simply the process of inducing motives, drives and wills in the learner towards the goal It is that force which impels or incites individual’s action, his direction of action and rate of action.
Adequate motivation is the art of stimulating interest in the pupils. It also involves arousing, sustaining and directing desirable behaviour.
Clansmir defines motivation as an activity by our person to stimulate or arouse a state within a second person that under appropriate situations, initiates activity in relation to goals.

Motivation is a force, an external stimulus which directs activity towards a goal. This motivation plays an important role in realising goals. In all types of learning, there must be a goal and it is sure that all types of learning there lie motivation. So, the teacher should adopt a number of methods, techniques of motivation to motivate his pupils in different learning situations.
Motivation always involves manipulating and goal directing, goal creating of the proper atmosphere arousing of emotional interest and inducing a pleasant state of satisfaction.

Classification of motivation

  1. Intrinsic motivation – This type of motivation is directly linked with the natural
    instincts, urges impulses of the organism. The individual is naturally motivated, performs an act. Examples are food, rest, sleep and sex desires etc.
  2. Extrinsic motivation – In extrinsic motivation the source of pleasure and the
    Individuals obtain the desired goal are gets some external reward, and working for a better grade, receive praise and blame, reward and punishment etc.

Methods of instruction of motivation

The teacher can adopt the following methods of motivation with classroom and outside of the classroom. They are as follows:

  • Dramatisation – While teaching history, a teacher should teach in the form of drama where the students will play the roles of the characters the topic.
  • Games and competitions – This emphasizes the play way method of competitions along the children. Individual and group competitions should be encouraged in the classroom. They will be encouraged towards learning.
  • Organisation of visits, excursions, and short trips to places of importance to provide the students with first-hand experiences and arouse interest with them towards learning.
  • There should be a provision of inviting resource persons from the locality and distant places to address to students and students may have interviews with them to gain experiences.
  • Always rewards and praise promote learning. The teacher must use such things for the achievement of students. Regular punishment should be avoided. Rewards and praises will arouse interest to more learning.
  • Producing publications, wall magazines and school magazines, narrating all their activities will give maximum opportunity to children for self-expression and satisfaction.
  • Competitions and team works should be encouraged and organised. It will develop team spirit among the learners. They will be involved in social work and human qualities be encouraged. The attitude of students will be changed.
  • Audio-visual Aids – The teacher should use audio-visual aids to demonstrate and illustrate the content materials, pictures will attract the attention of the pupils. They will understand more.
  • Novelty – The teacher must display novelty in his methods of teaching. He should adopt dynamic methods for different categories of learners.
  • Feedback knowledge progress in relation to his learning should be provided to the pupils. Feedback will act as an incentive for further learning.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Learning and Motivation Long Answer Questions

Question 9:
Discuss observation method in learning. Explain its characteristics.
The term ‘observation’ means ‘to see’ or ‘to observe. It is not called scientific observation.To P.V.Young, observation is a systematic and deliberate study through the eyes of spontaneous occurrences, at the time they occur.” To C.AMoser.”.Observation implies the ues of eyes rather than that of ears and voice.” To Oxford Concise Dictionary, “Accurate watching and noting of Phenomena as they occur in nature with regard to course and effect or mutual relations”.
So, observation mean to see directly or indirectly.

Characteristics of Observation:

  1. Full use Of Human senses – In observation method the sense organs of man like eyes, ears and tongue are fully utilised. The importance of eyesight is more than other organs.
  2. Observation is purposive and deliberate technique – Observation is separate from other general insight. Everything is observed by eyesight. It is not observation. Observation is purposive and deliberate process.
  3. Observation is the direct method of educational psychology – By observation direct study is done. The researchers go to the place and directly observe the things and collects the data. So observation is a direct method of educational psychology.
  4. Observation is a scientific technique – By observation, the datas collected are gathered together and it is reliable. Because the investigator directly collects the data. By the application of scientific techniques, the observer collects the data.
  5. Observation minutely studies the educational phenomena – The observer observes the occurrences minutely and studies the educational phenomena. He bring a relationship among the occurrences. This method is suitable for the observation of educational phenomena directly.
  6. Observation explains cause and effect relationship – By this method the cause and effect relationship of occurrences is known clearly. It explains the cause-and-effect relationship, after observation and collection of data.

Question 10:
Give the classification of observation.
Observation is classified into different categories such as:
1. Participant non-participant observation.
2. Controlled or structured uncontrolled or unstructured observation.

1. Participant observation – When the observer in a group involved and collects data is known as participant observation. As a working observer, his presence is essential. So those are collecting information as participant observers, they have to apply different techniques.

Advantages of Participant Observation:

  • The observer studies the occurrence in a natural environment. He records the group behaviour. He acts as a member of the group in participant observation,
  • In such an observation so many data are collected. For example in studying the – socialization of a child, he studies from the early childhood. For this reason he collects more information.
  • By observation the observer gather more knowledge than needs. As a result, the insight is developed.
  • All social incidents are not directly observed. For example sex behaviour, dissolution of family and all other secret activities. But by participant observation those things are possible.

Disadvantages of Participant Observation:

  • The study is limited.
  • It creates emotional situation with group relation the observer become nearest to them So more data is not collected and become partial.
  • It is lacks aims and objectives.
  • It is impossible to collect data for prisoners.
  • It is an expensive method.

2. Non-Participant Observation – When the observer is not involved in the group and observes from a distance it is known as Non-participant observation. The investigator self observes and it depends upon experience of the observer. As a strange, he has to observe the occurrences and studies lonely as a stranger to the group.

Advantages of Non-participant Observation :

  1. Objective study is possible – In such an observation, the investigator studies the occurrences as a stranger. As a result the group behaviour never affects his behaviour. So the information collected becomes objective and more valuable.
  2. Collection of more reliable data – The method is very useful in collecting reliable information. Because the moment the data is collected noted it immediately. „
  3. More cooperation – The observer gets cooperation and affection in the observation method. The faith of the members are developed.
  4. Less expensive method – It is a less expensive method. So in low budget research is done.
  5. More Collection of Data – In such a method more data is collected. Small data are gathered together and result is achieved.
  6. Able to maintain his status as a researcher-In this method the researcher is able to maintain his status. As a researcher he keeps his preparation continuing.

Disadvantages of Non-participant observation:

  • The researcher sees the observation from his own insight. As a result it losses objectivity.
  • In non-participant observation he can not observe the group members. But he has to keep relations with others and biased by them.
  • In getting secret and useful information is not compared.
  • Such type of observation seems to be incomplete.
  • Many incidents are incidental.

3. Uncontrolled or unstructured observation: Uncontrolled or unstructured observation worked out in natural environment but not by external factors. In uncontrolled observation, the observer goes to the spot and investigates the incidents and collects the data. This type of observation method is reliable. It has no any control and so partiality is seen. Different observers observe it differently in different ways.

4. Controlled or structured observation – To control the specific incidents and oppose the external affects, controlled observation is barely needed. It acts in two controls such as:
i) Control upon incidents.
ii) Control upon the observers.
To examine the social incidents such type of observation is worked out. Secondly, to control all the incidents a single observer is not sufficient. Until and unless a incidents are not properly observed, the observer controls the sense organs. The controlled observation controls the incidents observed by the observer in the following ways. They are:

  • Total observation planning.
  • Useofquestionaries.
  • Use of mechanical instruments.
  • Use of projects.
  • Commonly observation.
  • Use of controlled groups.

5. Quasi-participant observation-Jn any study there is no possibility of full participation or non-participation of the observer. It is a very hard task. So for this it is called partly participation and partly non-participation observation. So it is called Quasi-participant observation.

Role of Importance of Observation

  • It is the simplest method – Observation is very simple method. The scientific observation is very easy which attracts the persons towards observation. A slight training is need before observation
  • It is useful in framing Hypothesis-This method is very useful in the framing of a hypothesis. It is also primary media for observation. Social observers study the activity of people in surroundings. This observation is continuous in nature.
  • Greater Accuracy – The observation method is specified to other methods, different from the interview. It is an indirect method. But in observation, the investigator observes in his own eyes and the data collected as reliable and accurate.
  • More convincing result-By observation the data collected is more perfect and reliable. The datas are sent by others. In observation, the observer observes the incidents. There is no suspect but the observer tries for its generalisation.

Question 11:
What is Constructive Approach to learning? Explain types, role of teacher and educational implications.
In the Constructivist Approach, importance is given on learning centred education. The chief assumption of the constructivist approach is given by Jean Piaget and Liv Vygotsky. They have given five concept about learning process.

  • The learner becomes active and learns:
  • Most of the human activity is organised by the process:
  • The organisation of personal activity is self-referent.
  • Learning only possible by interaction.
  • Meaningful learning is possible only by perfect learning situation and learning activity.

Different types of Constructivism:

Constructivism is classified into Radical Constructivism, Social Constructivism, Cultural Constructivism etc. But from education point of view Radical Constructivism and Social Constructivism is very important.
1. Radical Constructivism – Van Glaserfeld is the exponent of Radical Constructivism. Van Glaserfeld took the help of Jean Piaget’s Mental Development in the approach.
The main tenets of radical constructivism are:

  •  Learner actively participate in the construction of knowledge.
  • ‘Coming to know’ is the adjustment process in which the learner modifies his behaviour by interacting of external experience with inter experience.
    Jean Piaget’s adjustment process has two directions – Assimilation and accommodation. When old experience is assimilated with newer experience knowledge is constructed, which means learning is managed fully a person and learning depend of the learner.

2. Social Constructivism – Social constructivism is propagated by Russain Psychologist Vygotsky. To this theory social constructivism has three tenents. They are:

  • Knowledge
  • Learning
    To Vygotsky, the mental growth depends on the social situations. Constructivism mostly depends on social activity and learning. In this theory the learner learns through social adjustment. The learner acquires experience with the help of peer groups, and others. It develops to the zone of proximal development – ZPD. By working with other the learning power of the learner is developed.

Role of Teacher in Constructivism:

1. In constructivism theory the teacher is the helper of knowledge organisation.
2. The teacher will help the learners in teaching-learning process.
3. In different activities both teacher and taught will work together.
4. In such a organisation situation is created to learn learner from teacher and teacher from learner.
5. Both teacher and taught through discussion create learning environment.

Educational implication of constructivism:

  • In the classroom learning environment is to be created.
  • To solve the problems in the real world realistic method is to be given importance.
  • In the learning process the teacher is a coach and he works an analyst to solve the problem.
  • The aims and objectives is decided to keep in mind the learner. Nothing to be imposed on the learners.
  • Learning process should be frilly controlled by the learners.
  • For the mental development and understanding of the learner’s errors are to be used.
  • The learners should be provided with participating learning situations.
  • The learner are to be encouraged to prepare questionaries and preparation in educational planning.
  • The learning environment should not be confined or limited with the four walls of classroom, school and periods but extend to the external world.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Learning and Motivation Long Answer Questions

Question 12.
Discuss the conditions promoting motivation.
There are certain conditions that promote motivation in learning are as follows:

  • Creating interest – Creating interest in learning promotes motivation The interest may be natural or acquired. Intrinsic motivations are natural (but acquired interests are external). Interest in music, and literature is a permanent interest in the pupils, he should create jokes, employ play way method using aids.
  •  Arousing curiosity – Curiosity is a great motivating force. Curiosity about something will naturally lead to its exploration. The motivation for specific exploration is curiosity. A sound environment is necessary to evoke curiosity for creativity. Ideal teaching methods, teachers behaviour, skill in teaching, and suitable curriculum development helps in learning.
  • Developing achievement motivation – Higher the achievement motivation, the greater the learning. This implies setting of high goals before the pupils. If the goal is highly challenging the effort will be challenging. So the teacher should keep high aims before the students. Achievement is one of the aspects affects the other. The prizes, medals, and certificates in the last examination influences the most to read more and more.
  • Providing incentives – Extrinsic motivation can be provided by providing incentives in the form of rewards, prizes, awards, and appreciation of thing or activity. So the teacher uses or applies such incentives which influence for more activity.
  • Producing and spirit of competition – The spirit of competition is a great motivating force, stimulus which implies the desire to excel other. Competition has been widely used by the teacher as a means of motivation towards scholastic achievement. The teacher urges individual and group competitions in the class.
  • Use of Audio-visual Aids – The class teachers uses audio-visual aids like T. V. films, record player, maps, graphs, charts, and pictures in the class to motivate the pupils towards learning.
  • Use of Praise and Blame – The teacher can use the incentives like praise and blame at proper time and in proper manner to motivate the pupils to learn more praise and blame both acts in positive and negative direction. If it is used by the teacher in right time it will affect the mental factor of the child, and the child will be influenced towards learning. Rewards, prizes, praises and punishment also act as incentives. The teacher should handle it with care.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Learning and Motivation Objective Questions

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Solutions Unit 2 Learning and Motivation Objective Questions and Answers.

CHSE Odisha 12th Class Foundations of Education Unit 2 Learning and Motivation Objective Questions

Multiple Choice Tests

Question 1:
Choose the factor mostly affect learning.
(a) Motivation
(b) Punishment
(c) Books
(d) Mental Health
(d) Mental Health

Question 2:
To which animal Cohler is associated?
(a) Chimpanzee
(b) Dog
(c) Rabbit
(d) Cat
(a) Chimpanzee

Question 3:
To which learning theory Thorndike is associated?
(a) Conditioning
(b) Trial and Error
(c) Classical Conditioning
(d) Insightful
(b) Trial and Error

In which learning theory Kohler’s name is linked?
(a) Trial and Error Theory
(b) Insightful Learning Theory
(c) Conditioned Response Theory
(d) Non of the above
(b) Insightful Learning Theory

Typewriting is the example of which theory of learning?
(a) Trial and Error
(b) Conditioning
(c) Insightful
(d) None
(a) Trial and Error

Question 6:
‘Learning is the behavior through experience’ who told this?
(a) Crow and Crow
(b) B.E Skinner
(c) Gates
(c) Gates

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Learning and Motivation Objective Questions
Question 7:
Who was the propounder of the theory of conditioning?
(a) J. K. Davis
(b) Eram Pavlov
(c) E.L.Thorndike
(d) B.F. Skinner
(b) Eram Pavlov

Question 8:
Learning of motor skills is what type of learning?
(a) Conditioning
(b) Trial and Error
(c) Insightful
(d) Kohler
(b) Trial and Error

Question 9:
‘Laws of Exercise’ is one of the law of propounded by whom?
(a) Skinner
(b) Koffakla
(c) E.L. Thorndike
(d) None
(c) E.L. Thorndike

Question 10:
Who is the writer of the book ‘Animal Intelligence’?
(a) B. F. Skinner
(b) E.L.Thomdike
(b) E.L.Thomdike

Question 11:
Habit formation is the example of which theory?
(a) Conditioning
(b) Insightful
(c) Trial and Error
(d) None
(a) Conditioning

Question 12:
Reward is the example of which motivation?
(a) Intrinsic
(b) Extrinsic
(c) Both intrinsic & Extrinsic
(d) None
(b) Extrinsic

Question 13:
Which animal is related to M.C.Dougall?
(a) Dog
(b) Cat
(c) Rat
(d) Rabbit
(c) Rat

Question 14:
From which word ‘Gestalt’ derived?
(a) German
(b) English
(c) Russia
(d) Latin
(a) German

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Learning and Motivation Objective Questions

Question 15:
‘Observation implies the use of eyes rather than ears and voice’ who told this?
(a) C. A. Moser
(b) P.V. Young
(c) Oxford Dictionary
(d) Von Glaserfeld
(a) C.A. Moser

Question 16:
Radical constructivism is propound by?
(a) Von Glaserfeld
(b) Jean Piaget
(c) Vygotsky
(d) None
(a) Von Glaserfeld

Question 17:
Learning is the modification of the behavior of the individual interaction with its Environment’ whose definition is this?
(a) Kingsley
(b) Gates
(c) Cronback
(d) Murphy
(b) Gates

Question 18:
By whom ‘Learning is the behavior adaption’?
(a) Gates
(b) Skinner
(c) Kingsley
(d) Murphy
(b) Skinner

Answer in single word

Question 1:
By whom ‘Insightfullearning’ was developed?
German Psychologist‘Kohler’.

Question 2:
Who is the propounder of conditioning theory?
Russain Psychologist Evan Pavlov was propounded the conditioning theory.

Question 3:
What is Trial and Error Theory?
Learning that takes place through the process of Trial and Error and connection is known as Trial and Error theory.

Question 4:
What is law of Readiness in learning?
Law of readiness in learning states that when a bond is ready to act allow it to do so is satisfying.

Question 5:
What are the defect in law of readiness?
The law of readiness is useless unless it refers to mental readiness.

Question 6:
What is law of Exercise?
Regular practice of a thing is law of exercise.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Learning and Motivation Objective Questions

Question 7:
7. What is the defect of the law of exercise?
The law of exercise is too much mechanical. So it does not take into account.

Question 8:
8. What is conditioning?
Conditioning is the linking up of the original responses with a secondary stimulus.

Question 9:
What is the nature of learning?
The process learning continues throughout life.

Question 10:
What are types of motivation?
Motivation are two types – Intrinsic and extrinsic.

Question 11:
Give one education effect of Trial and Error.
Acquisition of motor skills.

Question 12:
What is insightful learning?
As a mental process an individual receives the situation a whole for proper decision.

Question 13:
What is learning?
To Gates, learning is the modification of behavior with experience and training.

Question 14:
Give one characteristics of learning.
Learning is a process of adjustment.

Question 15:
What is Intrinsic motivation?
Intrinsic motivation is a force inside the individual for example – hunger, thirst, rest sleep.

Question 16:
What is Extrinsic motivation?
Extrinsic motivation means the forces that outside tied with the environment help in reaching goal, example – rewards, punishment, and prizes.

Question 17:
What do you mean by ‘Gestalt’?
Gestalt means ‘whole.

Question 18:
What is S-R bond?
When there is regular connection of stimulus and response – S-R bond is formed.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Learning and Motivation Objective Questions

Question 19:
Give an example of conditioned stimulus.
Elicit of Saliva is the example of conditioned stimulus.

Question 20:
What is conditioned response?
In the absence of natural stimulus, if an artificial stimulus act as natural stimulus and creates natural response is known as conditioned response.

Question 21:
How a teacher can motivate children?
By using audio-visual aids.

Question 22:
What is law of effect?
The law of effect means effective result of an activity, may be pleasant or unpleasant.

Question 23:
What is law of exercise?
Law of exercise means regular practice or drill when learning takes place.

Question 24:
Give the advantage and disadvantage in learning.
It may promote learning or creates indifference attitude towards learning.

Fill in the Blanks with Appropriate Words

Question 1:
_____ is the advantage of punishment.
Promote learning.

Question 2:
_____ is the disadvantage of punishment.
Indifference attitude.

Question 3:
Law of Exercise is propounded by ______.
E.L. Thorndike.

Question 4:
_______ is the writer of ‘Animal Intelligency’.
E. L. Thorndike/

Question 5:
Learning of motor skill is the learning _______.
Trial and Error.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Learning and Motivation Objective Questions

Question 6:
Kohler experimented his theory by _______.

Question 7:
From _______ language Gestalt derived?

Question 8:
Gestalt means _______.

Question 9:
Insightful learning is related to _______.

Question 10:
Conditioned response theory is related to _______.
Evan Pavlov.

Question 11:
Mc. Dougall experimented on _______.

Question 12:
J. B. Watson experimented on ______.

Question 13:
Rewards is the example of ______.
Extrinsic motivation.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Foundations of Education Unit 2 Learning and Motivation Objective Questions

Question 14:
Rest and sleep are examples of _______.
Intrinsic motivation.

Question 15:
The Law of exercise/readiness is propounded by ______.
E. L. Thorndike.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Political Science Unit 4 India in World Politics Short Answer Questions

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 12 Political Science Solutions Unit 4 India in World Politics Short Answer Questions.

CHSE Odisha 12th Class Political Science Unit 4 India in World Politics Short Answer Questions

Short Questions With Answers

Question 1.
What do the following abbreviations stand for?
(a) CTBT
(b) NPT
(a) Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
(b) Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

Question 2.
What is McMahon Line?
This is the boundary line between India and China, east of Bhutan. lt was determined in 1914 at a Conference of representatives of British India, Tibet and China. The Secretary of State for India (in British Cabinet) Arthur Henry McMahon represented British India in the Conference.

Question 3.
What is LoC?
LoC The Ceasefire line determined in 1949 was called the LoC after 1972. Some people believe that the possible solution to Indo-Pak problem on Kashmir is the conversion of LoC into international boundary.

Question 4.
Who are the neighbouring countries of india?
India’s policy has been the promotion of international peace and cooperation and developing friendly relations with all countries, especially the neighbouring countries. Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Burma and China are India’s immediate neighbours with whom it has friendly relations based on bonds of common culture and heritage.

Question 5.
Discuss the causes of 1962 war between India and China.
Conflictual issues between India and China pertain to Tibet and the border dispute. India recognised Chinese suzerainty over Tibet which is stated in the 1954 Agreement between India and China. But the border dispute that escalated into a war in 1962 In which India loss territory to China, still remains. After years of distance, India and China are normalising relations by first improving economic ties and now starting border talks.

Question 6.
Kashmir is the root cause of all problems between India and Pakistan. Do you agree?
Kashmir is a bone of contention between India and Pakistan which has brought the two.countries into open clash in 1947, 1965, 1971, 1999. Cross border terrorism is a major irritant. India tried to bring a positive change in the relationship of the two countries through Shimla agreement , Lahore Declaration, etc. leading to increased cultural and academic exchange. A composite dialogue is being pursued with Pakistan.

Question 7.
Trace the causes of the separatist problem in Sri Lanka. Also discuss the steps taken by India to help resolve this problem.
Relations between India and Sri Lanka can generally be termed as friendly, except for the brief spell in which the Tamil ethnic problem cast its shadow on the relations of the two countries. Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) sent to Sri Lanka was a bitter experience to India. After their withdrawal in 1990, India preferred to keep its hands off the ethnic problem of Sri Lanka, letting room for other countries like Norway to initiate substantial peace process to the problem. But growing economic ties between India and Sri Lanka are a symbol of mutual trust.

Question 8.
Define Foreign Policy.
Foreign Policy is an set of principles and policies and decisions which guides the behaviour of the state in international relations. Each nation state has its own foreign policy.

Question 9.
Name the main elements which determine the formulation of foreign policy of a nation.
Social economic and political environment of the country, geographical factors, industrial and technological factors, culture and history, international environment, personality of the top decision-working leader and quality of government.

Question 10.
What are the two main elements of a foreign policy?
Foreign policy defines the goals of national interest and the means to be used for securing goals of national interests in international relations. Foreign policy always. tries to secure the goals of national interests by the use of national power.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Political Science Unit 4 India in World Politics Short Answer Questions

Question 11.
What are the three fundamental features of Indian Foreign Policy?
The three fundamental features of Indian Foreign Policy are:
(1) Non-alignment.
(2) Independence in foreign relations.
(3) An independent nuclear policy.

Question 12.
What are the main features of a non-alignment foreign policy?
To keep away from military or security alliances, cold war and power politics, to develop friendly cooperation with all nations and to maintain independence in foreign relations.

Question 13.
What was the change in India’s Nuclear Policy in 1998?
In 1998, India decided to change her nuclear policy and decided to have nuclear weapons. Prior to that India maintained the policy of developing nuclear technology but not making and testing nuclear weapons.

Question 14.
What are the three main features of foreign policy of India in contemporary times?
(1) To cooperate and continuously work for eliminating international terrorism.
(2) To secure and promote regional economic cooperation for development.
(3) To secure a permanent seat in the UN Security Council.

Question 15.
What is being done by Indian Foreign Policy for protecting the interests of third world countries?
India has been playing a leadership role in the process of consolidation of third world solidarity. It has been hying to strengthen cooperation among the developing countries as well as for cooperating with these for protecting their shared interests in the WTO.

Question 16.
What is Panchsheel?
Panchsheel stands for five principles of mutual relations among states- Mutual respect for each others territorial integrity and sovereignty, non-aggression, non-intervention, mutual benefits and equality and peaceful coexistence.

Question 17.
What is non-aligned movement?
Non-aligned movement is the largest international movement of out times. Non-aligned countries are its members. Non-alignment now stands for promoting cooperation among all developing countries.

Question 18.
Name the P-5 Countries. What is the status of Indian as a nuclear power?
P-5 countries are USA, the UK, Russia, China and France. India is a responsible state with advanced nuclear technology and nuclear weapons and a defacto nuclear power.

Question 19.
What is UN?
It is during the period of Second World War that the necessity of a new general and comprehensive organisation of nations having the responsibility for maintaining peace and promoting internal cooperation was greatly felt. It is a international organisation capable of serving the need for presenting international peace and security through the development of friendly and cooperative relations among nations.

Question 20.
What is the objectives of the UN?
(1) To save the future generations from the scourge of war.
(2) To maintain faith in fundamental human rights.
(3) To establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties can be maintained.
(4) To promote social progress and a better standard of life.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Political Science Unit 4 India in World Politics Short Answer Questions

Question 21.
The birth of United Nation.
After the ratification of the UN Charter by the required number of states i.e. the USA, USSR (Russia), China, France and Britain, the United Nation organisation came into existence on October 24, 1945.

Question 22.
What is the sessions of General Assembly?
The General Assembly meets in a regular session every year on third Tuesday of September each year. Its special session can be called by the Secretary General either on the request of Security Council or of the majority of the members of UN.

Question 23.
Describe the meaning of Foreign Policy.
Foreign Policy can be defined as a set of principles, decisions and methods which a nation adopts for securing its national interests in relations with other nations. It guides and directs the path of the nation in the sphere of international relations. “Foreign Policy is the substance of nation’s efforts to promote his interests vis-a-vis other nations”.

Question 24.
Why did India adopt Non-alignment?
When India got her independence, the two super powers were following the policy of cold war and forming military or security alliances with other nations. India thought it fit to keep away from the cold war, security alliances and power politics. Such a policy of India got the name non-alignment in international relations.

Question 25.
Write the four essential parts of every foreign policy.
(1) A set of principles adopted by the nation which guide her behaviour in international relations.
(2) Identified goals of national interest which the nation wants to secure in international relations.
(3) The name which a nation can use for securing its goals of national interests.
(4) A view of all major international objectives, issues and problems.

Question 26.
What are the negative and positive features of non-alignment.
Positively speaking non-alignment means: an independent foreign policy, active participation in international relations, judging each issue on merit and taking decisions on the basis of the merits of the case and the national interests of the non-aligned countries in the world.

Question 27.
What are the five principles of Panchsheel?
(1) Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.
(2) Non-aggression.
(3) Non-intervention in each other’s domestic affairs.
(4) Mutual benefits and equality.
(5) Peaceful coexistence.

Question 28.
When was NAM launched? Who played a leadership role in launching NAM in international relation?
NAM was launched in September 1960. In launching NAM Indian Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, Egyptian President A.B.Nasser and Yugoslavian President Marshal Tito played a leading role. NAM was launched for projecting and promoting the rights and interests of the non-aligned countries in the world.

Question 29.
What is India’s role in the UNO?
India fully supports and follows the principles and aims of the United Nations. India has been consistently participating in the UN Peacekeeping operations. India has always paid its share of UN expenses. India wants democratization of the UNO, particularly the UN Security Council. India supports the demand for a reform of the UN. India has a legitimate claim for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Political Science Unit 4 India in World Politics Short Answer Questions

Question 30.
What are the main features of Indian Nuclear Policy?
The main features of Indian Nuclear Policy are:
(1) To develop and maintain nuclear weapons.
(2) Not to make a first use of nuclear weapons against any other nation.
(3) To use nuclear weapons against a state which may dare to use nuclear weapons against India.
(4) Not to sign discriminatory and partial nuclear treaties like the NPT and CTBT.
(5) To support the demand for total nuclear disarmament in the world.

Question 31.
What are the features of India’s Neighbourhood Policy?
The features of India’s neighbourhood policy are:
(1) To develop and maintain friendly relations with all the neighbours.
(2) To continuously develop all round cooperation with all the neighbours.
(3) To solve all bilateral issues and disputes peacefully through bilateral negotiations.
(4) To develop and strengthen SAARC.
(5) To provide all necessary help and assistance to her small neighbours.

Question 32.
What is India’a Policy towards its neighbours?
India realises fully the importance of relations with her neighbours Neighbours are always our first relatives as well as competitors. Development of friendly, peaceful and cooperative relations has been always a necessity and Indian foreign policy has been fully alive to this need. In fact, development of high level friendship and cooperation with the neighbours has been a salient features of Indian Foreign Policy.

Question 33.
What is India’s Foreign Policy towards developing countries?
(1) India identifies herself with the developing countries.
(2) India continuously works on all international platforms for securing the. interests of the third world countries.
(3) India has been developing cooperation among the developing countries.
(4) India has been trying to protect the interest of the third world countries in the WTO.

Question 34.
How India and China have been trying to develop their relations since 1988?
India and China havedecided to maintain peace and tranquility along the borders. A joint working group for resolving the boundary dispute is at work. It is headed jointly by Indian foreign Secretary and Chinese Vice-Minister for foreign affairs: Both the countries have decided to develop cooperation in Civil Air Transport, Science and Technology development and culture cooperation.

Question 35.
What are the features of India-China relations in contemporary times?
(1) Bilateral economic and trade relations have been developing in a satisfactory way.
(2) Peace and tranquility is being maintained on borders.
(3) Indian and Chineses forces have been holding joint military exercises.
(4) Both countries have been exchanging high level visits of their political leaders, public officials and business trade and cultural delegations.
(5) India needs Chinese support for getting a permanent membership of the UN Security Council.

Question 36.
Discuss the irritants of India-China relations.
(1) China continues to be in the illegal possession of a large part of Indian territory. The boundary dispute continues to remain unresolved.
(2) Pro-Pakistan feature of Chinese Foreign Policy continues to be a limiting factor. Even after 26/11 terrorist attacks against Mumbai by Pakistan based terrorists.
(3) Continued Chinese help for Pakistan’s nuclear weapons and missile programme.
(4) China continues to use Pakistan as a check over Indian power in Asia.

Question 37.
What is India’s Kashmir Policy?
So far as India is concerned, Jammu and Kashmir has been and continues to be an integral part of India. The Maharaja of Kashmir made it a part of India. The sole political party of the people of Jammu and Kashmir, the national conference accepted this decision. Under its Article 370, the constitution of India gave a special place to Jammu arid Kashmir. The Jammu and Kashmir legislature then passed a resolution and accepted Kashmir’s accession to India. The people of Jammu and Kashmir have been periodically elected their state legislature.

Question 38.
What is General Assembly of UN?
The General Assembly is the most popular and the largest body of the UN. It is termed as the “Town meeting of the whole world”. In it all the members of the UN, are heard. In debates, discussions and decision-making. All the members of UN are members of the General Assembly. Every state has only one vote in the General Assembly.

Question 39.
What is the principles of the UN?
The principles of the UN are:
(1) The organisation is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its members.
(2) All the members will fulfil in good faith the obligations in accordance with the Charter.
(3) The UN shall ensure that the states which are not members of the UN will act in accordance with the principle of the UNO.
(4) All the members of UNO will settle their disputes peacefully.
(5) The members shall refrain from using force or threat of use of force against territorial integrity of any state.
(6) UNO is not to interfere in the domestic matters of the state.

Question 40.
What is the purpose of the UN?
Article 1 of the UN Charter lays down the following purpose of the UN.
(1) To maintain international peace and security. To take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threat to peace.
(2) To achieve international cooperation in solving international problems of economic, social, culture and humanitarian character.
(3) To develop friendly relation among nations based on respect for the principle
of equal rights.
(4) To be a centre for harmonizing the actions achieving the above ends.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Political Science Unit 4 India in World Politics Short Answer Questions

Question 41.
What is the composition of the UN Security Council?
Originally the UN Security Council consisted of 11 members of the UN: China, France, the United State of America, Russia, and the United Kingdom as five permanent members and six non-permanent members elected by the General Assembly for a term of two years. Now the demand for increasing the membership of the UN Security Council has been raised. It is being considered to increase its strength to about 25.

Question 42.
What is ICJ?
ICJ is (International Court of Justice): The International Court of Justice came into existence on 18 April 1946. The ICJ is an organ of the United Nations. It also functions in accordance with the provision of the UN Charter. The members of the UN are under obligation to comply with the decisions of ICJ in cases to which they are parties.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Political Science Unit 3 Democratic Process In India-II Long Answer Questions

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CHSE Odisha 12th Political Science Unit 3 Democratic Process In India-II Long Answer Questions

Short Notes
The other long-term development during this period was the rise of politics based on religious identity, leading to a debate about secularism and democracy. We noted in Chapter Six that in the aftermath of the Emergency, the Bharatiya Jana Sangh had merged into the Janata Party. After the fall of the Janata Party and its break-up, the supporters of erstwhile Jana Sangh formed the Bharatiya Janata Party ( BJP) in 1980.

Initially, the BJP adopted a broader political platform than that of the Jana Sangh. It embraced ‘Gandhian Socialism’ as its ideology. But it did not get much success in the elections held in 1980 and 1984. After 1986, the party began to emphasise the Hindu nationalist element in its ideology. The BJP pursued the politics of ‘Hindutva’ and adopted the strategy of mobilising the Hindus. Hindutva literally means ‘Hinduness’ and was defined by its originator, V. D. Savarkar, as the basis of Indian (in his language also Hindu) nationhood.

It basically meant that to be members of the Indian nation, everyone must not only accept India as their ‘fatherland’ (pitrubhu) but also as their holy land (punyabhu). Believers of ‘Hindutva’ argue that a strong nation can be built only on the basis of a strong and united national culture.

They also believe that in the case of India the Hindu culture alone can provide this base. Two developments around 1986 became central to the politics of BJP as a ‘Hindutva’ party. The first was the Shah Bano case in 1985. In this case a 62-year old divorced Muslim woman, had filed a case for maintenance from her former husband. The Supreme Court ruled in her favour.

The orthodox Muslims saw the Supreme Court’s order as an interference in Muslim Personal Law. On the demand of some Muslim leaders, the government passed the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986 that nullified the Supreme Court’s judgefnent. This action of the government was opposed by many women’s organisations, many Muslim groups and most of the intellectuals. The BJP criticised this action of the Congress government as an unnecessary concession and ‘appeasement’ of the minority community.

Ayodhya dispute
The second development was the order by the Faizabad district court in February 1986. The court ordered that the Babri Masjid premises be unlocked so that Hindus could offer prayers at the site which they considered as a temple. A dispute had been going on for many decades over the mosque known as Babri Masjid at Ayodhya.

Mughal emperor Babur’s General. Some Hindus believe that it was built after demolishing a temple for Lord Rama in what is believed to be his birthplace. The dispute took the form of a court case and has continued for many decades. In the late 1940s the mosque was locked up as the matter was with the court.

As soon as the locks of the Babri Masjid were opened, mobilisation began on both sides. Many Hindu and Muslim organisations tried to mobilise their communities on this question. Suddenly this local dispute became a major national question and led to communal tensions. The BJP made this issue its major electoral and political plank.

Along with many other organisations like the RSS and the Vishva Hindu Pari shad (VHP), it convened a series of symbolic and mobilisational programmes. This large scale mobilisation led to surcharged atmosphere and many instances of communal violence. The BJP, in order to generate public support, took out a massive march called the Rathyatra from Somnath in Gujarat to Ayodhya in UP.

Demolition and after. Explain.
In December 1992, the organisations supporting the construction of the temple had organised a Karseva, meaning voluntary service by the devotees, for building the Ram temple. The situation had become tense all over the country and especially at Ayodhya. The Supreme Court had ordered the State government to take care that the disputed site will not be endangered.

However, thousands of people gathered from all over the country at Ayodhya on 6 December 1992 and demolished the mosque. This news led to clashes between the Hindus and Muslims in many parts of the country. The violence in Mumbai erupted again in January 1993 and continued for over two weeks.

Write about the Anti-Muslim riots in Gujarat
In February-March 2002, large-scale violence against Muslims took place in Gujarat. The immediate provocation for this violence was an incident that took place at a station called Godhra. A bogey of a train that was returning from Ayodhya and was full of Karsevaks was set on fire. Fifty seven people died in that fire. Suspecting the hand of the Muslims in setting fire to the bogey, large-scale violence against Muslims began in many parts of Gujarat from the next day. This violence continued for almost a whole month.

Nearly 1100 persons, mostly Muslims, were killed in this violence. The National Human Rights Commission criticised the Gujarat government’s role in failing to control violence, provide relief to the victims and prosecute the perpetrators of this violence. The Election Commission of India ordered the assembly elections to be postponed. As in the case of anti-Sikh riots of 1984.

Popular movements
Chipko movement: The movement began in two or three villages of Uttarakhand when the forest department refused permission to the villagers to fell ash trees for making agricultural tools. However, the forest department allotted the same patch of land to a sports manufacturer for commercial use. This enraged the villagers and they protested against the move of the government. The struggle soon spread across many parts of the Uttarakhand region.

Larger issues of ecological and economic exploitation of the region were raised. The villagers demanded that no forest-exploiting contracts should be given to outsiders and local communities should have effective control over natural resources like land, water and forests. They wanted the government to provide low cost materials to small industries and ensure development of the region without disturbing the ecological balance.

The movement took up economic issues of landless forest workers and asked for guarantees of minimum wage. Women’s active participation in the Chipko agitation was a very novel aspect of the movement. The forest contractors of the region usually doubled up as suppliers of alcohol to men. Women held sustained agitations against the habit of alcoholism and broadened the agenda of the movement to cover other social issues.

The movement achieved a victory when the government issued a ban on felling of trees in the Himalayan regions for fifteen years until the green cover was fully restored. But more than that, the Chipko movement, which started over a single issue, became a symbol of many such popular movements emerging in different parts of the country during the 1970s and later. In this chapter we shall study some of these movements.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Political Science Unit 3 Democratic Process In India-II Long Answer Questions

Party based movements :
Popular movements may take the form of social movements or political movements and there is often an overlap between the two. The nationalist movement, for example, was mainly a political movement. But we also know that deliberations on social and economic issues during the colonial period gave rise to independent social movements like the anti-caste movement, the kiscm sabhas and the trade union movement in early twentieth century.

These movements raised issues related to some underlying social conflicts. Some of these movements continued in the post¬independence period as Well. Trade union movement had a strong presence among industrial workers in major cities like Mumbai, Kolkata and Kanpur. All major political parties established their own trade unions for mobilising these sections of workers.

Peasants in the Telangana region of Andhra Pradesh organised massive agitations under the leadership of Communist parties in the early years of independence and demanded redistribution of land to cultivators. Peasants and agricultural labourers in parts of Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Bihar and adjoining areas continued their agitations under the leadership of the Marxist-Leninist workers; who were known as the Naxalites (you have already read about the Naxalite movement in the last chapter). The peasants’ and the workers’ movements mainly focussed on issues of economic injustice and inequality.

These movements did not participate in elections formally. And yet they retained connections with political parties, as many participants in these movements, as individuals and as organisations, were actively associated with parties. These links ensured a better representation of the demands of diverse social sections in party politics.

Dalit Panthers:
It is a well-known Marathi poet Namdeo Dhasal. Do you know who these ‘pilgrims of darkness’ in this poem are and who the ‘sunflower-giving fakir’ was that blessed them? The pilgrims were the Dalit communities who had experienced brutal caste injustices for a long time in our society and the poet is referring to Dr. Ambedkar as their liberator. Dalit poets in Maharashtra wrote many such poems during the decade of : seventies.

These poems were expressions of anguish that the Dalit masses continued to face even after twenty years of independence. But they were also full of hope for the future, a future that Dalit groups wished to shape for themselves. You are aware of Dr. Ambedkar’s vision of socio-economic change and his relentless struggle for a dignified future for Dalits outside the Hindu caste-based social structure. It is not surprising that Dr.Ambedkar remains an iconic and inspirational figure in much of Dalit liberation writings.

By the early nineteen seventies, the first generation Dalit graduates, especially those living in city slums began to assert themselves from various platforms. Dalit Panthers, a militant organisation of the Dalit youth, was formed in Maharashtra in 1972 as a part of these assertions. In the post-Independence period, Dalit groups were, mainly fighting against the perpetual caste based inequalities and material injustices that the Dalits faced in spite of constitutional guarantees of equality and justice. Effective; implementation of reservations and other such policies of social justice was one of their, prominent demands.

Bharatiya Kisan Union:
The social discontent in Indian society since the seventies was manifold. Even those sections that partially benefited in the process of development had many complaints against the state and political parties. Agrarian struggles of the eighties is one such example where better off farmers protested against the policies of the state.

Growth :
In January 1988, around twenty thousand farmers had gathered in the city of Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. They were protesting against the government decision to increase electricity rates. The farmers camped for about three weeks outside the district collector’s office until their demands were fulfilled.

It was a very disciplined agitation of the farmers and all those days they received regular food supply from the nearby villages. The Meerut agitation was seen as a great show of rural power of the Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU), an organisation of farmers from western Uttar Pradesh and Haryana regions.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Political Science Unit 3 Democratic Process In India-II Long Answer Questions

The BKU was one of the leading organisations in the farmers’ movement of the eighties. We have noted in Chapter Three that farmers of Haryana, Punjab and western Uttar Pradesh had benefited in the late 1960s from the state policies of green revolution’. Sugar aid wheat became the main cash crops in the region since then.

The cash crop market faced a crisis in mid-eighties due to the beginning of the process of liberalisation of Indian economy. The BKU demanded higher government floor prices for sugarcane and wheat, abolition of A Bhartiya Kisan Union Rally in Punjab.

Hindustan Times restrictions on the inter-state movement of farm produce, guaranteed supply of electricity at reasonable rates, waiving of repayments due on loans to farmers and the provision of a government pension for farmers.

Activities conducted by the BKU to pressurise the state for accepting its demands included rallies, demonstrations, sit-ins, and fail bharo (courting imprisonment) agitations.

Uttar Pradesh and adjoining regions. Throughout the decade of eighties, the BKU organised massive rallies of these farmers in many district headquarters of the State and also at the .national capital. Another novel aspect of these mobilisations was the use of caste linkages of farmers. Most of the BKU members belonged to a single community.

The organisation used traditional caste panchayats of these communities in bringing them together over economic issues. In spite of lack of any formal organisation, the BKU could sustain itself for a long time because it was based on clan networks among its members. Funds, resources and activities of BKU were mobilised through these networks.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Political Science Unit 3 Democratic Process In India-II Long Answer Questions

Women Movements 
Arreck Movement
Origins :
In a village in the interior of Dubagunta in Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh, women had enrolled in the Adult Literacy Drive on a large scale in the early nineteen nineties. It is during the discussion in the class that women complained of increased consumption of a alcoholism had taken deep roots among the village people and was ruining their physical and mental health.

It affected the rural economy of the region a great deal. Indebtedness grew with increasing scales of consumption of alcohol, men remained absent from their jobs and the contractors of alcohol engaged in crime for securing their monopoly over the arrack trade. Women were the worst sufferers of these ill effects of alcohol as it resulted in the collapse of the family economy and women had to bear the brunt of violence from the male family members, particularly the husband.

Women in Nellore came together in spontaneous local initiatives to protest against arrack and forced closure of the wine shop. The news spread fast and women of about 5000 villages got inspired and met together in meetings, passed resolutions for imposing prohibition and sent them to the District Collector. The arrack auctions in Nellore district | were postponed 17 times. This movement in Nellore District slowly spread all over the State.

The slogan of the anti-arrack movement was simple — prohibition on the sale of arrack. But this simple demand touched upon larger social, economic and political issues of the region that affected women’s life. A close nexus between crime and politics was established around the business of arrack.

The State government collected huge revenues by way of taxes imposed on the sale of arrack and was therefore not willing to impose a bail. Groups of local women tried to address these complex issues in their agitation against arrack. They also openly discussed the issue of domestic violence.

Their movement, for the first time, provided a platform to discuss private issues of domestic violence. Thus, the anti-arrack movement also became part of the women’s movement. Earlier, women’s groups working on issues of domestic violence, the custom of dowry, sexual abuse at work and public places were active mainly among urban middle class women in different parts of the country.

Their work led to a realisation that issues of injustice to women and of gender inequalities were complicated in nature. During the decade of the eighties women’s | movement focused on issues of sexual family and outside.

These groups ran a campaign against the system of dowry and demanded personal and property laws based on the norms of gender equality. These campaigns contributed a great deal in increasing overall social awareness about women’s questions. Focus of the women’s movement gradually shifted , from legal reforms to open social confrontations like the one we discussed above.

As a result the movement made demands of equal representation to women in politics during the nineties. We know that 73rd and 74th amendments have granted reservations to women in local level political offices. Demands for extending similar reservations in State and Central legislatures have also been made.

A constitution amendment bill to this effect has been proposed but has not received enough support from the Parliament yet. Main opposition to the bill has come from groups, including some women’s groups, who are insisting on a separate quota for Dalit and OBC women within the proposed women’s quota in higher i political offices.

Narmada Bachao Andolan:
An ambitious developmental project was launched in the Narmada valley of central India in early eighties. The project consisted of 30 big dams,-135 medium sized and around 3,000 Small dams to be constructed on the Narmada and its tributaries that flow across three states of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Maharashtra. Sardar Sarovar Project in Gujarat and the Narmada Sagar Project in Madhya Pradesh were two of the most important and biggest, multi-purpdse dams planned under the project.

Narmada Bachao Aandolan, a movement to save Narmada opposed the construction of these dams and questioned the themselves to mobilisation and collective action by women. Women’s studies and women’s movements are often used synonymously.

Of course, both are closely related and the former includes the latter but the focus of the present essay, as we have discussed in Chapter I, limited to a review of the literature on women’s collective actions. For that purpose, research- based monographs on women’s movements in India are relatively few.

Most of them are at an exploratory stage.Except for a few, many of the studies are anecdotal, impressionistic and polemical for action—prescription for action—written by feminist activists in journalistic style. For activists involved in feminist movements, feminism is not merely a discourse to be analysed, but ‘a method of bringing about social change’.

Whether one argues that the discourse and methodology—strategies, tactics and programmes—for social change are inseparable or not, the increasing literature certainly provides valuable theoretical and philosophical articulation and empirical data, posing relevant questions and hypotheses for in-depth studies on the social system in general and women’s position therein, in particular.

Some theoretical studies are also available, but more often than not, it is felt that they deal mainly with issues raised by western scholars. Even if this is so, this should not belittle the importance of such studies. Western influence, after all, affects all spheres of our life.

This is more so in the era of globalisation. Moreover, ‘women’s resistance to male domination’, as we understand it today, was the product of western education. British, women took the initiative in forming women’s organisations and defining their objectives!

Women’s liberation movements in India are believed to be largely influenced by women’s movements in the west, which emphasise the ‘universality’ of gender oppression and therefore ‘universal sisterhood’ of women. This has been questioned by many intellectuals.

Questions Solved

Question 1.
Which among the following statements about the partition is incorrect?
(a) Partition of India was the outcome of the “two-nation theory”.
(b) Punjab and Bengal were the two provinces divided on the basis of religion.
(c) East Pakistan and West Pakistan were not contiguous.
(d) The scheme of Partition included a plan for transfer of population across the border.
(d)The scheme of partition included a plan for transfer of population across

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Political Science Unit 3 Democratic Process In India-II Long Answer Questions

Question 2.
Match the principles with instances:

(a) Mapping of boundaries on religious ground (i)Pakistan and Bangladesh
(b) Mapping of boundaries on grounds of different languages (ii)India and Pakistan
(c) Demarcating boundaries within a country by geographical zones (iii)Jharkhand and Chhatisgarh
(d) Demarcating boundaries within a country on administrative and political grounds  (iv)Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand

(a)-(ii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(i), (d)-(iii)

Question 3.
Take a current political map of India (showing outlines of states) and mark the location of the following Princely States,
(a) Junagadh
(b) Manipur
(c) Mysore
(d) Gwalior.

 CHSE Odisha Class 12 Political Science Unit 3 Democratic Process In India-II Long Answer Questions

The places are marked as 3(a), 3(b), 3(c) and 3(d).

Question 4.
Here are two opinions: Bismay: “The merger with the Indian State was an extension of democracy to the people of the Princely States.” Inderpreet: “I am not so sure, there was force being used. Democracy comes by creating consensus.” What is your opinion in the light of accession of Princely States and the responses of the people in these parts?
Accession of Princely States and merger with Indian union was to expand democracy all over the country because princely states never enjoyed their political rights. Indian government central government used force to extend democracy to some extent as this was mandatory to have a uniform base in the country.

Question 5.
Read the following very different statements made in August 1947: “Today you have worn on your heads a crown of thorns. The seat of power is a nasty thing. You have to remain ever wakeful on that seat you have to he more humble and forbearing now there will be no end to your being tested. ” -M.K, Gandhi “India will awake to a life of freedom we step out from, the old to the new we end, today a period of ill fortune and India discovers herself again. The achievement we celebrate today is but a step, an opening of opportunity, -Jawaharlal Nehru Spell out the agenda of nation building that flows from these two statements. Which one appeals more to you and why?

Answer: These two statements focus on the agenda of secularism, democracy, sovereignty and freedom. It focuses on the path which will lead to the real development and prosperity of our country. The first statement appeals to me more than the second one because it invokes the countrymen to remain awake, alert and conscious as it is not the end of our struggle. The time to build the nation initiates now.

Question 6.
What are the reasons being used by Nehru for keeping India secular? Do you think these reasons were only ethical and sentimental? Or were there some prudential reasons as well?
Reasons for keeping India secular:
1. All the Muslims did not leave India during participation, some muslims stayed in India as a minority and Jawaharlal Nehru wanted to deal with them in a very civilised and dignified manner.
2. He advocated security and democratic rights of Muslims as a citizen of India. No, these reasons were not only ethical and sentimental, but there were some prudential reasons also as:

  •  India’s secular nature cherished its long term goals and principles like socialism, equality, liberty and fraternity.
  •  Secularism stops any single faith to become superior and inferior to those who practicised another religion. Hence it considers all citizens equal irrespective of religious affiliation.

Question 7.
Bring out two major differences between the challenge of nation building for eastern and western regions of the country at the time of Independence.
The two major differences between eastern (Bengal) and Western (Punjab)regions can be summed up as follows:1. These regions were the muslim majority provinces to be joined. Hence, it was decided that new country Pakistan will comprise two territories i.e. West and East Pakistan.
2. Secondly, there was a problem of minorities on both sides of border (East and West). Lakhs of Hindus and Sikhs in areas of Pakistan and Muslims on the Indian side of Punjab and Bengal found themselves trapped with no option except to leave their homes.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Political Science Unit 3 Democratic Process In India-II Long Answer Questions

Question 8.
What was the task of the States Reorganisation Commission? What was its most salient recommendation?
The State ReorganisationCommission was set up in 1953 by central government to look into the matter of redrawing of boundaries of state:
1. The commission evolved that states’ boundaries should reflect the boundaries of different languages to accommodate linguistic diversity.
2. The State Reorganisation Act was passed in 1 956 which resulted the creation of 14 states and 6 union territories.
3. Its most salient recommendation was the formation of linguistic states i.e. to reorganise states on the basis of accommodation of their languages to prepare a uniform base for the nation.

Question 9.
It is said that the nation is to large extent an “imagined community” held togetherby common beliefs, history, political aspirations and imaginations. Identify the features that make India a nation.
India proved herselfthrough all stages of three challenges at the time of nation building like:
1. India is a secular country where people speak different languages and follow different cultures and religions to be recognised as a-nation of unity in diversity with common faith and beliefs.
2. Political aspiration ensures demo-xratic setup based on parliamentary form of government creating political competition in a democratic framework.
3. India’s imaginations established a welfare state on the principle of equality and special protection to socially disadvantaged groups and religions as well as cultural communities.

Question 10:
Read the following passage and answer the questions below:
“In the history of nation-building only the Soviet experiment bears comparison with the Indian. There too, a sense of unity had to be forged between many diverse ethnic groups, religious, linguistic communities and social classes. The scale-geographic as well as demographic was comparably massive. The raw material the state had to work with was equally unpropitious: a people divided by faith and driven by debt and disease.”—Ramachandra Guha
(a) List the commonalities that the author mentions between India and Soviet Union and give one example for each of these from India.
(b) The author does not talk about dissimilarities between the two experiments. Can you mention two dissimilarities?
(c) In retrospect which of these two experiments worked better and why?
(a) Commonalities between India and Soviet Union:
(i) Both the nations shaped the nation on linguistic basis.
(ii) To promote welfare motives, the economic and technological developments took place in India also.
(iii) States were divided 6n the grounds of geographical boundary and strength of populations also in both the nations.

(b) Dissimilarities:
(i) Soviet Union was divided into 15 independent republics/countries to be disintegrated.
(ii) India maintained its unity and integrity even among diversified nature of’ ates and peoples without any more division.

(c) The Indian experiment worked better to promote linguistic and cultural plurality without affecting unity and integrity of the nation though India adopted some diplomatic measures to make country united.

Long Answer Type Questions With Answers

Question 1.
What forced the Union Government of India to appoint the State Reorganisation Commission in 1953? Mention its two main recommendations. Name any four new states formed after 1956.
1. State Reorganisation Commission was appointed in 1953 by central Government to rearrange the boundaries of states.
2. Its main recommendations were to organise states on language basis as well as the boundaries of state could reflect the linguistic aspects also.
3. The Madras province under British India created following linguistic states:
(a) Andhra Pradesh (Telugu)
(b) Taniilnadu (Tamil)
(c) Kerala (Malayalam)
(d) Karnataka (Kannad)
4. The state Reorganisation Act was passed in 1956 which created 14 states and 6 Union territories.

Question 2.
Explain any three challenges faced by India at the time of its independence.
Answer: India had to face many challenges immediately after she got independence, which can be summed up as follows:
1. Challenge to Shape a Nation: India was divided among various states at the time of independence. Hence a great challenge arose to unify and integrate country into one bond. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel took upon himself to integrate these states either wishfully or diplomatically to be completed into different stages.
2. To Establish Democratic Set up: India constituted representative democracy based on parliamentary form of government and it was a great challenge to develop these democratic practices in the nation.
3. To Ensure Development and Well Being ofthe Society: Indian polity made herself to achieve welfare goals with the evolvement of effective economic policies and eradication of poverty and unemployment.

Question 3.
How did the reorganisation of states take place in India after its independence? Explain.
1. In the initial years it was felt that linguistic states may foster seperatism and create pressures on newly founded nation, but India considered democracy and federalism by making a favour to linguistic states only.
2. State Reorganisation Commission was appointed in 1 953 central Government to rearrange the boundaries of states.
3. Its main recommendations were to organise states on language basis as well as the boundaries of states could reflect the linguistic aspects also.
4. The State Reorganisation Act was passed in 1956 which created 14 states and 6 union territories.
5. Linguistic states enhanced democratic practices.
6. Linguistic states reduced separatist attitude by accepting the regional and linguistic claims of all regions.

Question 4.
Explain any three consequences of partition in India.
1. In the name of religion, people of one community killed and mained people of the other community. Cities like Lahore, Kolkata and Amritsar were titled as communal zones.
2. People went through social sufferings also be forced to abandon their homes especially minorities, who took shelter in refugee camps.
3. To preserve the honour offamily, many women were killed even many children were separated from their family and if crossed borders, they did not have any home.
4. The partition did not only divide property, assets or liabilities but also the government employees and the railways, etc.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Political Science Unit 3 Democratic Process In India-II Long Answer Questions

Question 5.
Assess the role played by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in nation building.
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel is also known as ‘Iron man of India, became India’s Deputy Prime minister and Home minister during integration of princely states. He played a historic role in negotiating the rulers of princely states and diplomatically brought most of them in Indian Union. It was very complicated which required skilful persuation i.e. there were 26 small states in today’s Odisha, Saurashtra Region of Gujarat had 14 states with 119 small states, etc.

Picture/Map Based Questions

A. Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow:

C:\Users\user 123\Downloads\CHSE Odisha Class 12 Political Science Unit 3 Democratic Process In India-II Long Answer Questions a1.png

Question 1.
What does this picture represent?
This picture represents the painful scene of partition of country when people were supposed to leave their homes.

Question 2.
Mention some consequences of partition.
(i) Communal Riots (ii) Social Sufferings (iii) Administrative Concerns and Financial Strains.

Question 3.
Which year is being denoted in the picture?
The year of 1947, most abrupt, unplanned year in the history.

B. Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow:

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Political Science Unit 3 Democratic Process In India-II Long Answer Questions

Question 1.
Identify the person in the centre of the cartoon and mention the challenge surrounding him.
The person is the first Prime Minister of India Pt. Jawahar Lai Nehru, who faced the first and foremost challenge of integration of princely states and formation of linguistic states.

Question 2.
What does the picture actually refer?
The picture refers the problem of reorganization of states on linguistic basis with the fear of disintegration in the country.

Question 3.
How did India avoid all these conflicts?
India identified and respected regional demands of the people and enhanced democracy by providing some autonomy to the states also.

C. On a political outline map of India locate and label the following and symbolise them as indicated:

C:\Users\user 123\Downloads\CHSE Odisha Class 12 Political Science Unit 3 Democratic Process In India-II Long Answer Questions b.png

Question 1.
Name and mark the original state from. which the following states were carved out.
(a) Gujarat (b) Meghalaya (c) Haryana (d) Chhattisgarh
(a) Gujarat (from Bombay) (b) Meghalaya (from Assam) (c) Haryana (from Punjab) (d) Chhattisgarh (from Madhya Pradesh)

Question 2.
Name and mark the countries reorganised on religious grounds.
(a) India (b) Pakistan

Question 3.
Demarcated boundaries of these countries by geographical zones.
(a) Pakistan (b) Bang

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Political Science Unit 3 Democratic Process In India-II Short Answer Questions

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 12 Political Science Solutions Unit 3 Democratic Process in India-II Short Answer Questions.

CHSE Odisha 12th Class Political Science Unit 3 Democratic Process In India-II Short Answer Questions

Short Questions With Answers
Question 1.
Name three problems that the newly independent nation of lndia faced.
Three problems that the newly independent nation of India faced:

  • As a result of Partition, 8 million refugees had come into the country from Pakistan. These people had to be found homes and jobs.
  • The Maharajas and Nawabs of the Princely States (almost 500) had to be persuaded to join the New Nation.
  • A political system had to be adopted which would best serve the hopes and expectations of the Indian population.

Question 2.
What was the role of the Planning Commission?
The Planning Commission was set up to help design and execute suitable policies for the economic development of India.

Question 3.
What did Dr Ambedkar mean when he said that “In politics we will have equality, and in social and economic life we will have inequality”?
According to Dr Ambedkar, political democracy had to be accompanied by economic and social democracy. Giving the right to vote would not automatically lead to the removal of other inequalities such as between rich and poor, or between upper and lower castes. He believed that India needed to work towards eradicating all forms of inequality in the economic and social spheres. Only then would the equality granted by the Constitution in the sphere of politics (i.e., one vote for every adult Indian citizen) be of any value. Otherwise, India would just be a land of contradictions – following the principle of “one man, one vote and one value” in its political life and denying the principle of “one man, one value” in its economic and social lives.

Question 4.
After Independence, why was there a reluctance to divide the country on linguistic lines ? .
In the 1920s, the Congress had promised that once the country won independence, each major linguistic group would have its own province. However, after independence, it did not take any steps to honour this promise. There was a reason for this. India had already been divided on the basis of religion. The joy of freedom had come along with the tragedy of Partition. This Partition had led to the killing of a million people in riots. Fresh divisions were not considered to be feasible. Congress leaders believed that any further divisions of the country would only disrupt its unity and progress. They felt that the need of the hour was for India to remain strong and united, and work towards becoming a nation, and anything that hindered the growth of nationalism had to be rejected.

Question 5.
Give one reason why English continued to be used in India after Independence.
People of the south those who could not speak Hindi, opposed Hindi as National Language. They threatened to separate from India if Hindi was imposed on them. The Constituent Assembly finally decided that Hindi would be the “official language” of India and English would be used in the courts, the services, and communications between one state and another.

Question 6.
How was the economic development of India visualised in the early decades after Independence?
The economic development of India visualised in the early decades after Independence were:

  • Objectives: Lifting India and Indians out of poverty, and building a modern technical and industrial base were among the major objectives of the new nation.
  •  Planning Commission and Five Year Plans: A Planning Commission was set up to help design and execute suitable policies for economic development.
  • Mixed-economy: A mixed-economy model was agreed upon. In this economic model, both the State and the private sector would play important and complementary roles in increasing production and generating jobs.
  • Focus on heavy industries and dams: In 1956, the Second Five Year Plan was formulated. This focussed strongly on the development of heavy industries such as steel, and on the building of large dams.
  • The focus on heavy industry, and the effort at state regulation of the economy (which was to guide the economic policy for the next few decades) had many critics. This approach was criticised because:
    (i) It put inadequate emphasis on agriculture.
    (ii) It neglected primary education.
    (iii) It did not take into account the environmental implications of concentrating. on science and machinery.

Question 7.
Vhat are the challenges India face while building the nation?
At the hour of midnight on 14-15 August 1947, India attained independence. Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of free India, addressed a special session of the Constituent Assembly that night. This was the famous ‘tryst with destiny’ speech that you are familiar with. This was the moment Indians had been waiting for. You have read in- your history textbooks that there were many voices in our national movement. But there were two goals almost everyone agreed upon one, that after Independence, we shall run our country through democratic government; and two, that the government will be run for the good of all, particularly the poor and the socially disadvantaged groups.

Now that the country was independent, the time had come to realise the promise of freedom. This was not going to be easy. India was born in very difficult circumstances. Perhaps no other country by then was born in a situation more difficult than that of India in 1947. Freedom came with the partition of the country. The year 1947 was a year of unprecedented violence and trauma of displacement. It was in this situation that independent India started on its journey to achieve several objectives. Yet the turmoil that accompanied independence did not make our leaders lose sight of the multiple challenges that faced the new nation.

Question 8.
Write Three Challenges of India face after independence.
Broadly, independent India faced three kinds of challenges. The first and the immediate challenge was to shape a nation that was united, yet accommodative of the diversity in our society. India was a land of continental size and diversity. Its people-spoke different languages and followed different cultures and religions. At that time it was widely believed that a country full of such kinds of diversity could not remain together for long. The partition of the country appeared to prove everyone’s worst fears. There were serious questions about the future of India: Would India survive as a unified country ? Would it do so by emphasising national unity at the cost of every other objective? Would it mean rejecting all regional and sub-national identities? And there was an urgent question: How was integration of the territory of India to be achieved?

The second challenge was to -establish democracy. You have already studied the Indian Constitution. You know that the Constitution granted fundamental rights and extended the right to vote to every citizen. India adopted representative democracy based on the parliamentary form of government. These features ensure that the political competition would take place in a democratic framework.
A democratic constitution is necessary but not sufficient for establishing a democracy. The challenge was to develop democratic practices in accordance with the Constitution.

The third challenge was to ensure the development and well-being of the entire society and not only of some sections. Here again the Constitution clearly laid down the principle of equality and special protection to socially disadvantaged groups and religious and cultural communities. The Constitution also set out in the Directive Principles of State Policy the welfare goals that democratic politics must achieve. The real challenge now was to evolve effective policies for economic development and eradication of poverty.

The decade of 1980s also witnessed major developments in the State of Punj ab. The social composition of the State changed first with Partition and later on after the-carving out of Haryana and Himachal Pradesh. While the rest of the country was reorganised on linguistic lines in 1950s, Punjab had to wait till 1966 for the creation of a Punjabi speaking State. The Akali Dal, which was formed in 1920 as the political wing of the Sikhs, had led the movement for the formation of a ‘Punjabi suba’. The Sikhs were now a majority in the truncated State of Punjab.Political context.

After the reorganisation, the Akalis came to power in 1967 and then in 1977. On both the occasions it was a coalition government. The Akalis discovered that despite the redrawing of the boundaries, their political position remained precarious. Firstly, their government was dismissed by the Centre mid-way through its term. Secondly, they did not enjoy strong support among the Hindus. Thirdly, the Sikh community, like all other religious communities, was internally differentiated on caste and class lines. The Congress got more support among the Dalits, whether Hindu or Sikh, than the Akalis.

It was in this context that during the 1970s a section of Akalis began to demand political autonomy for the region. This was reflected in a resolution passed at their conference at Anandpur Sahib in 1973. The Anandpur Sahib Resolution asserted regional autonomy and wanted to redefine centre-state relationship in the country. The resolution also spoke of the aspirations of the Sikh qaum (community or nation) and declared its goal as attaining the bolbala (dominance or hegemony) of the Sikhs. The Resolution was a plea for strengthening federalism, but it could also be interpreted as a plea for a separate Sikh nation.

The Resolution had a limited appeal among the Sikh masses. A few years later, after the Akali government had been dismissed in 1980, the Akali Dal launched a movement on the question of the distribution of water between Punjab and its neighbouring States. A section of the religious leaders raised the question of autonomous Sikh identity. The more extreme elements started advocating secession from India and the creation of‘Khalistan’.

Question 9.
Discuss the North-East regional aspiration.
In the North-East, regional aspirations reached a turning point in 1980s. This region how consists of seven States, also referred to as the ‘seven sisters’. The region has only 4 per cent of the country’s population but about twice as much share of its area. A small corridor of about 22 kilometers connects the region to the rest of the country. Otherwise the region shares boundaries with China, Myanmar and Bangladesh and serves as India’s gateway to South East Asia. The region has witnessed a lot of change since 1947. Tripura, Manipur and Khasi Hills of Meghalaya were erstwhile Princely States which merged with India after Independence. The entire region of North-East has undergone considerable political reorganisation. Nagaland State was created in 1960; Meghalaya, Manipur and Tripura in 1972 while Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram became separate States only in 1986. The Partition of India in 1947 had reduced the North-East to a land locked region and affected its economy. Cut off from the rest of India, the region suffered neglect in developmental terms. Its politics too remained insulated. At the same time, most States in this region underwent major demographic changes due to influx of migrants from neighbouring States and countries. The isolation of the region, its complex social character and its backwardness compared to other parts of the country have all resulted in the complicated set of demands from different states of the North-East. The vast international border and weak communication between the North-East and the rest of India have further added to the delicate nature of politics there. Three issues dominate the politics of North-East: demands for autonomy, movements for secession and opposition to ‘outsiders’. Major initiatives on the first issue in the 1970s set the stage for some dramatic developments on the second and the third in the 1980s.

Question 10.
Write about the Demands for autonomy of states.
At independence the entire region except Manipur and Tripura comprised the State of Assam. Demands for political autonomy arose when the non-Assamese felt that the Assam government was imposing Assamese language on them. There were opposition and protest riots throughout the State. Leaders of the major tribal communities wanted to separate from Assam. They formed the Eastern India Tribal Union which later transformed into a more Party Hill Leaders Conference in 1960. They demanded a tribal State to be carved out of Assam. Finally instead of one tribal State, several States got carved out of Assam. At different points of time the Central Government had to create Meghalaya, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh out of Assam. Tripura and Manipur were upgraded into States too.
The reorganisation of the North-East was completed by 1972. But this was not the end of autonomy demands in this region. In Assam, for example, communities like the Bodos, Karbis and Dimasas wanted separate States. They worked for this demand by

f mobilising public opinion and popular movement as well as through insurgency. Often the , same area was claimed by, lore than one community. It was not possible to go on making | smaller and yet smaller States. Therefore, some other provisions of our federal set up were
used to satisfy their autonomy demands while remaining in Assam. Karbis and Dimasas have been granted autonomy under District Councils while Bodos were recently granted Autonomous Council.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Polititical Science Unit 3 Democratic Process In India-II Short Answer Questions

Question 11.
Write about ‘Mandal Commission’.
In the 1980s, the Janata Dal brought together a similar combination of political groups with strong support among the OBCs. The decision of the National Front government to implement the recommendations of the Mandal Commission further helped in shaping } the politics of ‘Other Backward Classes’. The intense national debate for and against reservation in jobs made people from the OBC communities more aware of this identity. Thus, it helped those who wanted to mobilise these groups in politics. This period saw the emergence of many parties that sought better opportunities for OBCs in education and employment and also raised the question of tlje share of power enjoyed by the OBCs. These parties claimed that since OBCs constituted a large segment of Indian society, it was only democratic that the OBCs should get adequate representation in administration and have their due share of political power.

Question 12.
Political fallouts of Dalits. explain.
The 1980s also saw the rise of political organisation of the Dalits. In 1978 the L Backward and Minority Classes Employees Federation (BAMCEF) was formed. This ’organisation was not an ordinary’ trade union of government employees. It took a strong OBC and minorities. It was out of this that the subsequent Dalit Shoshit Samaj Sangharsh Samiti and later the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) emerged under the leadership of Kanshi Ram. The BSP began as a small party supported largely by Dalit voters in Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. But in 1989 and the 1991 elections, it achieved a breakthrough in Uttar Pradesh. This was the first time in independent India that a political party supported mainly by Dalit voters had achieved this kind of political success.

In fact, the BSP, under Kanshi Ram’s leadership was envisaged as an organisation based on pragmatic politics. It derived confidence from the fact that the Bahujans (SC, ST, OBC and religious minorities) constituted the majority of the population, and were a formidable political force on the strength of their numbers. Since then the BSP has emerged as a major political player in the State and has been in government on more than one occasion. Its strongest support still comes from Dalit voters, but it has expanded its support now to various other social groups. In many parts of India, Dalit politics and OBC politics have developed independently and often in competition with each other.

Question 13.
What is the meaning of Regionalism?
Regionalism means love for ones local or regional interests and values over and above the national interests and values.

Question 14.
What have been the main causes of Regionalism?
The main causes of Regionalism have been
(1) Localism
(2) Religious fundamentalism
(3) Linguistic Regionalism
(4) Parochial approach
(5) Illiteracy and ignorance.

Question 15.
What major steps should be adopted for checking Regionalism?
The steps should be adopted for checking regionalism are:
(1) Spread of education
(2) Rapid economic development in all parts of the country.
(3) Adoption of secularism as the way of life.
(4) Use of mass media for promoting rational integration.

Question 16.
What is Casteism?
Casteism is the principle of giving caste undue importance in social and political relations. Caste based behaviour is casteism.

Question 17.
What is Caste?
Caste is a kinship group in which every member is either an actual or a potential kin of another.

Question 18.
What is the role of casteism in Indian politics?
Caste has been a factor in Indian politics. Some caste-based attempts atforcible imposition of particular demands and interests over other communities are at work. Caste has been a factor of party politics, voting behaviour and leadership behaviour.

Question 19.
What has been the most disturbing and inhuman impact of casteism?
Caste based violence, murders, riots and mass killings constitute the biggest and most disturbing facts of our social and political life.

Question 20.
What is communalism?
Communalism is the exploitation of Indian social pluralism for narrow and selfish ends by some groups. It involves communal tensions, communal violence and communal riots.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Polititical Science Unit 3 Democratic Process In India-II Short Answer Questions

Question 21.
What are the forms of Communalism?
The forms of Communalism are:
(1) Religious Communalism.
(2) Linguistic Communalism.
(3) Regional Communalism.
(4) Ethnic Communalism.

Question 22.
What is Communalisation of history?
Ans. It means attempts at presenting a distorted, nonobjectiv; and sectarian account as historical events and facts. Projection of our rational heroes as members of a particular region or community constitutes attempts at communalisation of history.

Question 23.
What is Terrorism?
Terrorism begins with acts of violence designed to ‘violate’ the legal basis of the state and to injure permanently the instruments on which it depends for order.

Question 24.
What are the major factors which act as reasons behind the emergence of terrorism in a society?
Terrorist violence and terrorism find a place in a society which is characterised by the socioeconomic, Underdevelopment, illiteracy, ignorance, poverty, sub-nationalism j and preserve of anti-national fundamentalist and bigotic elements.

Question 25.
What is son’s of the soil principle?
Another form of regionalism in India has been the popularity of the principle of the sons of the soil. Acting under it, the states impose residential and domicile conditions for appointments within their respective administrations. This principle has a constitutional basis which empowers the legislatures to make residence within their states a qualification for employment.

Question 26.
What has been the role of Caste in Indian Politics?
Caste continues to be a major determinant of Indian Politics. It has been acting as a big limiting factor of the process of national integration. Presence of caste and casteism has been adversely affecting the process of national integration. Unfortunately, caste continues to be a major determinant of electoral politics, political participation, voting j behaviour of Indian Politics.

Question 27.
What steps can be taken for checking casteism in our society and politics?
The step can be taken for checking casteism in our society and politics are:
(1) Popularisation of secularism as the best way of life.
(2) Spread of Education. .
(3) Making education value-based;
(4) Use of mass media, particularly TV and films to highlight the uselessness of , caste distinctions and casteism.
(5) To promote and develop free flow of trade, commerce and business.
(6) To discourage the political parties from using caste as a basis of getting votes.

Question 28.
What is meant by Communalism of history?
Communalism involves the exploitation of social pluralism of Indian Society by various fundamentalist groups, organisations and sects for securing their respective narrowly conceived political, religious and sectarian goals. Communalism has been showing its ugly presence in several forms, fanaticism, bigotism etc.

Question 29.
What are the major factors behind the emergence of terrorism in the world?
(1) Religious fundamentalism and Jihadi terrorism.
(2) Presence of some elements of sub-nationalism.
(3) Ethnic nepotism and conflict.
(4) Availability of weapons in the international illegal arms market.
(5) Hostile neighbourhood activity as a source of cross-border terrorism.

Question 30.
Suggest some steps for meeting the challenge of terrorism.
(1) Some groups resort to terrorism and violence for securing their narrow interests. The need is to prevent the organization and activities of such groups.
(2) The terrorists always use violence and terror as a means to create fear among the people.
(3) Efforts for encouraging the process of peaceful conflict-resolution in society must be consistly made.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Polititical Science Unit 3 Democratic Process In India-II Short Answer Questions

Question 31.
What is Environmental Laws?
The Government has enacted several laws for creating a legal framework capable of empowering the public authorities engaged in the works of environment protection and prevention and control of pollution. These have empowered and assigned the responsible for continuously working for securing a state, clean, green, healthy and sustainable environment in India.

Question 32.
What is the Environment Act. 1986?
1986—The environment Act: It authorizes the Central government to protect and improve environmental quality, control and reduce pollution from all sources and prohibit or restrict the setting or operation of any industrial facility on environmental grounds.

Question 33.
What is 1989 Environmental Law?
1989 – The manufacture, storage and important of hazardous Rules. These define the terms used in this context and sets up. an authority to inspect, once a year, the industrial activity connected with hazardous chemicals and isolated storage facilities.

Question 34.
What is the Environment Rules 1999?
These lay down detailed provisions relating to areas to be avoided for siting of industries, precautionary measures to be taken for site selecting as also the aspects of environmental protection which should have been incorporated during the implementation of the Industrial Development Projects.

Question 35.
What is Noise Pollution Rules?
2002- The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Amendment Rules. These lay down such terms and conditions as are necessary to reduce noise pollution, permit use of loud speakers or public address systems during night hours (between 10..00 p.m. to 12.00 midnight) on or during any cultural or religious festive occasion.

Question 36.
What is the Laws relating to Water Resources of India?

  • 1882 – The Essement Act.
  • 1897 – The Indian Fisheries Act.
  • 1956 – The river boards Act.
  • 1970 – The Merchant Shipping Act.
  • 1974 – The Water (Prevention and control of pollution) Act.
  • 1977 – The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act.
  • 1978 – The Water Cess Rules.
  • 1991 – The Coastal Regulation Zone Notification.

Question 37.
What is the Easement Act. 1882 which relates to Water Resources of India.
1882- The Easement Act. It allows private rights to use a resource that is, groundwater, by viewing it as an attachment to the land. It also states that all surface water belongs to the state and is a state property.

Question 38.
What is the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974?
1974- The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution Act. It establishes an institutional structure for preventing and abating water pollution. It establishes standards for water quality and effluent. Polluting industries must seek permission to discharge waste into effluent bodies. The CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board) was constituted under this Act.

Question 39.
What is the laws for securing the purity of Air?
The laws for securing the purity of air are:

  • 1948 – The factories Act and Amendment in 1987.
  • 1981 – The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act.
  • 1982 – The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules.
  • 1982 – The Atomic Energy Act.
  • 1987 – The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Amendment.
  • 1988 – The Motor Vehicles Act.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Political Science Unit 1 Democracy in India Long Answer Questions

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 12 Political Science Solutions Unit 1 Democracy in India Long Answer Questions.

CHSE Odisha 12th Class Political Science Unit 1 Democracy in India Long Answer Questions

Long Questions With Answers

Question 1.
Write Meaning of Democracy with giving different definitions of democracy.
Long back, former President of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln said, “Democracy is a government of the people, for the people, and by the people.” The term ‘democracy’ comes from the Greek word demokratia which means “rule of the people”. It was coined from two words: demos that means “people” and Kratos which refers to “power”. That is, in a democracy the power rests with the people. This meaning is based on the experiences of the governments that existed in some of the Greek city-states, notably Athens.

And, today also, democracy is defined as a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodic free elections. When you examinethe definitions of democracy, as suggested above, you will find that most of those definitions define democracy as a form of government which is run by the elected representatives.

Democracy has been defined in many ways. Bryce believes that “Democracy really means nothing more or less than the rule of the whole people, expressing their Sovereign will by their votes”. Maclver observes, “Democracy is not a way of governing, whether by majority or otherwise, but primarily a way of determining, who shall govern, and broadly to what ends”.

It means more than a mere form of government. In its comprehensive form, democracy means, or ought to mean,

  • a form of government,
  • a type of state,
  • a pattern of social system,
  • a design of economic order, and
  • a way of life and culture. Therefore, when we say that India is a democracy, we mean not only that its political institutions and processes are democratic but also that the Indian society and every Indian citizen is democratic, reflecting basic democratic values of equality, liberty, fraternity, secularism and justice in the social environment and individual behaviour.

Quention 2.
What are the Essential Conditions For Democracy?
A system can be termed as a genuine and comprehensive democracy only when it fulfills both political and socio-economic aspects of people’s participation and satisfaction. Let us identify those. There may be two major categories:
(1) political conditions and
(2) social and economic conditions
The fulfillment of the first leads to political democracy and the second as social democracy. Obviously, the first and the foremost, are political conditions of democracy. It is essential that for a system to be democratic, we must adopt a Constitution and laws that vest supreme power in the people.

The human rights and fundamental rights, such as equality, liberty of thought and expression, belief, movement, communication and association must be protected by the Constitution. The democratic system has to have universal adult franchise as the basis of electing representatives at various levels of the government. Moreover, opportunities for political participation of all the citizens not only in elections at regular interval, but also in other aspects of the political process have to be made available.

There has to be a responsible government in which the executive is answerable to the legislature, the legislature to the people and the Judiciaiy to remain independent. Political institutions like political parties and interest and pressure groups (associations, various non-governmental organizations) must be functional for expressing popular needs, demands and grievances. A democratic system is strengthened if it maintains an enlightened public opinion in its various forms through free press and other communication processes. Political democracy is thus one which incorporates all the above political traits.

Question 3.
What is the social and economic conditions of democracy?
A democratic system has to ensure that the social development is in tune with democratic values and norms reflecting equality of social status and opportunities for development, social security and social welfare. Citizens must avail opportunities of universal and compulsory education. They must also be enabled to utilize means of economic development. The fruits of economic development must reach all and especially to the poor and the deprived sections of the society. Socio-economic development of the people strengths social democracy.

Question 4.
What are the challenges to democracy?
Since independence India has been functioning as a responsible democracy. The same has been appreciated by international community. It has successfully adapted to the challenging situations. There have been free and fair periodic elections for all political offices from the panchayats to the President. There has been smooth transfer of political power from one political party or set of political parties to others, both at national and state levels on many occasions.

You will find many examples in our neighbouring countries like Pakistan, Myanmar and even Bangladesh where transfer of power has been done through military coups. The legislative, executive and judicial organs have been functioning properly.The Parliament and the State Legislatures control the Executives effectively through the means like question hours, etc.

More importantly, some significant enactments like the Right to Information (RTI) Act 2005, Right to Education 2009 and other welfare means have empowered the people. The mass media, including print and electronic, have full autonomy and play a key role in formulating and influencing public opinion. Significant social change has taken place in almost all walks of life and the nation is moving ahead on course of socio-economic development.

India is a very large country full of diversities – linguistically, culturally, religiously. At the time of independence it was economically underdeveloped. There were enormous regional disparities, widespread poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, and shortage of almost all public welfare means. Citizens had enormous expectations from independence.

As mentioned above, India has changed a lot. Yet, there are various challenges that the country faces in terms of fulfillment of expectations of various sections of society. The challenges come both from prevailing domestic and international conditions as well as lack of adequate prerequisites for a smooth functioning of democracy. These are discussed below.

Question 5.
How Illiteracy is a factor challenging democracy?
Illiteracy among people was a matter of grave concern for the successful functioning of democracy in India on the eve of independence and it still continues to be a major challenge. The level of education of citizens is a key to both the successful functioning of democracy and socio-economic development of the country. And perhaps, more importantly, it is an essential condition for human dignity. But the state of formal literacy was almost dismal when India achieved independence.

The literacy rate in 1951 was mere 18.33 per cent and female literacy was negligible with 8.9 percent. It was, therefore, feared by many that the citizens would not be able to play their roles effectively and exercise their right to vote meaningfully which is an individual’s expression of the power of the people, this apprehension, however, has been proved wrong by the Indian electorate over the years.

In spite of a substantial number of them being illiterates, they have demonstrated maturity in the exercise of their right to vote on more than one occasion thus resulting peaceful transfer of political power since independence. The Indian National Congress under the leadership of Ms. Indira Gandhi was very popular and powerful during the early part of 1970s.

But in 1977’s general election, the people of India rejected her primarily because of the misuse of power during emergency in 1975-1977 and provided an opportunity to the. first nomCongress government at the Centre in form of the Janata Party. After that there have been changes in the governments both at the Centre and in the States almost regularly. Literacy is necessary not simply for enabling citizens to participate in elections and exercise their right to vote effectively, it has other important implications as well. Literacy enables citizens to be aware of various issues, problems, demands, and interests in the country.

It also makes them conscious of the principles of liberty and equality of all and ensures that the representatives elected by them truly represent all the interests in the society.Universal literacy is therefore a must for the successful functioning of Indian democracy. Although according to 2011 Census, the literacy rate has risen to 74.04 per cent, the female literacy rate is still lagging at 65.46 per cent.

This means that over one-fourth of the country’s population is still illiterate while among women nearly one out of three is not literate. If the children have access to basic education, the problem of illiteracy can be checked. Recently, the Right to Education is provided as a fundamental right. We hope that this will help the cause of educating the children universally.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Political Science Unit 1 Democracy in India Long Answer Questions

Question 6.
How Poverty is affecting democracy?
It is generally said that for a hungry person right to vote does not have any meaning. For him/her the first requirement is food. Therefore, poverty is considered as the greatest bane of democracy. It is, in fact, the root cause of all kinds of deprivations and inequalities. It is the state of denial of opportunities to people to lead a healthy and fulfilling life. Of course, India inherited poverty from the long exploitative British colonial rule, but it continues to be one of the gravest problems today.

Even now a considerable proportion of Indian population lives below poverty line, called ‘BPL’. The poverty line means an income level below which human beings cannot provide for their basic necessities of food, much less for clothes and shelter. The governmental definition of poverty line during the 1960s sought to measure ihe extent of poverty on the amount of income requiredto purchase a barest minimum desirable food having nutritional standards of caloric intake by a person.

According to it, in Indian conditions, a person in rural areas needs an average of 2400 calories per day and in urban areas an average of 2100 calories per day in order to keep himself above the poverty line.

During the 1990s non-food items’like clothes, employment, shelter, education, etc. got included in the definition of poverty. Poverty in the contemporary phase is linked with systemic deprivation of rights. It is also associated with the notion of Human Development Index (HDI) as championed by Mabud-ul-Haq and Amartya Sen. Viewed from the HDI perspective, the definition of poverty also includes socio-economic-political and human rights issues under its ambit.

The persisting phenomenon of poverty is attributed to any factors, one of which is mass unemployment and under-employmenf. A large number of people in rural areas do not have regular and adequate work. In urban areas also the number of educated unemployed is very high. The growing population is regarded as a reason for poverty, though population is considered as,rthe greatest resource in the country. In fact, the process of economic development has not been able to ensure social justice and gap between rich and poor has not been bridged. Because of all this, poverty continues to remain a great challenge to Indian democracy.

Question 7.
How Gender Discrimination is affecting democracy?
Discrimination against girls and women exists in every walk of life. You must have had such experiences of prevailing gender inequality in our society and polity. But we know that gender equality is one of the basic principles of democracy. The Constitution of India enjoins upon the State to ensure that men and women are treated as equals and there is no discrimination against women.

Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties as well as the Directive Principles of State Policy make these intensions very clear. But the discrimination against females continues to be a fact of life. It is clearly reflected in the sex ratio, child sex ratio and maternal mortality rate. The number of females in comparison to males has been declining ever since 1901. In 1901, the sex ratio was 972 females per 1000 males. It came down to 927 females per 1000 males in 1991.

According to 2011 Census it is 940 females per 1000 males which is still very unfavourable to females. In some of the States, the 2011 Census reported a very low sex ratio of 877 females per 1000 males (Haryana), the lowest being 618 in Daman & Diu and 866 in the NCT of Delhi. The child sex ratio is a matter of greater concern. According to 2011 Census, the child sex ratio (0-6 years) in India is only 914 female children per 1000 male children. This is lower than the 2001 Census which reported child sex ratio of927 female children per 1000 male children.

It has been declining because of several factors, like the prevailing preference for male child, discriminatory treatment against the girl child right after birth, and the increasing incidence of female infanticides and female foeticides. By using technology, people are forcing mothers td get the fetus of a female child aborted. The infant mortality rate among girl children is high, as compared to that among boy children. The maternal mortality ratio as per the Sample Registration System 2004-06 is 254 per lakh live births, which is considered very high.

Question 8.
How Casteism, Communalism, Religious Fundamentalism is challenge for democracy?
The Indian democracy faces serious challenges also from casteism, communalism and religious fundamentalism. They weaken the functioning and stability of democratic system.
(a) Casteism: The caste system which presumably originated in the division of labour in the ancient society has become a more or less rigid group classification, based on birth. Have you ever experienced the role of caste in your life and society? You will agree that the most detrimental and inhuman aspect of the caste system is the practice of untouchability which is continuing in spite of the constitutional ban imposed on it.

This has led to segregation of so called low castes or ‘Dalits’, depriving them of education and other social benefits.The Dalits have been typically performing menial labour and some of the hardest physical work in society. Casteism has played a negative role even in the democratic political processes, in fact, casteism has become notorious as a strategy of exploitation of caste consciousness for narrow political gains. The caste system acts against the roots of democracy.

The democratic facilities – like fundamental rights relating to equality, freedom of speech, expression and association, participation in the electoral process, free media and press, and even legislative forums – are misused for maintaining casteist identity.Casteism has also been contributing towards continuation of socio-economic inequalities. It is true that India has been an unequal society from times immemorial. The Scheduled Castes (SCs), the Scheduled Tribes (STs) and the backward classes have suffered down the ages from socio-economic deprivations.

There are enormous inequalities in our society which are posing serious challenge to Indian democracy. What is more alarming is the mixing of caste and politics resulting into‘politicization of caste’ and ‘casteization of politics’ in contemporary Indian polity which has become a grave challenge to our democracy. Despite the era of liberalization and globalization caste consciousness has not been eroded in our society and castes are being increasingly used as vote bank politics.

(b) Communalism: Communalism and religious fundamentalism have acquired a very dangerous form and alarming proportion in India. They disrupt the pattern of co-existence in our multi-religious society. Communalism is-an affront to India’s nationalist identity and a tragic setback to its evolving secular culture. It is subversive of our democratic political stability and destroyer of our glorious heritage of humanism and composite culture. Quite often, communalism is wrongly used as a synonym for religion or conservatism. Adherence to a religion or attachment to a religious community is not communalism.

Religious Fundamentalism
Religious fundamentalism also reinforces communalists in exploiting both religion and politics. In fact, fundamentalism acts as an ideology which advocates a return to orthodoxy and a strict compliance to the fundamental tenets of religion. Religious fundamentalists vehemently oppose progressive reforms in order to establish their exclusive control on their respective communities.

Indian democracy has also been struggling with regionalism which is primarily an outcome of regional disparities and imbalances in development. We all know that India is a plural country with diversities of religions, languages, communities, tribes and cultures. A number of cultural and linguistic groups are concentrated in certain territorial segments. Although development process in the country aims at growth and development of all regions, the regional disparities and imbalances in terms of differences in per capita income, literacy rates, state of health and educational infrastructure and services, population situation and levels of industrial and agricultural development continue to exist.

Existence and continuation of regional inequalities both among States and within a State create a feeling of neglect, deprivation and discrimination. This situation has led to regionalism manifested in demands for creation of new States, autonomy or more powers to States or even secession from the country. It is true that regionalism and sub-regionalism are unavoidable in a vast and plural country like India. It is not always correct to consider every attempt to support or defend regional or sub-regional interests as divisive, fissiparous and unpatriotic.

The problem begins when these interests are politicized and regional movements are promoted for ulterior political motives. Such unhealthy regional or sub-regional patriotism is cancerous and disruptive. The continuing regional imbalances have given rise to militant movements in certain parts of our country. Separatist demands in Jammu and Kashmir or by ULFA (United Liberation Front of Assam) in Assam or by different groups in the North-Eastern region are matters of grave concern for Indian polity.

Corruption in public life has been a major concern in India. In 2011, India was ranked 95th of 183 countries defined as corrupt in Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). In fact, corruption is rampant in all walks of life, be it land and property, health, education, commerce and industry, agriculture, transport, police, armed forces, even religious institutions or so called places of spiritual pursuits.

Corruption continues to exist in covert and overt ways at all three levels – political, bureaucratic and corporate sector. One can see the nexus between the politicians, the bureaucrats and the industrialists which has resulted into corruption and corrupt practices. The tentacles of corruption have affected all organs of government, including the judiciary.

Criminalization of Politics
In recent years, criminalization of politics in India has become a debatable issue. There have been allegations that there are some elements in politics who do not have faith in democratic values and practices. They indulge in violence and take refuge in otjter unhealthy, undemocratic methods to win elections. Undoubtedly, this is not a healthy trend in politics and there is an urgent need to apply serious check on such tendencies.

Criminalization of politics is tke very negation of democratic values and has no place in a ‘ democratic set up. Democracy can be strengthened by adopting and promoting democratic values and shunning criminal activities. Recently, the judiciary, while taking a serious , note of criminal tendencies in politics, has showed signs of adopting remedial measures to apply a serious check on such elements.

The Central government and many State governments have been taking steps to address this issue effectively. This is a matter of great satisfaction and a healthy sign for the successful functioning of democracy in our country. We, as awakened citizens and as voters of the largest democracy in the world, can also contribute by discouraging such persons who have a criminal background, from contesting elections.

Question 8.
How to tackle the challenges of Democracy?
It is thus clear that democracy in India faces certain serious challenges. These are causes of serious concern to all. In fact, the leadership.of the freedom movement and especially the framers of the Indian Constitution themselves were very much aware of these issues, they made a number of constitutional provisions to address the same. Since independence governments have taken various measures to respond to many of these challenges.

There have been significant improvements in some of these. However, lots still have to be done. For that, efforts have been going on. These is need for collaboration among governmental agencies, political parties, civil society and citizens in general. Certain . significant corrective measures that have been adopted and can be initiated are as follows:

Universal Literacy ‘Education for All’
The significance and necessity of education for efficient functioning of democracy , was appreciated by the framers of the Indian Constitution. Which is why, free and compulsory education to all children up to the fourteen years of age continued to remain constitutional commitment in IndiaA arious governments at national and state levels have i been making efforts to attain this goal.

As a follow up of the National Policy on Education1986, a National Literacy Mission was set up in 1988 to plan and implement programmes for the removal of illiteracy under the platform, Sarva Shiksha Abhiy an. But the goal of universal literacy is yet to be attained.

Currently a nation-wide programme known as Saakshar Bharat is being implemented. It aims at developing functional literacy and numeracy to non-literate and non-numerate adults in the age group of fifteen and above, to enable them to continue their learning beyond basic literacy and acquire equivalence to formal educational system. The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is a flagship programme for universalization of elementary education for children between 6-14 years of age. Further, the Parliament of India in 2009 passed the Right to Education Act through which education has become a fundamental right for all children of age group’6-14 years.

Poverty Alleviation
From the 1970s, a number of programmes have been implemented for alleviation of poverty in India. These programmes fall into two broad categories:
(1) There are programmes to lift beneficiaries above poverty line by providing them with productive assets or skills or both, so that they can employ themselves usefully and earn greater income,
(2) Programmes are also being implemented to provide temporary wage employment for the poor and the landless.

Elimination of Gender Discrimination
It is now being recognized that the goals of democracy “of the people, for the people and by the people” can not be fully realized if the female population are not included in all ways in the processes of socio-economic and political development. That is why, besides constitutional provisions, several laws have been enacted, policies have been made and implemented and institutional reforms have been carried out for the development of women.

The 73rd and 74th Amendments of Indian Constitution in 1993 are the milestones in the process of political empowerment of women. These Amendments have reserved one-third of the seats in the Panchayati Raj Institutions, Municipalities and Municipal Corporations. Another significant development has been the adoption of the National Policy for Empowerment of Women in 2001, the overarching goal of which is to “bring about the advancement, development and empowerment cf women.” But a lot needs to be done to attain this goal.

Removal of Regional Imbalance
Redressing regional imbalances has indeed been a vital objective of the planning process in India. Efforts are on to reduce regional disparities. Besides, the Statespecific efforts for reducing intra-State regional disparities, a number of Centrally Sponsored Programmes have been in operation for the last two to three decades for taking care of specific aspects of backwardness of such regions.

Administrative and Judicial Reforms
The success of all the above stated corrective measures primarily depends on the efficient functioning of administration and independence and righteousness of the judicial system. But on both counts, a lot needs to be done. The performance of public administration in India has come under close scrutiny in the last few years. Rampant corruption, inefficiencies, wastages and irresponsiveness to the needs of citizens are some of the , commonly acknowledged problems afflicting the administration.

No doubt, the Indian judiciary lias remained independent and neutral; there are serious problems of
(1) slow disposal of cases leading to delays as well as accumulation of backlog, and
(2) very low rate of prosecution in criminal cases.

Administrative reforms have continuously been on the agenda of the government ever since independence. A number of Commissions and Committees have been set up in this regard. But bureaucratic reluctance to change has prevented the reforms to take place in full measure; The recommendations of various Commissions and Committees focus around the need
(1) to make administration accountable and citizen friendly,
(2) to build its capacity for quality governance,
(3) to orient administration for promoting peoples’ participation, decentralization and devolution of powers,
(4) to make administrative decision-making process transparent,
(5) to improve the performance and integrity of the public services,
(6) to reinforce ethics in administration.
(7) to inculcate readiness for e-govemance. Judicial reform also has been a critical concern since long. Various recommendations have been made on many occasions. The major issues that need consideration in this regard are:

  • Simplification of Rules and Procedures,
  • Repealing Out-dated Laws,
  • Increase in the Judge Population Ratio,
  • Time-bound filling of Vacant Posts in Judiciary,
  • Transparency in Appointment, Promotion and Transfer of Judges,
  • Judicial Accountability; and
  • Transparency of Court Proceedings.

Sustainable Development (Economic, Social, Environmental)
Indian democracy can adequately respond to all the challenges when it moves forward on the path of sustainable development. A model of development without taking into account the basic needs of millions, today as well as in the future, can not be conducive for the survival of democracy. Development has to be human-centred and directed towards improvement of quality of life of all the people. It has to be focused on removal of poverty, ignorance, discrimination, disease and unemployment. The development process has to aim at sustained economic, social and environmental development.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Political Science Unit 1 Democracy in India Long Answer Questions

Question 9.
what is SGSY?
In 1999, Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) was conceived as a holistic programme of micro enterprise development in rural areas with emphasis on organizing the rural poor into self-help groups (SHGs), capacity building, planning of activity clusters, infrastructure support, technology, credit and marketing linkages. This programme has impacted many rural poor, for example, in Mathur, a village of the Dharmapuri district of Tamil Nadu, 100 women from eight self-help groups were trained in fruit processing by a non-government organization (NGO).

They availed assistance under SGSY to run a fruit processing unit registered under the name of Sathyamurthi Mahalir Mandram in May 2000, The unit produces fruit squash, jam, readyto- serve beverages, pickle, etc. Apart from raising the economic status of the group members, this venture has made the members more aware and they are actively involved in the government schemes, camps and campaigns. They have made significant representations for ensuring provision of basic facilities in their village and by bringing overall development of the area.

Question 10.
Write the meaning and role of political parties.
Human beings have always organised themselves in groups and larger formations. Political parties have emerged as one of these human organisations. In modern age the ideal form of government is run through one or the other method of representative institutions. All representative governments and representative institutions require the existence of political parties.

A political party is an organised body of people who share certain common principles and goals regarding the political system of a country. The main purpose of political parties is to acquire and retain political power. Political parties which run the government are called the ruling party. In a coalition government, there may be more than one ruling party. Those who sit in the opposition and criticise and analyse the performance of-the ruling party/ parties generally or on specific issues are called opposition parties. Apolitical party as such should have the following essential features:

  • it must be an organised body of people with a formal membership;
  • it must have clearly spelt out policies and programmes;
  • its members should agree with its ideology, policies and programmes;
  • it must aim at getting power through the democratic process;
  • it must have a clear and acceptable leadership; and
  • it must focus on broad issues and major areas of government policies.

Question 11.
Write about the types of party system.
India has a multi-party system- Indian politics is dominated by several national and regional parties. There are countries where there is one-party system or two-party system. Erstwhile Soviet Union and Yugoslavia had single party systems. Similarly, China has one-party system. Earlier in Germany there existed only one-party – the Nazi Party; so was the case in Italy where the only party was known as the Fascist Party. In a two party or bi-party system there are two main political parties.

The United Kingdom (UK), the United States of America (USA), Australia and New Zealand have bi-party systems. There may exist other parties but their role is generally insignificant. For example in UK, there are two main parties, the Conservative Party and the Labour Party. In the USA the two main parties are the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. Japan, France, Germany and Switzerland have multi-party systems.

Question 12.
Write about the evlution of party system in India.
The evolution of Indian party system can be traced to the formation of the Congress, as a political platform in 1885. Other parties and groups originated later. The Indian National Congress was formed as a response to the colonial rule and to achieve independence from the British rule. After independence and with the adoption of a democratic Constitution, a new party system emerged in the wake of the first general elections based on universal adult franchise in 1952.

In preceding lesson you have learnt about the universal adult franchise in detail. During the post-independence period, the party system passed through various phases.The first phase is known as the phase of one-party dominance because with the exception of Kerala during 1956-59, the ruling party both at the Centre and in the states was the Congress. The second phase (1967-1975) saw the emergence of a multi-party system in India. In the Assembly elections in 1967, Congress was defeated in eight States.

For the first time non-Congress parties formed governments in these states. These parties formed coalition governments. Then came the split in Congress into Congress (O) and Congress (N). However, the Congress again became a dominant force at the Centre after winning 1971 mid-term poll. Then came the emergency period (1975-77) which is known as the authoritarian period of Indian democracy.

With the lifting of emergency, the dominance of Congress ended. In the general elections of 1977 Congress was defeated by the Janata Party. Janata Party came into existence as a result of the merger of many opposition parties. But again in 1980 general elections Congress came back to power and remained in power till 1989. Janata Party emerged out of the merger of Congress (O) led by Moraiji Desai, Bharatiya Lok Dal led by Ch. Charan Singh, Congress for Democracy (CFD) led by Jagjivan Ram and H.N. Bahuguna, the socialists led by George Fernandes and Jana Sangh led by L.K. Advani.

In 1989 elections, the National Front joined government with the support of BJP and the Left Front.But this formation could not last its tenure and elections for the tenth Lok Sabha were held in May- June, 1991. Congress again formed government at the Centre. In 1.996 general elections BJP emerged as the single largest party and was asked to form government at the Centre. Since it could not prove its majority within the given time it had to resign. The United Front which was a combination of thirteen parties, formed the government at the Centre with the external support of the Congress and the CPI(M).

But this government also could not last its full term. Although the coalition government formed under the leadership of BJP after 1998 elections was defeated in Lok Sabha, the 1999 elections again provided them the opportunity to form government which lasted its full term under a multi-party coalition, known as National Democratic Alliance (NDA). In the 14th general elections held in 2004, Congress emerged as the single largest party.

It formed alliance with like minded parties and formed government at the Centre. The phase of Indian party system which began in 1989 and is still continuing has been aptly called a phase of coalition politics. No single party has been able to form government on its own at the Centre.

Question 13.
Write about two types of major parties in India.
India has two types of political parties – national parties and regional parties. National parties are those which generally have influence all over the country. It is not necessary that a national party will have equal strength in all the states; it varies from State to State. A party is recognised as a national party by the Election Commission on the basis of a formula. The political party which has secured not less than four percent of the total valid votes in the previous general elections at least in four states, is given the status of a national party.

The number of national parties has been changing. In the year 2006, Indian National Congress, Bharatiya Janata Party, Communist Party of India (Marxist) [CPI(M)], Communist Party of India (CPI), Bahujan Samaj Party, and the Nationalist Congress Party were national parties. However, there are other parties in India, which do not enjoy national influence. Their activities and influence are restricted to particular states or regions. Sometimes these parties are formed to voice demands of a specific region.

These parties are neither weak nor short-lived. Sometimes they prove to be very powerful in their respective regions. These are known as regional parties. Major regional parties are AIADMK and DMK in Tamil Nadu, Telugu Desam in Andhra Pradesh, Akali Dal in Punjab, National Conference in Jammu dnd Kashmir, Jharkhand Mukti Morcha in Jharkhand, Asam Gana Parishad in Assam and Nationalist Congress Party and Shiv Sena in Maharashtra.

Question 14.
Write about Indian National Congress.
As you have already read, Indian National Congress was formed in the year 1885 in Bombay. W.C. Banarjee was the first President of the Indian National Congress. To begin with, Congress was an organisation of middle class intellectuals who were primarily concerned with political reforms in the British colonial rule. In the twenties under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, the Congress became a mass based organisation. The party started enjoying the support of the common people and played a very significant role in the freedom struggle.

After independence Jawahar Lai Nehru became the Prime Minsiter and led the Congress till his death in 1°64. As already mentioned in an earlier paragraph, this was known as the ‘Nehru era’. The Congress party won first five general elections in 1952, 1957, 1962,1967 and 1971. In 1975 national emergency was declared which went on till 1977. In the elections of 1977, the Congress was defeated.

However, in 1980 general elections, the Congress Party led by Indira Gandhi came back to power. Indira Gandhi was assassinated in 1984 and during 1985 general elections, Rajiv Gandhi was the leader of the party. Congress won the 1985 general elections with a larger majority. In 1989 though Congress could not get absolute majority, it was the single largest party. In the tenth general
elections in 1991.

Congress again emerged as the single largest party and formed the government at the Centre. In the 1996, general elections Congress could not form government at the Centre. In the 12th general elections in 1998, Congress could get only 140.Lok Sabha seats. In the 1999 general elections Congress’s strength was further reduced to 112. But in the 14th general elections Congress entered into alliance with other secular parties and secured the number of seats that provided it an opportunity to form a coalition government.

Question 15.
Write about The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was formed in 1980. Since then it has extended its influence in the Hindi belt, Gujarat and Maharashtra. Since 1989, it has been trying to extend its base in South India also. Since its formation in 1980, the BJP has been increasing its number of seats in the Lok Sabha gradually. In 1984, general elections it secured only two seats. In 1989 the number of seats increased to 88. In 1991 general elections BJP’s strength in the Lok Sabha increased to 122 which rose to 161 in the 1996 elections.

In 1998 it won 180 seats and in 1999 its number in Lok Sabha increased to 182. In the 1999 general elections, BJP contested as an alliance partner in the National Democratic Alliance (NDA). In the recent 2004 general elections BJP as an alliance of NDA could not get the required majority. It is playing the role of the opposition party. The BJP has emerged as a significant national party but its support base as yet is limited to certain areas, rather than spread all over India.

Question 16.
Write short notes on the Communist Parties.
The two Communist Parties are the Communist Party of India (CPI) and the Communist Party of India (Marxist) [CPI(M)]. Next to the Congress, the Communist Party is the oldest in India. The communist movement began in the early twenties, and the Communist Party was founded in 1925. The communists participated in the national movement, though often they had serious differences with the Congress. The communists assert that the people should be economically equal and the society should not be divided into classes of rich and poor.

The workers and peasants and other toiling people who do most of the productive work for the society, should be given due recognition and power.The communists were the main opposition in the Lok Sabha throughout the Nehru Era. In the firstLok Sabha they had 26 members, in the second and the third Lok Sabha, they had 27 and 29 members respectively. In 1957, the CPI won absolute majority in the Kerala Assembly and formed the first Communist government in India. In the early sixties specially after the Chinese aggression of 1962 there were serious differences among the members of the Communist Party. As a result, the party split into two.

Those who broke away from CPI formed CPI(M) in 1964. The CPI(M)’s main support base has been concentrated in West Bengal, Kerala and Tripura, though it has registered its presence in Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Maharashtra, Odisha, and Punjab. The CPI has its pockets of influence in states like Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Manipur, Odisha, Pondicherry, Punjab, etc. Moreover, CPI has been a part of the left-front coalition in Kerala and West Bengal. In the Lok Sabha elections of 2004, both the CPI and the CPI (M) were alliance partners of the Congress. They are supporting the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government at the Centre from outside.

Question 17.
Write short notes on Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP).
The BSP acquired the status of a national party in 1996. The BSP champions the cause of those sections which belong to low castes, deprived groups, and minorities. In fact, these sections of Indian society (the Bahujan Samaj) form the majority of the Indian population. The BSP believes that this ‘ Samaj ’ should be freed from the exploitation of the upper castes and by forming their own government. BSP’s influence lies in states like Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab. In 1995 and 1997 BSP was a partner in the coalition governments in Uttar Pradesh.

CHSE Odisha Class 12 Political Science Unit 1 Democracy in India Long Answer Questions

Question 18.
Describe the one-party dominance in early phases.
The results of the first general election did n<?t surprise anyone. The Indian National Congress was expected to win this election. The Congress party, as it was popularly known, had inherited the legacy of the national movement. It was the only party then to have an organization spread all over the country. And finally, in Jawaharlal Nehru, the party had the most popular and charismatic leader in Indian politics.

He led the Congress campaign and toured the country. When the final results were declared, the extent of the victory of the Congress did surprise many. The party won 364 of the 489 seats in the first Lok Sabha and finished way ahead of any other challenger. The Communist Party of India came next in terms of seats winning only 16 seats. The state elections were held with the Lok Sabha elections. Congress scored a big victory in those elections as well.

It won a majority of seats in all the states except Travancore-Cochin (part of today’s Kerala), Madras, and Odisha. Finally even in these states Congress’formed the government. So the party ruled all over the country at the national and the state level. As expected, Jawaharlal Nehru became the Prime Minister after the first general election. In the second and the third general elections, held in 1957 and 1962 respectively, the Congress maintained the same position in the Lok Sabha by winning three-fourths of the seats. None of the opposition parties could win even one-tenth of the number of seats won by the Congress. In the state assembly elections, Congress did not get a majority in a few cases.

The most significant of these cases was in Kerala in 1957 when a coalition led by the CPI formed the government. Apart from exceptions like this, Congress controlled the national and all the state governments. The extent of the victory of the Congress was artificially boosted by our electoral system. The Congress won three out of every four seats but it did not get even half of the votes. In 1952, for example, Congress obtained 45 percent of the total votes. But it managed to win 74 percent of the seats.

The Socialist Party, the second-largest party in terms of votes, secured more than 10 percent of the votes all over the country. But it could not even win three percent of the seats. How did this happen? For this, you need to recall the discussion about the first-past-the-post method in your textbook ‘Constitution at Work last year. In this system of election, adopted in our country, the party that gets more votes than others tends to get much more than its proportional share.

That is exactly what worked in favour of Congress. If we add up the votes of all the non-Congress candidates it was more than the votes of the Congress. But the non-Congress votes were divided between different rival parties and candidates. So the Congress was still way ahead of the opposition and managed to win.