CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Poem 1 Ecology

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Approaches to English Book 2 Solutions Poem 1 Ecology Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Alternative English Solutions Poem 1 Ecology

Pre-reading Activity,
The poem you will read presently has the title ‘Ecology’. What does Ecology mean? If you aren’t sure of its meaning, look it up in the glossary following the text of the poem and write its meaning here. Can you now guess what the poem would aim to tell the reader? Write your guess here.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Poem 1 Ecology

Questions For Discussion

Question 1.
What story does the poem tell us?
The poem tells us about saving the ‘ecology’ of Nature. In spite of the recurring migraine of his mother and a line of cousins every year during the flowering season, she was out of temper with a thought of others as to felling the flowering trees.

Question 2.
What is its theme?
Its theme is to, help save the environment in the way of saving trees, Therefore, it contributes a lot to the survival of a good environment.

Question 3.
When does the speaker come home in a rage and why?
The speaker comes home in a rage when their three red Champak trees start flowering after the first rain. He gets irritated because of the advent of the Champak flowers. causes a pathetic experience for him. It is because they cause a severe migraine in his mother.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Poem 1 Ecology

Question 4.
How does the poet describe the fragrance of the Champak flowers?
The fragrance of the Champak flowers is very sharp and strong. Hence, too much fragrance and smell cause a pinching effect on his mother’s head and automatically causes migraine. No wind could separate the fragrance of a heavy hung yellow pollen fog of a flower.

Question 5.
How are the walls of the black pilloried house .described ‘?
However, the poet has personified the walls of the black pilloried house. So, the walls of the black pilloried house are described to have eyes and ears.

Question 6.
When the speaker says “had gone it again” (Stanza-2), what D is its effect? Does this expression convey approval or disapproval?
The speaker says it when he comes home in a rage. Its effect is the mother flashing her temper. The expression conveys a sense of disapproval.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Poem 1 Ecology

Question 7.
How are the words “sift” and “porous” related? What purpose do they serve in the poem?
“Sift” means ‘separate’ and “porous” means something having tiny holes. The wind could not separate the fragrance of the Champak flowers. Again the scales, smells, bone creaks, and nightly D visiting voices were porous which never allowed the smells to D rebounce.

Question 8.
What makes the mother “flash” her temper?
The flowering Champak trees have severe migraine to the mother with their strong fragrance. It was decided to cut down these trees so as to give a healing touch
to his mother. This makes his mother “flash” her temper, it is because this would disturb the ecology, and her daughter and granddaughters would be deprived of annual flowers.

Question 9.
“But Mother, flashing her temper (like her mother’s twisted silver, grand children’s Knickers wet as the cold pack on her head…”, Explain the comparisons (Similes) in these lines.
Grandmother’s silver ornaments, grandchildren’s Knickers, and the wet cold pack on mother’s head herself have some proportions of distortions. When a person gets severely angry he or she looks wry, wreathed, and distorted. Here, the mother’s anger makes her twisted like the things compared above. these lines.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Poem 1 Ecology

Question 10.
Which stanza do you find the most dramatic in the poem?
Stanza 7- “but mother, flashing her temper like her mother’s twisted silver, grand children’s Kunicker’s…..” is found to be dramatic in the poem.

Question 11.
What light does the poem throw on the Mother’s attitude?
The mother is entirely aware of ecology which is closely associated with the survival of the animal kingdom. She never wishes and allows the red Champak trees to be cut down in spite of her suffering from severe headaches caused by the strong smell of the flowers of these trees.

Question 12.
How does the speaker’s attitude contrast with that of the mother?
The speaker’s attitude was in sharp contrast with that of the mother. The mother wishes for the preservation of the Champak flowers in spite of her terrible suffering from severe migraine caused by the strong smell of the flowers. The speaker, on the other hand, suggested that the trees should be cut down as a remedial measure against his mother’s migraine.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Poem 1 Ecology


Question 1.
Examine the appropriateness of the title ‘Ecology’ for the poem.
The poem ‘Ecology’ has been composed by A.K… Ramanujan is an eminent and outstanding poet of Anglo-Indian literature. He has composed multifarious volumes of poems. Some of them are ‘Relations’, ‘Second Sight’ etc. Some of the themes of his poetry are fear, despair, the need for familial worth, etc. He provides apt and suggestive titles to his poems. The title ‘Ecology’ of this discussing poem is a typical example of that. It may be a poem, essay, short story, drama, etc. but a suitable and suggestive title automatically drags the attention of the reader and attracts the customers to a shop.

The readers or the customers are automatically mesmerized by it. It makes the reader spelled just like a gorgeous and colorful signboard bound to go through it. Exactly the same has happened in the case of this discussing poem ‘Ecology’ In fact, literally ‘ecology’ means the habitats of living things and their relation to the environment. We always prefer to live in an adequate and good ecology. In this poem, it is used as a contrasting attitude of the mother and the children- towards nature. It highlights the mother’s determination to preserve the Champak trees even though they are the cause of her suffering. However, the poem starts with the narrator’s rage at the advent of the 1st rain.

It has caused the flowering of the three red Champak trees. His rage is due to the sharp and strong, fragrance of the flowers which automatically causes severe migraine in his mother. He is in the mood to cut down. the trees so as to free her from the troubles. But his mother wholeheartedly goes against this decision and is an ardent supporter of ecology. She is well aware of the preservation of trees which are a powerful source of ecological balance. She wants those trees should. be continued in spite of their adverse effect on life.

She does not bother about her migraine. According to her, the felling of trees is anti-ecology. She argues further that despite of all these, the trees provide an annual gift of flowers to her gods, daughters, and granddaughters although they cause a severe migraine to herself. The narrator becomes spellbound by his mother’s assertion about ecology and never proceeds to accept anti¬ ecology. As a matter of fact, judging from all respect, the title of the poem ‘Ecology’ is apt and suggestive. On the other hand, it is inspiring and heart-touching. On the whole, the poet is at his best to provide an apt and suggestive title to the poem.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Poem 1 Ecology

Question 2.
Read the following poem (‘Night of the Scorpion’) fry Nissim Ezekiels on a similar theme and rate the points of comparison and contrast between ‘Ecology’ and ‘Night.
However, A.K. Ramanujan’s ‘Ecology’ and Nissim Ezekiel’s ‘Night of the Scorpion’ have some similar and dissimilar aspects. The poets are having some identical and contrasting features which put these Scorpions’. poems on similar lines.

Points of comparison:
1. Both poems center around one principal character who happens to be a mother.

2. Suffering of the mother is a common feature in both poems. In ‘Ecology’ mother suffers from migraine caused by the strong smell of the Red Champak flowers. Mother wishes to preserve the trees for her children although she suffers, And of a Scorpion’ the sufferin8 of mother has portrayed in the storage vein- The mother suffers from the P0, sonorous stinging of the Scorpion and feels re, axed as the ScorPion has her and has luckily spared her children. The poet depicts the loving heart of a mother for her children.

Points Of Contrast:
There are mothers in both poems, but they are similar but not the same. Mother in ‘Ecology’ and mother in ‘Night of a Scorpion’ is portrayed in slightly different veins
1. Mother in ‘Ecology1 is in favor of providing flowers to her daughters and daughter daughters and is indirectly a staunch supporter of the environment and preservation of natural phenomena. The mother, on the other hand, in ‘Night of Scorpion’ speaks volumes of motherly love and affection for her children.

2. Superstitions beliefs of the villagers and the scientific attitude of the father are just a posed vis-a-vis.
3. Scorpion Stings mother in ‘Night of the Scorpion’ and the Strong smell of the Red Champak trees harms mother’s health causing severe migraine. Both these poems, however, compared and contrasted having a kind of specialty. The two poems bear a mark of likeness and differences, but the play has one thing in common Indianness.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Poem 1 Ecology

Detailed Summaries

Paraphrase: (Stanzas: 1-2)
Rain comes as usual as a natural process. It provides a special life to dance with joy and joviality. A jovial atmosphere prevails. But this does not happen in the case of the narrator. Rather he is multifarious trees into the first entrance after a long gap. Both plants and human beings are enraged by the advent of rain. It also makes him back home with fury. He guessed that three of their Champak trees had started flowering

(Stanzas: 3-4)
become very beautiful and attractive. They were laden with fresh and delicate flowers which automatically doubled their former beauty. The narrator is not happy at all. These created problems for his mother. The strong fragrance of these flowers brought to her a terrible migraine. It automatically caused painful experiences during the blossoming season. Despite of her suffering/ she had a strong desire to make these flowering trees continue on ecological grounds. But the children were provoked by the presence of such flowers. No wind could separate the heavy hung yellow pollen fog from the Champak to stretching along The three red Champak trees street.

(Stanzas: 5-6)
No door of their black pilloried house could shut out to prevent the sharp and strong smell of the red Champak flowers. The fragrance automatically crept into the room so as not to free herself from the severe migraine she used to suffer due to the deadening smell of these flowers. Scales, bone cracks, smells and nightly voices were porous which never allowed the smell to rebound.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Poem 1 Ecology

(Stanzas: 7-9)
The poet has used a beautiful comparison. Here the simile is that the mother’s flashing temper against the dangerous proposition of getting rid of the red Champak trees was like his grandmother’s twisted silver and gold. It was also like the children’s knickers. All these ultimately cooled her mother’s head. Her serious disposition was a threat against felling flowering trees, She said that the trees were as old as herself, The tree sprouted from the seed dropped by a passing bird. Hence, the trees were not cut down

(Stanzas: 10-11)
However, the providential dropping of the seed by a passing bird luckily germinated. Gradually, it grew up into a full-grown flowering tree as if to give her Gods, daughters, and daughters, daughters a basketful of annual flowers. They also simultaneously brought the most painful migraine to a line of cousins. All these evoked a special fascination with the flowering red Champak trees. Therefore, the idea of cutting down the trees was ultimately given up.

The Poet :
A.K. Ramanujan (1929-1996) permits his poetry to spring out of “deep inner compulsions”. Fear, despair, and the need for familial warmth are some of the themes of his poetry. His major verse collections are. “The Striders (1966)”, “Relations 1971)”, Selected Poems (1976)” and “Second Sight (1986)”. The Poem

The Poem :
‘Ecology’ expresses the contrasting attitudes of the mother and the children towards nature; it highlights the mother’s determination to preserve the Champak trees even though they are the cause of her suffering.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Poem 1 Ecology

Ecology Summary in English

Rain comes as Usual as a natural process. It provides a new light to the also overwhelms with joviality and welcomes it wholeheartedly. But such a thing does not happen in the case of the narrator of the poem. He would angrily after the first rain.? Because he could sense it from a distance that their three red Champak trees had pepped multifarious trees of nature. The beautiful and attractive nature not only dances with joy in the coming of the rainy season but the people up int6 a new life- They had 10 stars flowering thereafter.

These fresh flowers caused severe headaches called migraine to his mother. No wind Was able to separate the yellow pollen fog from the fragrance of the flowers of the trees. No door could be shut out from their black pilloried house whose walls could see and hear bone-creaks, nightly visiting voices porous, like them But his mother’s temper which flashed like her twisted silver and grandchildren’s knickers prevented them from cutting down a tree in flower. These trees were as old as herself. The tree gave basketfuls of annual flowers to her daughters and daughter’s daughters. They also simultaneously brought the most painful migraine to a line of cousins of cousins.

Analytica, outlines of the poem

  • Rain comes as usual as a natural process.
  • It provides a new light to the multifarious trees of nature.
  • The beautiful and attractive nature dances with joy.
  • It dances with joy by the coming of the rainy season.
  • The people also overwhelms with joviality.
  • They welcome it wholeheartedly.
  • But the narrator does not feel joy.
  • He would come angrily after the first rain.
  • It is because of the three red Champak trees.
  • The trees had pepped into a new life.
  • They had to start flowering thereafter.
  • These fresh ‘flowers, caused headaches to his mother.
  • They caused migraine in his mother.
  • No wind was able to separate the yellow pollen fog from the fragrance of the flowers of the trees.
  • No door could be shut out from their black pilloried house whose walls could see and hear.
  • Scales, smells, bone creaks, and night-visiting voices were porous like them.
  • His mother’s temper and grandchildren’s knickers prevented them from cutting down a tree in flower.
  • These trees were as old as herself.
  • The tree gave basketful of annual flowers to her daughters and daughter’s daughter.
  • They also simultaneously brought the most painful’ migraine to a line of cousins.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Poem 1 Ecology

Meaning of difficult words:

ecology – the study of living things in their surroundings
rage – irritation, strong excited emotion, uncontrollable anger.
Migraine – severe headache
sift – change, here, separate
porous – minute passages, having tiny holes.
scales – small thin flat pieces on the skin as in fish and snakes.
Bone Creaks – sounds made at the bone joints when you move (comparison with the long high noise when a door opens)
flashing – a momentary gleam of light, a sudden burst, a moment, showing something for a short time
twisted – bent in many directions,
providential – foresight, timely care.
dower – gifts, presents on a special occasion.
pollen – fertilizing, dust in flowers, the fine powder produced by flowers which are carried by wind or by insects to other flowers of the same type.

Night Of A Scorpion

Question For Discussion

Question 1.
What happened to the speaker’s mother one night?
The speaker’s mother was stung by a scorpion one night.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Poem 1 Ecology

Question 2.
What made the scorpion venture beneath the sack of rice?
The evil scorpion was forced to risk beneath a sack of rice owing to the torrential rain outside.

Question 3.
What did the scorpion do after stinging his father?
The scorpion bit the speaker’s mother and all of sudden he disappeared into the rain

Question 4.
What did the villagers do hearing the suffering of the speaker’s mother?
The villagers reached there with lanterns and candles in hand and chanted songs to lessen her pain.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Poem 1 Ecology

Question 5.
What did they say while reciting?
They said that the sins of her previous birth might be burned away tonight, her suffering might decrease the misfortunes of her next birth, the sums of evils might be balanced in this unreal world and the poison might purify her flesh of desire and spirit of ambition

Question 6.
What did the poet’s father do in such a situation?
The poet’s father who was a skeptic and nationalist used powder, mixture, herb, and hybrid, and even poured a little paraffin upon her bitten toe and put a match to it.

Question 7.
Did his mother get any relief there?
Yes, his mother’ got’, tremendous relief there. She regained her usual health after twenty hours of treatment

Question 8.
What did his mother say after her recovery from the ‘ sting of the Scorpion?
His mother said, “Thank God, the scorpion picked on me and spared my children.” The expression speaks volumes of motherly love for children. Mothers wished to invite any kind of problem for -the safety of their children.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Poem 1 Ecology

Paraphrase: (Stanza -1)
The narrator of the poem recalls that night. His mother was stung by a scorpion that night. There was heavy rain falling outside. The torrential rain forced the scorpion to crawl into the house under a sack of rice and released poison into his mother’s blood by stinging her toe.

Stanza -2
The dangerous tail of the scorpion parted with its harmful poison into the innocent blood of the speaker’s mother and went out into the rain again. This caused severe pain and his mother suffered from its dangerous spell. The peasants assembled., with their lanterns and candles. They uttered the name of God several times to lessen her pain.

Stanza -3
The village farmers his house with lanterns and candles in hand. They formed shadows which were like bigger scorPion on the walls- They seabed for the scorpion in vain. Because it was not found or had stepped into the rain earlier after stinging his mother’s toe.

Stanza -4
The poison moved upward in mother’s blood with the advance in time. The farmers said their mantras so that the poison might remain stagnant, her previous sins might be burned away the very night, her suffering might decrease the misfortune of her next birth, and the sum of evil might be balanced against the sum of good.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Poem 1 Ecology

Stanza -5
The village fanners continued so that the poison might purify her flesh of desire and the spirit of ambition, They also sat around mother. The mother sat at the center and they surrounded her on the floor.

Stanza – 6
There earned a peace of understanding on each farmer’s face. The house was crowded with more candles, more lanterns, and more neighbors. There were more and more insects that were attracted by the candle and lantern lights. The rain proved heavier and heavier from time to time. Mother twisted her body in pain on a mat spread on the floor.

Stanza – 7
The speaker’s father was a skeptic and nationalist who did not believe in chanting and used powder, mixture, herb, and hybrid. He also poured a little paraffin on the bitten toe and put a match to it.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Poem 1 Ecology

Stanza – 8-9
The speaker of the poem watched how his father poured a little paraffin into the bitten toe and put a match to it. The flame went on consuming mother’s flesh. It seemed as if a holy man was performing his rites and sacrifice. After twenty hours the poison was arrested. Mother told and thanked God he have made the scorpion to pick her up and spare her children.


Explanation – 1
I remember………………… poison flash,
These lines have been taken from Nissim Ezekiel’s poem ‘Night of the Scorpion’. They speak volumes of the scorpion which ventured into the house. Heavy torrential rain forced it to get into the house creeping under a sack of rice, stinging the mother’s toe, and separating its malicious poison. It again risked into the rain outside

Explanation – 2
Of diabolic…………………………. evil one.
These lines have been extracted from Nissim Ezikiel’s masterpiece ‘Night of the Scorpion’. The poet here tells how the rustic villagers indulge in superstitious ideas at the time when the mother is stung by a scorpion. The scorpion after stinging the mother risked into the rain. Peasants followed thick and fast like swarms of flies and chanted the name of God several times so as to lessen and imitate her pain. This stanza tells about the superstitious belief of the village folk who in spite of taking any medicinal remedial measures, resorted to unscientific approaches to stop the poison from rising in her blood.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Poem 1 Ecology

Explanation- 3
With candles…………….. their tongues.
These lines comprise a part of the poem ‘Night of the Scorpion’ by Nissim Ezikiel who says that the village people poured in the spot where the speaker’s mother was wreathing in pain. They swarmed the place with their lanterns and candles which cast scorpion-like shadows on the mud-baked wall. They left no stone unturned in searching for the scorpion. But all their endeavor ended in smoke. The poisonous creature was not found as it had fled the place after stinging the speaker’s mother.

They clicked their tongues. Nothing was the result. The stanza gives a realistic picture of village life. When someone is in trouble the whole village responds to it. It stands a sharp contrast to the lifestyle of the city-dwellers who are apathetic’ and un-reciprocal to one another’s weal and woe.

Explanation – 4
With every movement………….they said,
These lines occur in the fourth stanza of Nissim Ezekiel’s poem ‘Night of the Scorpion’. They speak about the serious approaches of the village peasants to the superstitious ideas which have claimed a very powerful place in making treatments of snake bites and scorpion stinging. The village fanners have gathered around mother who was suffering the pain of the poison released by the scorpion in her blood. They said that with every movement that the scorpion made his poison moved into mother’s blood. They chanted mantras so that he might sit still without moving an inch so that the sins of her previous birth might be burned away the very night, The stanza is a mockery of the unscientific approaches to the treatment of scorpion stingings restored to by the rustic people.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Poem 1 Ecology

Explanation – 5
May your suffering………..sum of good,
These lines have been extracted from the poem ‘Night of the Scorpion’ by Nissim Ezikiel, a poet of international repute. These lines are a continuation of the previous stanza, The approaches of the treatment still continue in this stanza also. The rural folk resumed their saying so that her suffering might mitigate the misfortunes of her next birth. Here the poet notes the belief of the village people in the next birth or rebirth. They again went on, so that the sum total of evil might be balanced in the unreal world against the sum of good and the pain gets mitigated and lessened.

Explanation – 6
Become diminished…………in the center.
These lines have been brought from Nissim Ezekiel’s poem ‘Night of the Scorpion’. This part of the poem constitutes the continuity of the previous stanza. The village people went on with their usual chanting so that the poison might purify modifiers flesh of desire and spirit of ambition. They set around on the floor with mother in the center. This part tells about the innocuous approaches of the village people who never allow any ill will or malice towards no one. They are always the well-wishers who never think of any evil.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Poem 1 Ecology

Explanation – 7
The peace of understanding……………… groaning on a mat.
These lines are taken from Nissim Ezekiel’s poem ‘Night of the Scorpion’ which gives a realistic picture of the approaches of the village mass when some unnecessary event befalls another. The people ate making a serious treatment of scorpion sting. They muster up around mother and go on chanting ’their usual mantras so as to alleviate her pain. There appears a solemn understanding in each face. The number of people increased from time to time. The people crowded the house with candles and lanterns in their hands. They bring in with them a swarm of insects. Rains assume torrential and heavy With the advance of the night. Mother has no other alternative than twist in pains and pangs.

Explanation – 8
My father……………… match to it.
These lines have been extracted from Nissim Ezikiel’s typical poem ‘Night of the Scorpion’. They represent a change in the treatment of the scorpion sting. The speaker’s father is a skeptic and rationalist who does not believe in chanting the name Of God in neutralizing the poison of the scorpion. What they believe in is the scientific method. He, therefore, uses powder, mixture, herb, and hybrid on the stung part. He even pours a little paraffin and puts a match on the bitter toe so as to burn away the poison of the scorpion released into her blood.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Poem 1 Ecology

Night Of A Scorpion Summary in English

The narrator of the poem recalls the night when his mother was stung by a Scorpion. The scorpion had been driven by the torrential rain outside, which forced it to crawl beneath a sack of rice. The diabolic trail of the scorpion. mixed .its poison with mother’s blood and the scorpion itself risked into the rain again.’ Village farmers followed thick and fast in order to cure the mother of the terrible pain she was undergoing at that time and chanted the name of God a number of times so as to neutralize its poison. Everybody searched for the scorpion with the candles and lantern but could, not discover the scorpion.

The farmers started musing so that the sins of her previous birth would be burned away the night, they went on saying that her suffering might decrease the misfortunes of her next birth, and they also added that her flesh might. get purified by the poison injected by the scorpion. They also surrounded the speaker’s mother at the center. People reached in large numbers with their lanterns and candles in hand. Mother: was still groaning in pain on a mat The speaker’s father who was a skeptic and rationalist tried ta add power, herb, and hybrid mixture to her stung place. He also paced a little paraffin upon the bitten toe and a match to it. After twenty hours of pain and suffering, the poison was tamed and the mother said nothing but one thing“Thank God, the Scorpion picked on me and spared my children.”

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Poem 1 Ecology

Analytical outlines of the poem:

  • The narrator of the poem recalls about one night.
  • His mother was stung by a Scorpion that night.
  • The scorpion had been driven by the torrential rain outside
  • It forced it to crawl beneath a sack of rice.
  • The diabolic trail of the scorpion mixed ts Poison with the mother s blood.
  • The scorpion itself risked into the rain again
  • The village farmer followed thick and fast. in order to cure the mother of the terrible pain
  • They chanted the name of God a number of times.
  • They did this in order to neutralize its position.
  • Everybody searched for the scorpion with the candles and lanterns.
  • They could not discover the scorpion
  • The farmers started musing.
  • The sins of her birth would be turned away the very night.
  • Her suffering might decrease the misfortunes of her next birth
  • They also, that her flash might be purified by the poison injected by the scorpion
  • They also surrounded the speaker’s mother at the center.
  • People reached large numbers.
  • They reached with their lanterns and candles.
  • Mother was still groaning in pain on a mat.
  • The speaker’s father was a skeptic.
  • He was also a rationalist.
  • His father tried to add power, herb, and hybrid mixture to her stung place.
  • He also poured a little paraffin upon the bitten toe.
  • He also put a match to it.
  • The poison was tamed after twenty-four hours.
  • She suffered from that pain for twenty hours.
  • At last, she thanked God.
  • She said that the scorpion biting also spared her children.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 4 Text A: That Lean, Hungry Look

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Approaches to English Book 1 Solutions Unit 4 Text A: That Lean, Hungry Look School Textbook Activity Questions and Answers.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Alternative English Solutions Unit 4 Text A: That Lean, Hungry Look

Activity – 1
Purpose And Attitude And The Text Type

Question 1.
Which of the following described the writer’s attitude to thin people?
(i) impressed
(ii) complementary
(iii) disapproving
(iv) condemning
(v) approving
(vi) noncommittal
(iv) condemning.

Question 2.
Which of the following phrases best expresses the writer’s purpose?
(i) to present objective information
(ii) to present both sides of a controversial issue
(iii) to shock the reader with an unconventional point of view
(iv) to persuade the reader that fat people are better than thin people.
(v) to express his dislike of thin people.
(iv) to persuade the reader that fat people are better than people.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 4 Text A: That Lean, Hungry Look

Question 3.
Which of the following categories of text type would you say the article belongs to?
(i) informative
(ii) imaginative
(iii) expressing an opinion
(iv) descriptive
(v) narrative
(iii) expressing an opinion.

Question 4.
What is the general tone of the article?
(i) ironic
(ii) humorous
(iii) matter of fact
(iv) Passionate
(v) serious
(iii) matter of fact.

Getting The Main Ideas Of Paragraphs

Match the paragraph in column A with the titles in column B and then say whether a title refers to thin people or fat people.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 4 Text A: That Lean, Hungry Look


1. (vi) dangerous people.
2. (v) no absolute truth.
3. (ix) speedy metabolism
4 (vii) relaxed and fun-loving
5. (xi) seeing all sides
6. (xii) life is illogical and unfair.
7. (i) a long list of logical things
8. (viii) happiness is elusive.
9. (iv) muddling through rather than saving time.
10. (x) not enough time for work.
11. (iii) love of math and morality.
12. (ii) loving and accepting

Activity 4
Understanding Patterns Of Comparison And Contrast

There are two important ways of developing a comparison and contrast text, namely (i) the block method and the point-by-point method. In the Block method, you single out one basic way in which the two objects are alike or different. For example, if you are comparing two people at work, the introductory paragraph would tell the reader what your article would be about. The first body paragraph of the article would show something about one person’s approach to work, the following body paragraph would focus on the other person’s approach.

And in the concluding paragraph, you would briefly summarise the topic and give a dominant impression about the similarities and/or differences in the two worker’s approaches to their jobs. However, instead of deciding to compare and contrast the two objects one after another, you may decide not to separate the two objects you are discussing. You may then adopt the point-by-point method and treat’ both objects together as you present each point of comparison or contrast. You may have discovered that both of these methods have been employed in Text A.

a) Which patterns of comparison and Contrast does the writer use in paragraphs 2-5 and paragraphs 8-14?
Point-by-point method.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 4 Text A: That Lean, Hungry Look

b) Which pattern does she use in paragraphs 6,7,11 and 12?
Block method.

c) Which of these two patterns do you find more effective and why?
Both these patterns are effective in dealing with a problem. However, the point-by-point pattern is more effective because the comparison and contrast will be clear in the treatment and approach in this pattern.

d) Does the writer state the thesis explicitly? If so, where does she state it?
The writer states the thesis of this work of art explicitly. It appears in paragraph -1.

e) How does the conclusion support the thesis? Write a few words on the appropriateness or otherwise of the conclusion.
The conclusion almost sums up the nature and pursuit of the thin and fat people described in the previous paragraphs. The concluding paragraph is eloquent of the strong contrasts between fat and thin people.

Section – A
The paragraph below is the beginning paragraph of Text-A. Read it quickly and try to guess what Text-A is about.

Ceasar was right. Thin people need watching. I have been watching them for most of my adult life and 1 do not like what I see. When these narrow fellows spring at me, quiver to my toes. Thin people come in all personalities, most of them menacing. You have got your ‘together’ thin person, your mechanical thin person. Your condescending thin person, your efficiency expert thin person. All of them are dangerous.
Now read Text-A, which is adopt?  from an article in news week in the year 197. in order to check whether your prediction made above is right.

That Lean, Hungry Look Summary in English

According to Ceasar, thin people need watching. The writer has been watching such people for most of his adult life and never likes what he sees. He says when these thin fellows spring at him he trembles to his toes. Thin people come in all personalities and most if they are dangerous. Thin people in the first place are not fun. They have always got to be going something. They make others tired. They get speedily little metabolisms that cause them to burtle briskly. Sluggish, inert, easy-going fat people are preferable to thin ones.

Fat people don’t chattel all day long. Thin people turn mean and hard at a young age because they never learn the value of a hot fudge Sunday for easing tension. They are firm and fresh and dull like carrots. Thin people believe in logic, fat people see all sides. Fat people realize that life is illogical and unfair. They know well that God is not in heaven and all is not right with the world. If God was up there, fat people could leave two doughnuts and a big orange drink the time they wanted it.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 4 Text A: That Lean, Hungry Look

Thin people have a long list of logical things they are always spouting off to me. They hold up one finger at a time as they reel off these things. They speak slowly as if to a young child. The list is long and full of holes. They also think these 2,000-point plans lead to happiness. Fat people know happiness is elusive at best and even if ey could get the kind of thin people to talk about, they wouldn’t want it. Fat people see that such programs are too dull, too hard, and too off the mark. They are never better than a whole cheesecake.

However, fat people know all about the mystery of life. They get acquainted with the night, luck, and fate, and play them by ears. The main problem with people is that they oppress. Thin people are downers. They like math and morality and reasoned evaluation of the limitations of human beings. They expound prognosis, probe, and prick. Fat people are friendly and cheerful. Fat people will talk continuously, trade quickly, laugh loudly, gyrate, and gossip. They are generous, giving, and gallant. They are gluttonous, goodly, and great.

Analytical outlines:

  • According to Ceasar, thin people need to be watched minutely.
  • He has been watching such people for most of his adult life.
  • He calls them as narrow fellows.
  • When they spring at him, he trembles to his toes.
  • They appear in all personalities.
  • Most of them are dangerous.
  • Thin people in the first place are not having fun.
  • They have always got to be doing something.
  • Give them a coffee break.
  • They will job around the block.
  • They make others tired.
  • They have got a speedily little metabolism.
  • It makes them to burtle briskly.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 4 Text A: That Lean, Hungry Look

  • They have forever been rubbing their bony hands together.
  • They have also been eying new problems to tackle.
  • But the fat people are sluggish, inert, easy going.
  • So, they are preferable to the thin ones.
  • Fat people don’t chartle all day long.
  • Thin people turn mean and hard at a young age.
  • Because they never learn the value of a hot fudge Sunday for casing tension.
  • They are firm and fresh and dull like carrots.
  • They go straight to the heart of the matter.
  • But fat people let things stay all blurry, hazy, and vague.
  • They want to race the truth.
  • Fat people know there is no truth.
  • Thin people believe in logic.
  • Fat people see all sides.
  • Fat people realize that life is illogical and unfair.
  • They know very well that God is not in heaven.
  • They consider all is not right with the world.
  • If God was up there, fat people could have two doughnuts and a big orange drink any time they wanted it.
  • Thin people have a long list of logical things.
  • They are always spouting off to him.
  • They hold up one finger. at a time as they reel off these things.
  • They speak slowly as if to a young child.
  • Their list is long and full of holes.
  • They think about 2000-point plans.
  • They think it must lead them to happiness.
  • Fat people know happiness is elusive at best.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 4 Text A: That Lean, Hungry Look

  • They don’t want as the thin people talk about it.
  • To fat people, such programs are too dull, too hard, and too off the mark.
  • They are never better than a whole cheesecake.
  • Fat people know all about the mystery of life.
  • They get acquainted with might, luck, and fate, and playing them by ears.
  • But the main problem with the thin men is that they oppress.
  • Their good intentions, bony torsos, tight, ships, neat corners, cerebral machinations, and pet solutions loom like dark clouds over the
  • loose, comfortable, spread out, soft world of the fat.
  • Thin people are downers.
  • They like math and morality.
  • They also like reasoned evaluation of the limitations of human beings.
  • They have their skinny little acts together.
  • They expound prognoses, probes, and prick.
  • Fat people are convivial that is jovial.
  • They even like irregular people.
  • They will come up with a good reason.
  • Fat people are generous, giving, and gallant.
  • They are also gluttonous, goodly, and great.
  • They are friendly and cheerful.
  • Fat people will gab, giggle, guffa, gyrate, and gossip.
  • They have plenty of room to be free and frank.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 4 Text A: That Lean, Hungry Look

Meaning of difficult words:

to goof off – to make a trivial mistake.
to burtle – to move around quickly.
sluggish – moving or reacting more slowly than normal.
chartling – bulging out of amusement.
wizened – small and thin and wrinkled.
shrivel led – dried up and bent, became small.
gooey – sticky, soft, and sweet.
not-fudge sonde- a hot and soft creamy light
brown sweet dish made from the ice-cream, fruits, and nuts.
crunchy – firm and fresh.
nebulous – not clear or exact, fainted.
doughnuts – small and cakes.
elusive – difficult to achieve.
muscled – covered the ground with

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 4 Text A: That Lean, Hungry Look

decaying leaves to improve its quality.
double-fudged – with two layers of chocolate or cream dressing.
cerebral machination – secret and clever plans made by the brain.
rutabagas – a king of roots.
punch line – the last few words of a joke or story.
dovners – a person who stops your
feeling cheerful or happy.
convivial – friendly and cheerful.
gab – talk continuously.
guffaw – laugh loudly.
gyrate – turn around fast in circles.
giggle – moving from side to side with quick short movements.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 3 Text A: The Telephone

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Approaches to English Book 1 Solutions Unit 3 Text A: The Telephone Textbook Activity Questions and Answers.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Alternative English Solutions Unit 3 Text A: The Telephone


The following sentences have been removed from the passage. Decide which; paragraph each of them will fit in.
a) The telephone’s actual ring- more perhaps, than any other sound in our daily lives, evokes hope, relief, fear, anxiety, and joy according to our expectations.
b) Or perhaps- again not probably- by magnifying and extending irrational personal conflicts based on voice! contact. It has caused wars.
c) It is small and gentle- relying on how voltage and miniature parts- in times of hugeness and violence.

(a) The telephone’s actual ringer more perhaps, than any other sound in our t daily lives, evokes hope, relief, fear, anxiety, joy, according to our expectations. (Paragraph-2)
(b) Or perhaps- again not probably- by magnifying and extending irrational personal conflicts based on voice contact. It has caused wars. (Paragraph-1)
(c) It is small and gentle- relying on how voltage and miniature parts- in times of hugeness and violence. (Paragraph-3)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 3 Text A: The Telephone


Understanding The Relation Between The Parts Of The Text:
Complete the sentences below to show your understanding! of how the paragraphs in Text-A are related.
a) The passage as a whole deals with
b) The first paragraph decides
c) In the second the writer tells us about
d) And the concluding paragraph

a) The passage as a whole deals with telephones and their uses.
b) The first paragraph decides the Introduction based on cricket.
c) In the second the writer tells us about telephone ringing and its role in hallucination.
d) And the concluding paragraph presents a paradoxical or opposite value.


Answer the following questions as briefly as you can:
Question (a).
Brooks mentions both positive and negative effects of the telephones on our lives. Enumerate the positive effects and the negative „ effects separately.
The positive effects mentioned in the passage are:
1. It saves lives by getting rapid ward of illness, injury or famine from remote places.
2. By joining with the elevator, it makes possible the multi story residence or office building.
3. It has made the modem city.
4. It brings about a quantum leap in the speed and ease with information moves from place to place.
5. It accelerates the rate of scientific and technological change and growth in industry.
6. It prevents waging war.

The negative of the telephone are the following:
1. It has crippled the ancient art of letter writing.
2. It has made the waging of war chillingly more efficient.
3. It has extended the scope of human conflicts.
4. It involves personal risk.

Question (b).
How does using the telephone involves personal risk?
Using telephone involves a tremendous personal risk because it involves exposure for some to be “hung upon” which happen to be the worst among fears. And some others also dream of a ringing phone and wake up with a heart heavily beating.

Question (c).
A paradox is a seeming contra-diction that is some how true. In what sense is the telephone “a thing of paradox”?
Telephone involves contradictory things. It has both the brighter and darker aspect – the positive and negative effects. It is, in one sense, a metaphor for the times that helped to create and in another sense it is their polar opposite.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 3 Text A: The Telephone

Extra Activity-3 (A)

Question (a).
In what way does telephone act as a source of active and rapid information?
Telephone helps to save lives by obtaining rapid message of illness, injury or famine from distant place.

Question (b).
What does it have do with multi story building?
Making conneetion with elevators to. make possible the multistorey buildings- residence or office.

Question (c).
How does it accelerate scientific and technological changes in the industry?
A quantum leap in speech and ease has been achieved making information more from place to place. It has greatly accelerated the rate of scientific and technological change and growth in the industry.

Question (d).
How does telephone cripple letter writing?
Telephone has crippled the ancient art of letter writing. It makes direct contact ‘ with both the parties at both ends. It marks the spirit of writing one’s mind through letters because it is convenient to establish contact easily and directly. The easy going people resort to the telephone and set aside writing letters.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 3 Text A: The Telephone

Understanding The Language Functions

The activity is meant to develop your awareness of the final points of Text-A. Go back to the text after reading each question in the Activity and write your answers.

Question (i).
Brooks uses the first person plural “us” in this except instead of speaking either just about himself or about people in general. Why do you think he does this?
The first person narrative is a powerful means of communication that includes people in general and the. another himself. He uses this technique to make communication more effective.

Question (ii).
The essay begins with a question. ’ Would a direct statement be more effective as an introduction? Write a brief justification of your as to this question.
Beginning an essay or any other writing makes the literary piece more eye-catching and emphatic. A question sentence at the outset marks prominence and attracts the attention of the readers, Any other statement form wouldn’t have acquired the same effect as a question at the beginning of writing.

Question (iii).
How does the first sentence in paragraph 2 serve as a transition between paragraph-I and 2?
Transition implies a change from one condition or set of circumstances to another. The first sentence ¡n paragraph-2 which begins with; “But the question remains unanswered” is quite obvious about the change of immediate context of the previous sentences.

Question (iv).
Identify the phases in the passage that explicitly point to the cause-and-effect connections.
(a) Elevator to make possible,
(b) Personal risk because it involves exposure.

Question (v).
Brooks ends this brief introduction to the effect of the telephone with a quotation. Do you think this is an effective conclusion ? Explain.
Brooks ends this brief introduction to the effect of the telephone with a quotation, r Using such quotations as a conclusion is likely an effective conclusion

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 3 Text A: The Telephone

(Understanding the writer’s attitude and, purpose)

Question (a).
Which of the following phrases best expresses Ibe writer’s purpose?
i) It presents objective ‘ information.
ii) to decide a situation and present others’ comment on it.
iii) to persuade the readér that the use of the telephone is an unmixed blessing.
iv) to convince the reader of the Importance of the telephone.
v) to present his personal views is the effects of the telephône.
(i) to present objective information.

Question (b).
How would you describe the writer’s attitude towards the telephone? Choose from the following list. critical Indifferent admiring prejudiced approving disapproving condemning.
The writer’s attitude is “critical”.

Indicators In Discourse/reference

What do the words ¡n’ italics refer to In the’passage?
a) “…………………….. it uns made possible for better or worse …………………… (lines – 4)
b) “……………………. by so doing, it has played a role…….(lines – 9)
c) it involves exposure ………………………” (lines 2-3)
d) ……………….. in another sense the telephone is their olar opposite.” (lines 3-2) “
(a) It = the telephone
(b) so doing = writing letters
(c) it = personal risk
(d) their = the times.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 3 Text A: The Telephone

Sentences. in a text do not stand in isolation but -are opposite together with what has gone before and what comes after. One of the important ways in which a writer joins all the sentences together. to make which is one coherent text is a reference. Reference means the use of common words like “he”, “she”, 4bIt. ‘this”, ‘that”, “sà” etc. to refer to people things, or terns of information needlessly; the writer will not repeat a name where “he” or she” will do.

Obviously then to find the meaning of reference word (such as “he” or “she”), it is necessary to, look outside the sentence or the part of the sentence in which it occurs. We have her introduced reference as one of the important ways1 whiçh help tie the text together. Latçr we will look at another important device, of text cohesion, namely, the use of discourse-makers.

Writing A Pamphlet

Write a pamphlet, making an appeal to the people to avoid misusing the telephone. You Cad use the following outlines:
– how some people go on gossiping over the. telephone and keep the lines busy.
– the effects of such irresponsible use of the telephone.
– your suggestions regarding how the misuse of the telephone can be avoided.
– benefits of economical use of the telephone to .oneself and the others.

It has become a common feature with some people who go on gossiping over telephones. They consider it as a play thing. They forget that telephone is a means of communication. It acts as a medium for exigencies and messages. Our gossiping over phones is just misusing it. One has just to send messages from a distance. This act of gossiping keeps the lines busy and prevents people with an urgent message from communicating. The lines are engaged and busy. Gossiping without any purpose and pursuit poses two problems.

One financial, the other dislocations. The person who gossips unnecessarily invites unwarranted financial burden to himself and the busy lines owing to his gossip brings about dislocation for others to communicate even urgent messages. An awareness among telephone users is the only powerful way of reducing the instinct for making undue gossips over telephone. Every customer has to be aware of the economical use of the telephone which will enable him to make discreet use’of the telephone. The less you talk, the less you pay. One has to decide what to talk and what to leave out.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 3 Text A: The Telephone

The Telephone Summary in English

What does this unit contain?
This unit will present the following four texts, each of them related to some aspects of our living in modern times.
Text-A : The Telephone (John Brooks)
Text-B : Saturday Morning Violence (Nonnanrovisor).
Text-C : New Superstitiohi for old (Margaret Mead).
Text-D : Burnout (A Newspaper article)

The aim of this unit is to help you. practice writing pamphlets and dialogues and develop the following sub-skills of reading:
1. Understanding relations between the parts of a reading text.
2. Recognising indicators in discourse.
3. Understanding the writer’s purpose and attitude; and
4. Identifying the structure of a text in respect of cause-and-effect relationships and the development of arguments.

Section – A
Pre-reading Activity:

The telephone has come almost an indispensable part of modern life. Can you think of three positive effects and three negative effects of the telephone on our lives?

positive effects Negative effects
1 1
2 2
3 3

Now read the following brief excerpt from the book Telephone the First Hundred Years by John Brook and check whether the writer includes your points about the effects of the telephone on our life.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 3 Text A: The Telephone

By Johe Brooks Summary
The telephone has saved the lives of people from illness or farming from distance. Joining with the elevator, has made possible the multi-story residence, or office building. It has also made the modern, city possible. It has quickened the rate of scientific and technological changes and growth in the industry. But it has handicapped the ancient art of letter writing. It has played a great role in the social, changes of a country. Waging war has become more efficient for this.

It has also extended the scope of human conflicts since it impartially disseminates the useful knowledge of scientists and the babble of bores, the affection of the affectionate and the malice of the malicious. The use of the telephone also values personal risk for it involves exposure. The telephone is our connecting link with society Marshall Meluhan has said that the telephone creates “a king of extrasensory- perception.”

Analytical outlines of the Text:

  • The telephone has saved the life of people.
  • It saved people from illness.
  • It also saved people from famine from distance.
  • They are joined by the elevator.
  • It has made possible the multistorey residence or building.
  • It has also made the modern city possible.
  • It has quickened the rate of scientific changes.
  • It has quickened the technology. changes.
  • It has also quickened the growth of the industry.
  • But it has handicapped the ancient art of letter writing.
  • It has played a great role in the social changes of a country.
  • Waging war has become more efficient for this.
  • It has also extended the scope of human conflicts.
  • Since it impartially propagates the useful knowledge of scientists.
  • It also propagates the babble of bores.
  • It also propagates the affection of the affectionate.
  • It also propagates the malice of the malicious.
  • The use of telephones also values personal risks.
  • It values as it involves exposure.
  • The telephone is our connecting link with society.
  • Marshal McLuhan has said that the telephone creates, “a kind of extra-sensory perception.”

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 3 Text A: The Telephone

Meaning of difficult words:
remote – separated, indirect, distant, a long way away.
elevator – a lift in a big building to carry people up and down.
multi-story – many-storeyed, high building with a lot of stories.
quantum leap – a very large improvement
ease – comfort, a happy state of affairs.
accelerated – hasten, the progress of, to increase the speed of, quickened.
crippled – handicapped, disabled, unable to do things.
evanescent – disappear, vanish from sight or memory.
nerve-end – connecting link, bridging gap.
paradox – two apparently contrad¬ictory elements made a paradox of they can be reconceived to give a truth.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Math Notes Chapter 6 Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Math Notes Chapter 6 Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations will enable students to study smartly.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Math Notes Chapter 6 Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations

Unit imaginary number ‘i’.
The unit imaginary number i = √-1
i2 = -1
i3 = -i
i4 = 1
In general (i)4n = 1, (i)4n+1 = i, (i)4n+2 = -1, and (i)4n+3 = -i.
⇒ If a and b are positive real numbers then
√-a × √-b = -√ab
√a × √b = √ab

Complex Number
General form: = z = a +ib

  • a = Real part of (z)  = Re (z)
  • b = Imaginary part of (z) = Im(z)
  • a + i0 is purely real and 0 + ib is purely imaginary .
  • a + ib = c + id iff a = c and b = d

Complex Algebra
(a) Addition of complex numbers
If z1 = a + ib and z2 = c + id then z1 + z2 = (a + c) + i(b + d)


  • Addition is commutative: z1 + z2 = z2 + z1
  • Addition is associative: (z1 + z2) + z3 = z1 + (z2 + z3)
  • 0 + i0 is the additive identity.
  • -z is the additive inverse of z.

(b) Subtraction of complex numbers:
z1 = a + ib and z2 = c + id then z1 – z2 = (a – c) + i(b – d)

(c) Multiplication of complex numbers:
z1 = a + ib and z2 = c + id then z1z2 = (ac – bd) + i(bc + ad)


  • Multiplication is commutative: z1z2 = z2z1
  • Multiplication is associative: z1(z2z3) = z1z2(z3)
  • 1 = 1 + i0 is the multiplicative identity.
  • If z = a + ib then the inverse of z.
    z-1 = \(\frac{1}{a+i b}=\frac{a-i b}{(a+i b)(a-i b)}\)
    = \(\frac{a-i b}{a^2+b^2}=\frac{a}{a^2+b^2}-\frac{i b}{a^2+b^2}\)
  • Multiplication is distributive over addition. z1(z2 + z3) = z1z2 + z1z3

Conjugate and modulus of a complex number:
If  z = a + ib the conjugate of z is \(\bar{Z}\) = a – ib.
⇒ We get conjugate by replacing i by (-i) Modulus of z = a + ib is denoted by |z| and |z| = \(\sqrt{a^2+b^2}\)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Math Notes Chapter 6 Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations

Properties Of Conjugate:
(i) \((\overline{\bar{z}})\) = z
(ii) z + \(\bar{z}\) = 2 Re (z)
(iii) z – \(\bar{z}\) = 2i m̂ (z)
(iv) z – \(\bar{z}\) ⇔ z is purely real
(v) Conjugate of real number is itself.
(vi) z + \(\bar{z}\) = 0 ⇒ z is purely imaginary.
(vii) z. \(\bar{z}\) = [Re(z)]2 + [m̂(z)]2
= a2 + b2
= |z|2
(viii) \(\overline{z_1+z_2}=\overline{z_1}+\overline{z_2}\)
(ix) \(\overline{z_1-z_2}=\overline{z_1}-\overline{z_2}\)
(x) \(\overline{z_1z_2}=\overline{z_1}\overline{z_2}\)
(xi) \(\left(\overline{\frac{z_1}{z_2}}\right)=\frac{\overline{z_1}}{\overline{z_2}}\)

Properties of modulus:
(1) Order relations are not defined for complex numbers. i,e,. z1 > z2 or z1 < z2 has no meaning but |z1| < |z2| or |z1| > |z2| is meaningful because |z1| and |z2| are real numbers.
(2) |z|  = 0 ⇔ z = 0
(3) |z| = |\(\bar{z}\)| = |-z|
(4) |z| ≤ Re (z) ≤ |z| and -|z| ≤ m̂ (z) ≤ |z|
(5) |z1z2| = |z1| |z2|
(6) \(\left|\frac{z_1}{z_2}\right|=\frac{\left|z_1\right|}{\left|z_2\right|}\)
(7) |z1 ± z2|2 = |z1|2 + |z2|2 ± 2 Re (z1\(\bar{z}_2\))
(8) |z1 + z2|2 = |z1 – z2|2 = 2(|z1|2 + |z2|2)
(9) |z1 + z2|2 ≤ |z1| + |z2|

Square Root Of Complex Number:
Let z = a + ib
Let √z = x + iy
CHSE Odisha Class 11 Math Notes Chapter 6 Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations
If b > 0 then x and y are taken as same sign.
If b < 0 then x and y are of opposite sign.

Representation of a complex number:
We represent a complex number in different forms like
(i) Geometrical form
(ii) Vector form
(iii) Polar form
(iv) Eulerian form or Exponential form

(i) Geometrical form:
Geometrically z = x + iy = (x, y) represents a point in a coordinate plane known as Argand plane or Gaussian plane.

(ii) Vector form:
In vector form a complex number z = x + iy is the vector \(\overrightarrow{\mathrm{OP}}\) where p(x, y) is the point in the cartesian plane.

(iii) Polar form:
A complex number z = x + iy  in polar form can be written as z = r(cos θ + i sin θ) where r = \(\sqrt{x^2+y^2}\) = |z| and θ is called the argument and -π < θ ≤ π. Technique to write z = x + iy in polar form.
Step – 1: Find r = |z| = \(\sqrt{x^2+y^2}\)
Step – 2: Find α = tan-1 \(\left|\frac{y}{x}\right|\)
Step – 3:
θ = α for x > 0, y > 0
θ = π – α for x > 0, y > 0
θ = -π + α for x > 0, y > 0
θ = -α for x > 0, y > 0
Step – 4: Write z = r(cos θ + i sin θ)

(iv) Eulerian form or Exponential form z = r e, because e = cos θ + i sin θ where θ is the argument and r is the modulus if z.

(1) |z1 z2 z3 ….. zn| = |z1||z2| …. |zn|
(2) arg (z1z2 …. Zn) = arg (z1) + arg (z2) + ….. + arg (zn)
(3) arg \(\left(\frac{z_1}{z_2}\right)\) = arg (z1) – arg (z2)
(4) arg \((\bar{z})\) = -arg (z)

Cube Roots Of Unity:
Cube roots of unity are 1, ω, ω2 where ω = \(\frac{-1 \pm i \sqrt{3}}{2}\)

Properties of Cube roots of unity:
(i) Cube roots of unity lie on unit circle |z| = 1
(ii) 1 + ω + ω2 = 0
(iii) Cube roots of -1 are -1, -ω, -ω2
(iv) 1 + ωn + ω2n \(=\left\{\begin{array}{l}
0 \text { if } n \text { is not a multiple of } 3 \\
3 \text { if } n \text { is a multiple of } 3
(v) z3 + 1 = (z + 1) (z + ω) (z + ω2)
(vi) -ω and -ω2 are roots of z2 – z + 1  = 0.

De-moivre’s theorem:
(a) (De-moivre’s theorem for integral index)
(cos θ + i sin θ)n = cos (nθ) + i sin (nθ)

(b) (De-moivre’s theorem for rational index)
cos (nθ) + i sin (nθ) is one of the values of (cos θ + i sin θ)n

(c) nth roots of unity
nth roots of unity are 1, α, α2, α3 …..αn-1. where α = ei\(\frac{2 \pi}{n}\) = cos \(\frac{2 \pi}{n}\) + i sin \(\frac{2 \pi}{n}\)


  • 1 + α + α2 ….. + αn-1 = 0
  • 1 + αp + α2p + ….. + α(n-1)p \(= \begin{cases}0 & \text { if } p \text { is not a multiple of } n \\ n & \text { if } p \text { is a multiple of } n\end{cases}\)
  • 1. α. α2 ….. αn-1 = (-1)n-1
  • zn – 1 = (z – 1) (z – α) (z – α2) …..(z – αn-1)

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Math Notes Chapter 6 Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations

Quadratic Equations:
The general form: ax2 + bx + c = 0  …(i)
Solutions of quadratic equation(1) are
x = \(\frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4 a c}}{2 a}\)
D = b2 – 4ac is called the discrimination of a quadratic equation.
D > 0 ⇒ The equation has real and distinct roots.
D = 0 ⇒ The equation has real and equal roots.
D < 0 ⇒ The equation has complex roots.

In a quadratic equation with real coefficients, the complex roots occur in conjugate pairs.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 1 Text B: Make me a child again, Just for tonight

Odisha State Board CHSE Odisha Class 11 Approaches to English Book 1 Solutions Unit 1 Text B: Make me a child again, Just for tonight Textbook Activity Questions and Answers.

CHSE Odisha 11th Class Alternative English Solutions Unit 1 Text B: Make me a child again, Just for tonight

Activity – 5

Getting the Main Idea:
Complete the following sentence in your own words to state the central idea of the above selection :
Adults would learn ________________
if they _________________________
and if they ______________________

Activity – 6

Understanding The Title:
Go back to the text and answer the following questions:
(a) Why does the author want to become a child again?
Childhood is the best period of learning. Children learn quicker and better than adults. Adults encounter a large number of problems and difficulties in learning. Hence, the author wants to become a child again.

(b) And why “just for tonight”.
The author talks about the learning by the adults in the evening colleges at night. Since it is difficult for adults to learn and children are prone to learn things easily, the author wants to become a child again for tonight.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 1 Text B: Make me a child again, Just for tonight

(c) What, according to Stern, are the points of contrast between the learning of children and that of adults?
(1) Children are fast learners.
(2) Children are fast learners.
(3) They have, less responsibilities in life.
(4) They get delight in the discovery of * new words, ideas etc.
(5) In an unhappy situation, children may quickly acquire the habit of lying.
(6) They provide enthusiastic curiosity to both teachers and parents.
(7) They have not too much demands in study.
1) Adults are very slow learners.
2) They are timid or fearful to questions.
3) They have much responsibilities in life.
4) They do not have much delight in the discovery of new words, ideas etc.
5) In an unhappy situation, adults may not quickly acquire the habit of lying.
6) They don’t provide enthusiastic curiosity to both teachers and parents.
7) They have too much demands in study.

Extra Activity – 6(A)

Question 1.
How does the writer justify that childhood is such a difficult time of life?
In fact, childhood is held as the difficult time of life, for this reason, there are child-guidance associations, child study clinics, child psychologists, child-centered homes and many other institutions for this purpose.

Question 2.
Why does the author say that adults are handicapped as students?
The author is of the view that adults are handicapped as students because they are no longer patient listners. They have also forgotten how to make use of their teachers who can give a ready knowledge of tilings.

Question 3.
What views do the evening college administrators put forth?
The evening college administrators are of the opinion that adult experience is a priceless commodity in the classroom for both teacher and students. But experience does not only count. Attitude is equally important.

Question 4.
What is the role of motivation in learning?
Motivation is a powerful driving force which propel in learning things. Children easily make use of it. But the adult students do not have that motivation in them.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 1 Text B: Make me a child again, Just for tonight

Activity -7

(a) Study how the following expressions have been used in Text-B and guess their meanings. The number of the paragraph in which each of these expressions occur is given against each within square brackets.

(i) afford to [2]
(ii) be wedded to [5]
(iii) on the other -hand [6]
(iv) by and large [6]
(v) be equipped with [7]
(vi) take pride in [11]
(vii) not only…. but… [11]

(i) afford to – spare or find enough time or money for, run a risk by doing something.
(ii) be wedded to – devoted to, unable to give up.
(iii) on the other hand – on the contrary.
(iv) by and large – on the whole, taking everything into consideration.
(v) be equipped with – supply (a person, oneself, a ship, etc.) (with what is need, for a purpose)
(vi) take pride in – having some pride about somebody or something.
(vii) not only but also – both… and

(b) In the conversation between Meera and Sonali below, fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the suitable expressions from the above list.

Meera: Hi, Sonali, how are you?
Sonali: Hi, I’m fine, how are you?
Meera: Fine, Sonali, are you coming to the Bollywood concert tonight?
Sonali: I’m sorry, I can’t buy a ticket for the concert. I have not got money enough to pay my mess bills for this month.
Meera: Would you mind sharing my complimentary pass? It will admit me you too.
Sonali: Thank you very much for this, friendly gesture. Do you know who will conduct the opera?
Meera: Oh, yes, Haven’t you heard of Pandit Ravi Shankar? The whole country this great Indian musicians accomplishments.
Sonali: Oh, it would be wonderful then. Will it be a botheration for you to pick me up on your way to the concert?
Meera: Not at all it’ll be a pleasure. See you then.
Sonali: Goodbye, Meera.
Meera: Hi, Sonali, how are you?
Sonali: Hi, I’m fine, how are you?
Meera: Fine, Sonali, are you coming to the Bollywood concert tonight?
Sonali: I’m sorry, I can’t afford to buy a ticket for the concert. I haven’t got money enough to pay my mess bills for this month.
Meera: Would you mind sharing my complimentary pass? It will admit not only me but also you too.
Sonali: Thank you very much for this friendly gesture. Do you know who will conduct the opera?
Meera: Oh, yes, Haven’t you heard of Pandit Ravi Shankar? The whole country take pride in this great Indian musician’s accomplishments.
Sonali: Oh, it would be wonderful then. Will it be a botheration for you to pick me up on your way to the concert? Meera: Not at all on the other hand it’ll a pleasure. See you then.
Sonali: Goodbye, Meera.

Extra Activity – 7(A)
(a) Question tags are short questions that are tagged with the statements in order to seek opinion from the listener. However, positive statements take negative tags and negative statements take positive tags.

It is hot now, isn’t it?
He is here, isn’t he?
They reached in time, didn’t they?
We made a plan, didn’t we?
It is not hot now, is it?
You are not my friend, aren’t you?

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 1 Text B: Make me a child again, Just for tonight

(b) Negative statements without ‘not’.
None of the boys can do it, can they? He saw no one there, did he?

(c) Negativisers (little, few, hardly, scarcely, rarely, seldom, etc.) Sentences with these items are negative in meaning.
Hence, they take positive tags.
Few boys were present, we aren’t they?
He has little knowledge about the matter, hasn’t he?
He has already any money, has he?
Then scarcely comes here, do they?
My friends rarely make a quarrel, do they?
He seldom speaks English, does he?

(d) Imperatives:
Open the door, will you?
Shut your mouth, will you?
Don’t go there, will you?

(e)’Let’ sentence:
Let’s go, shall we?
Let’s dig a well, shall we?

(f) Subject for nobody, somebody, everybody, we use ‘they’ in tag question.
Nobody phoned, did they?
Somebody helped her, didn’t they?
Everybody can’t do it, can they?

(g) ‘I am’ takes a question tag, aren’t I?
I am innocent, aren’t I?
I am happy, aren’t I?
I am regular, aren’t I?

Discussion of Text-B :
Read the Text-B once again this time slowly and notice the pattern Mr. Stem has followed in presenting his central idea which may be stated as follows :

“Adults would learn faster and more easily if they reacted the way children do, and if they had the same purpose and drive that motivated their own learning when they were children.”

You can use the glossary following activity 6 while reading the text slowly to understand how its parts are related. Before preceding further, you must go through Text- B. If you have finished your second reading of Text-B, you can read the following discussion of its structure.

An Overview of the Structure of Text B:
Paragraph (1-2): Two lines from a poem lead to a discussion of childhood and function as a spring bird to the central idea.

Paragraph (3): One part of the central idea is explicitly stated- “adults in evening classes would learn faster and more easily if they reached’ the way children do.”

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 1 Text B: Make me a child again, Just for tonight

Paragraph (4): A transition has been affected through an invitation to the reader to notice the difference between the way children learn and they way adults learn.

Paragraph (5-8): First part of the elaboration of the central theme contrast between children and adults in respect of attitudes and habits. ^

Paragraph (9): The last sentence of paragraph-8, is the form of a question and the answer to that question in paragraph 9 serves as transition to paragraph 10.

Paragraph (10-17): Second part of the. elaboration of the .central idea- “adults, if they wish to learn as effectively as the children do, should have the same purposiveness and drive that motivated learning in childhood.”

Paragraph (18-19): The central idea is restated and then to notice the pattern the author is using in presenting his or her thinking

Learning to grasp the structure of a text as you read is not easy. But with every text you practice on, you will become a little surer, a little better, you can test your ability to grasp the central idea of a text and to understand the relationship between its parts when you come to Text-C in the next section.

Section – C

Pre-reading Activity:
Text-C, which follows, is by Mera Welynski, a freelance writer who attended a small private school in New York City. In confessions of ‘Misspent Youth’ an article published in Newsweek magazine in 1976. She contrasts her progressive education with the basic education of traditional schools.

Add question tags to the following statements :
1. Come my boy.
2. He will be late.
3. He had played well.
4. You aren’t busy now.
5. She was dancing fine.
6. He only can do it.
7. Everybody had it.
8. He cut a tree.
9. Pradeep would do it.
10. I have a pen.
11. Shut the door.
12. Few people can do it.
13. He had a bad experience.
14. A few boys were present.
15. There is a cow.
16. He has a long journey to cover.
17. That is mine.
18. It rains in July.
19. Let’s have picnic.
20. Man is mortal.
21. A cow is a domestic animal.
22. He rarely comes here.
23. Come at once.
24. I am not a poet.
25. Please do it.
26. Stop going there.
27. She made all possible.
28. Read every day.
29. You needn’t do it.
30. The place was isolated.
31. He can’t lift it.
32. She is ten years old.
33. You must do it.
34. Nothing went wrong.
35. He hardly drinks tea.
36. He never drinks coffee.
37. He used to wear a coat.
38. Rana does not play cricket.
39. Sita does the work.
40. You’d like a drink.

1. Come my boy, will you?
2. He will be late, won’t he?
3. He had played well, hadn’t he?
4. You aren’t busy now, are you?
5. She was dancing fine, wasn’t she?
6. He only can do it, can he?
7. Everybody had it, hadn’t they?
8. He cut a tree, didn’t he?
9. Pradeep would do it, wouldn’t he?
10. I have a pen, haven’t I.
11. Shut the door, will you?
12. Few people can do it, can they?
13. He had a bad experience, didn’t he?
14. A few boys were present, were they?
15. There is a cow, isn’t there?
16. He has a long journey to cover, doesn’t he?
17. That is mine, isn’t that
18. It rains in July, doesn’t it?
19. Let’s have a picnic, shall we?
20. Man is mortal, isn’t he?
21. A cow is a domestic animal, isn’t it?
22. He rarely comes here, doesn’t he?
23. Come at once, will you?
24. I am not a poet, am I?
25. Please do it, will you?
26. Stop going there, will you?
27. She made all possible, didn’t she?
28. Read every day, will you? ,
29. You needn’t do it, need you?
30. The place was isolated, wasn’t it?
31. He can’t lift it, can he?
32. She is ten years old, isn’t she?
33. You must do it, mustn’t you?
34. Nothing went wrong, did it?
35. He hardly drinks tea, does he?
36. He never drinks coffee, does he?
37. He used to wear a coat, did he?
38. Rana does not play cricket, does he?
39. Sita does the work, doesn’t he?
40. You’d like a drink, wouldn’t you?

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 1 Text B: Make me a child again, Just for tonight

Make me a child again, Just for tonight Summary in English

“Backward turn backward,
O Time, in your flight.
Make me a child again just for

The above lines appear in Elizabeth Akers Allen’s poem “Rock Me to Sleep, Mother”. Childhood is held at the high esteem as a pivotal period. We have child guidance associations, child study clinics, child psychologists and child centered homes. These can make childhood endurable for infants. Actually, it is true that children usually learn faster than adults. But on the other hand, adults are very careful learners. Of course, they are more frightful than youngsters about asking questions. Adults are also shrouded with responsibilities. This obstructs him from learning. Adults have also a lot of bad habits unconsciously. Some adults have almost a compulsion to be ‘experts’ on every subject and others accept what that ‘experts’ say. Adults are also handicapped as students by the fact that they do not prove patient listeners.

According to evening college administrators, the adults experience in a priceless commodity in the classroom for both teachers and students. But experience is not all. Attitude is as important as experience. on each subject, Mature people need the enthusiasm and self-consciousness of the child in order to capitalize fully in the classroom on their life experience.

However, motivation is another fundamental and essential thing that takes place in learning with children. Children have a natural and built in motivation. They went to communicate and to be communicated with. They want mastery and power. They also want to understand and to be understood. But purpose does not operate in such an automatic and instinctive way wi the adult students in evening classes. If an adult student does not speak English well and he wants a good job, then he should attend an evening college to improve his standard. This can be the actual way for him to fulfill his aim of life in a better and greater way.

Outlines of the passage :

  • Childhood is held at the high esteem as a pivotal period.
  • We have child guidance associations, child study clinics, child psychologists and child centered homes.
  • These can make childhood endurable for infants.
  • Actually, children usually learn faster than adults.
  • But, adults are very careful learners.
  • Again, they are more fearful than youngsters about asking questions.
  • Adults are full of responsibilities.
  • This disturbs his learning.
  • Of course, adults have some bad habits.
  • Some adults are compelled to be expert on each subject,
  • Adults are not patient listeners.
  • According to evening college administrator, the adults experience in a priced commodity.
  • But experience is not all in all.
  • Attitude is as important as experience.
  • Mature people need the enthusiasm and self-consciousness of their child.
  • Motivation is another, fundamental and essential thing in learning with children.
  • Children have a natural and built-in motivation.
  • They want to communicate and to be communicated.
  • They want mastery and power.
  • They also want to understand and to be understood.
  • The purpose operates differently in case of adult students.
  • An adult student who does not speak English well and wants a job should attend evening college.
  • It can fulfill his aim of life.

CHSE Odisha Class 11 Alternative English Solutions Unit 1 Text B: Make me a child again, Just for tonight

Words meaning :

flight – noun form of fly, here passage of time.
modem standards – something used as a test or measure for qualities or for the required degree of, excellence.
inexcusably – unpardonably, that what can’t be excused.
sentimental – emotional, having to do with feeling.
inaccurate – inexact, improper, inadequate.
carefree – free from, affliction, anxiety, bondage.
solemn – grave, serious-looking,
extreme – highest degree, absolute, entire.
clinics – places were pathological tests and diagnosis of diseases are made.
psychologists – experts in psychology,
people having high proficiency in mental functioning, here of children.
endurable – lasts for a long time, lasting.
infants – children,
soap opera – a television drama serial about the happenings in the lives of a group of people.
scarcely – rarely, hardly, seldom.
Late Victorians – English people living towards the end of Queen Victoria’s reign. That is, in the last quarter of the 19th century, who had strict moral attitudes as well as sentimentality.
faster – quicker, speedier,
adults – grown-ups, mature men and women.
defense mechanism- the way of defending oneself to escape imminent problems.
contemporaries – belonging to the same time.
delight in – taking pleasure in.
curiosity – anxious to learn, inquisitiveness.
enormous – a large number of, plenty of, great deal of.
grasp – understand, comprehend
cautious – needful, careful, meticulous.
timid – coward, afraid, not boold enough
ridiculous – absurd, grotesque, unnatural, mocking.
handicapped – weak and disabled, disadvantaged.
shrugged off – dismiss something as not deserving attention as something trivial.
unconsciously – without awareness or sense.
equipped with – well furnished with, full of.
skeptical – inclined not to believe, in the habit of questioning the truth of claims, statements, etc. opposed to stoic.
oneself – consciousness- not worried about what other people think of oneself.
spontaneity – noun form of ‘spontaneous’, automatic flow.
subtle – delicate, soft, tender.
persuade – to, induce by argument, to convince.
omnipresent – the act of being present everywhere
mockery – jest, joke, ridicule, absurdity, etc.
obvious – clear, terse, succinct.
dissuade – opposed to persuade, distract.
egg-head – a person who is very intelligent and is interested only in theories and books.
cliche – an expression used so often.